Although Lu Xiaoyuan is also a capable person, her physique is much stronger than that of ordinary people, but compared with Jiang Che, she is completely a bright moon and firefly. In order to save time, she can only shyly climb onto Jiang Che's back.

The reason why you must bring Lu Xiaoyuan.

First, Jiang Che was afraid that the villa was still in danger; second, if he rescued those classmates, dozens of people would be walking in the deep mountains, and if he encountered danger, it would be difficult for him to handle it alone.

Run all the way.

The two came to a cave.

On the book in Lu Xiaoyuan's hand, a bunch of burning candles swayed violently.

"Jiang Da, in it, there is a super evil as powerful as a female water ghost!"

Her face was solemn.

"Okay, you follow me and protect yourself carefully."

Jiang Che nodded.

He went deeper into the cave.

Silent aside.

"Draw a bronze card."

Draw a card, just in case.

With the energy of 1000 white flowers thrown out.

The huge roulette wheel spins and stops.

An evil beast with black aura, tiger body, horns, and wings appeared in front of Jiang Che, and a ferocious aura rushed towards him. Even in Jiang Che's current state, he couldn't help but feel a chill. .

After seeing this alien beast.

Jiang Che's body trembled.


"Out of SSR!!"

"The Four Fierce Mountains and Seas - Qiong Qi."

Qiongqi (bronze): There is an evil beast in the north, called Qiongqi, who has wings and can fly, and can eat people.

Jiang Che never expected it.

Just in a hurry, I drew a life-saving hole card, and this big BOSS card was actually revealed.

And with the end of his card draw.

A brightly lit cave also appeared in front of the two of them. There was a smell of meat and some pungent blood in the air. Jiang Che couldn't help frowning, and he had a bad guess in his heart.

He stepped into the cave one step at a time.

In an instant, everyone looked over.

The ghost-faced tiger is sleeping in the black iron coffin.

I saw Jiang Che's appearance.

The owner of the villa suddenly turned gloomy, and whispered: "Go three people, tie him up, don't let him run into the tiger god."

Zhou Hua took the steel rod and volunteered: "Uncle Biao, let me go."

But the owner of the villa shook his head: "No, you haven't received the gift of the Tiger God, that person is not simple, you are not his opponent."

Zhou Hua was a little dissatisfied.

He looked at the three security guards who walked past.

In an instant, his pupils widened, and he quickly covered his mouth to prevent himself from screaming.

The security guard who was originally normal, at this time, a pair of big, muscular hands stretched out from behind, directly tearing through the clothes; one person grew beast-like claws on his hands; one person stretched out a wagging tail from behind.

As the three of them walked, they directly stepped out one by one deep footprints on the ground.

Zhou Hua swallowed hard.

How much power does this gain or lose?

"Don't worry, you have made a lot of credit for getting so many sacrifices this time. When the Tiger God is happy, he will also bless you."

The owner of the villa patted Zhou Hua on the shoulder.

Zhou Hua felt a little tingling in his shoulders, and turned his head to look, only to find that his uncle's palm had already turned into a black bear's paw, covered with gleaming barbs.

At this time, the three security guards also walked in front of Jiang Che.

Seeing that these three people are not ghosts or ghosts.

Jiang Che grinned.

"Several of them were caught by monsters, and the poor monk will help you get rid of the monsters!"

Chapter [-] Was Killed? (Begging for flowers! Ask for tickets!)

It was also at this time that a group of desperate students noticed Jiang Che's arrival.

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