"Tiger God forgive me, there are too many people, and they are still a group of college students who refuse to accept discipline. It is difficult to bring them here so easily without killing two people."

The grimace changed twice.

In the end it turned into a weird smile.

The huge tiger paw patted the owner of the villa on the shoulder.

"You are very good."

The low voice, like a man, a woman, and a baby, is extremely weird.

Instead, the huge tiger standing two meters tall turned his head and plunged into the crowd, looking at a few girls who were screaming just now.

"You guys, were you mocking this god just now?"

The moment it opened, there was a gust of wind, and many people could even see a finger stuck in the teeth of the ghost-faced tiger's mouth.

Combined with the bones and broken corpses piled up everywhere in the cave.

Many people's faces suddenly turned pale.

This is a really cannibalistic tiger! !

And the girls who had screamed before, as well as a boy, couldn't bear it anymore, and when he rolled his eyes, he fainted.

"My God, is it so scary?"

The ghost face of the ghost-faced tiger turned into a crying face.

Seeing this scene, the people in the villa suddenly changed their expressions.

This means that Tiger God is angry!

Chapter [-] The poor monk helps you get rid of demons! (Begging for flowers! Ask for tickets!)

To the students' surprise, after the ghost-faced tiger roared, he turned his head and walked back to the black iron coffin.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But this time.

The weird, male-female voice of the ghost-faced tiger rang out again.

"Prepare the sacrificial meal, use these disrespectful people just now."

Everyone was stunned.

What do you mean?

Then they saw the chefs, security guards, and more than a dozen people in the villa, carrying kitchen knives and boning knives, walking towards them. All the students retreated in confusion, leaving only a few students lying on the ground.

These more than a dozen people picked up the three men and five women who had passed out on the ground, gave everyone a cold look, turned and walked to the other side of the stone cave.

The people who were not taken captive breathed a sigh of relief.

In the crowd, Ye Liangchen gritted his teeth, his face was extremely cold, and there was also a trace of fear.

because he noticed.

Where the dozen or so people walked, there were several large pots, more than ten buckets of water, chopping boards, and various seasonings.

In Ye Liangchen's heart, he almost guessed what would happen next.

Thinking of this scene.

He was so angry that he wanted to kill.

At the same time, in my heart, I was also cold with fear.

Everyone noticed it at this time.

A security guard puts a male classmate on the chopping board.

Then lift the boning knife.



Blood spurts.

Everyone was silent for a moment, opened their mouths wide, wanted to scream, suddenly remembered the fate of several classmates who had screamed before, and quickly covered their mouths with their own hands, tears were left unsatisfactory.


These people are all devils!


An emotion called despair gradually spread among the crowd.

Ye Liangchen was panting heavily, screaming in his heart.

"Father Che, come and save your son!!"


On the other side, Jiang Che ran down the mountain road with Lu Xiaoyuan on his back.

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