That... terrifying human dashed again.

Soul Eater.

And in his hand, I don't know when, a huge pot with a diameter of more than [-] meters appeared, which seemed to be condensed from the mysterious power of that mountain.

Mad! If you fight, fight! What is the port pot doing? There are so many magic generals, the eyelids are shaking, and the corners of the mouth are twitching.

Just ask an opponent who is always ready to stew you.

who is not afraid

Chapter [-] Brother Bird, BBQ? (The first update, I'm really sorry, I have something to do outside today, it's a bit late)

"There is a bird in Beiming, its name is Kun, Kun is so big that it can't be stewed in one pot."

"It turned into a bird, its name is Peng, Peng Zhida, it needs two barbecue grills."

On Longquan Mountain.

Jiang Che was full of interest, and hummed in his mouth.

"One spiced, one spicy."

"Come to a bottle of snowflakes and take you to the end of the world!"

He walked towards the mountainside, and a large bird climbed out half of his body.

This big bird is terrifying in size, comparable to a passenger plane.

Its aura is very strong, especially the pair of dark eyes, which are very deep, like two forbidden abyss, almost one glance at people, it feels that the soul will be sucked into.

And now in the abyss world.

Countless demons widened their eyes, and in their eyes, there was a light called hope flashing.

Especially some magicians.

They all looked at the Soul Eater Demon with excitement.

It's very simple, this bird demon is very special. Among Buck's subordinates, it is the median demon general, worthy of the number one powerhouse.

Because it has enslaved countless demon souls, with strange methods and ruthless hearts, all the enemies of the Soul Eater Bird Demon were eventually swallowed up by it, and their souls were also angry.

Except... the superior demon general, no demon dared to provoke it! At this time, Jiang Che was holding a large iron pot in one hand.

The other big hand opened to control the dojo, and the ancient prohibition was activated.

Some dark substances were extracted from the ground, forming two grills in the void, hundreds of meters in length, and then, the terrifying flames engulfed the two grills, and the substances inside were constantly changing. .

It is worth mentioning that.

The cauldron in Jiang Che's hand was also refined in this way.

It's not magic.

but the power of science.

Jiang Che took advantage of the first-level prohibition of Jiuxuan Ancient Dojo to extract iron ore from the underground, and then manipulated another... heavy flame prohibition, using the 'furnace reduction method' to make iron, and then burn some charcoal to make steel.


And he got two, red, steel grills.

He carried the wok in one hand and the grill in the other.

Very enthusiastic, he rushed towards the Soul Eater Demon.

"Brother Bird, are you BBQ?"

Hear this invitation.

Soul Eater Demon has a pair of dark eyeballs.

Couldn't help but stare.

The whole bird was stunned.

Nima's! Are you inviting me to barbecue? You clearly want to roast Lao Tzu who promises Shabi! "No, I still have things at home, I must!"

The Soul Eater hurriedly waved its wings.

I just want to shrink into the space channel.

But this time.

Jiang Che had already pounced on him, a big hand firmly grasping, a wing of the soul-eating bird demon.

"Brother Bird, stay here, come here, what else did you say next time?"

"Just this time, this time for sure!"

"Come on, I'll give you a massage first, and make you feel comfortable, and we'll start today's barbecue. Brother Bird, let me tell you, if you come to me, then I must do my best as a landlord. , It will definitely make you satisfied with your play, and the bird will not leave any regrets."

And hear him.

The Soul Eater Bird Demon was stunned for a moment.

Then react.

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