"Smash an arm and you should be able to come out easily."

"Come and hold back, don't be afraid of the pain, it will be over in no time."

Jiang Che swung the sledgehammer.

And in hell.

All the demons widened their eyes.

Damn it! Humans can be so shameless and passionate.

Greeted with a smile.

It's like everyone is a long-lost father and son.

On the one hand it can.

Sledgehammer held high.

Violent eyes.

You are real dogs! The giant zombies are even more, almost crying.

What a devil you are! The snake skin's tolerance is over.

I can walk out of this space passage in minutes, so I have to... special, is it fast to break one of my hands?

The giant zombie knew he was wrong.

This dog is better than.

It's not that I want to cut off my hand.

But two! I saw Jiang Che, grabbing the giant blue palm, and without saying a word, the sledgehammer slammed down, not one hit, but one hit after another, with a loud bang bang bang bang bang , The entire Longquan Mountain was smashed into countless huge cracks and ravines.

Kacha! Kacha! The sound of broken bones also sounded.

One arm of the giant zombie was directly smashed to pieces, and then Jiang Che grabbed its other arm and pulled it out abruptly, revealing the top of the giant zombie's head.

Jiang Che raised his sledgehammer again.

Smashed the other arm of the demon.

Then he grabbed its hair, gave it abruptly, and dragged it out.

The giant zombie, whose hands were all crippled, was also stabbed by the void, and was bruised all over his body. In the end, he could only let Jiang Che be smashed into a puddle of minced flesh and swallowed.

See this cruel scene.

Many abyss demons.

In the summer, I felt shivering all over my body and cold hands and feet.

Can the world get better and why?

Terrifying creatures like Earthlings! Our demon race.

What did I do wrong.

To be treated by this devil, this way and the other side.

on the stone seat.

Demon Lord Buck.

It was already, his face was so gloomy that he was about to drip blood, and it was crushed in one hand. In his hand, there was a giant goblet of semi-art quality.

Its icy voice.

Packed with endless murderous intent.

"Whoever killed this person dared to insult my holy clan so much, this is trampling on the dignity of our demon clan!"

"A bunch of trash! We are dignified demons, are we really frightened by a mere human being?"

"Who can kill him!"

Buck's rumbling sound shook the abyss.

Its majestic gaze swept around.

The powerful demon generals in sight all lowered their heads. Even some high-ranking demon generals with terrifying aura were all looking at their eyes, nose, nose and heart, and they were unwilling to take the initiative to ask for credit to provoke such a person. The means were cruel. opponent.

After all, they are dignified gods.

to this indigenous world.

Strength is to be suppressed.

If you die under such circumstances, then the real gain outweighs the loss.

Even more terrifying.

this native.

The method is so cruel! It seems to be frying and frying, and he is proficient in everything.

On the sky in the abyss, in the projection of that picture, many demons have seen in horror.

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