This scene.

It completely fooled everyone outside the mountain.

What was originally an anxious and tense invasion of another world, just like that, turned into a unique culinary feast and cooking show "This is too showy!"

"I'm so beautiful that my scalp is numb!"

"Lao Jiang is awesome!"

the other side.

Luo Ji, who was rushing over, holding up his mobile phone and broadcasting live, had a smile on his face.

The program effect is full! Live room.

Ping Twilight is about to be wiped out.

Ten nuclear bombs, twenty nuclear bombs! Here comes a sledgehammer with a hammer! "The upstairs is awesome, sending out one million in one go is equivalent to one hundred nuclear bombs."

"This is the first time I watched, is this the one who is capable? Love love."

"Hehe, this is a fart capable person, what is this called an actor, and filming, I can't see it"

"Chef saves the world!"

"You are... the legendary God of Cooking"

"It's all too long, look at the anchor, the official certification, the deputy director of Dayuan City, this is so true!"


"Fuck, it really is!"

"That said, just now that..., the live broadcast that claimed to be evil is also true."

Countless people were almost dumbfounded by the shock.

With the development of this live broadcast, everyone completely realized how terrifying the current human race powerhouses are.

Such a powerful abyss demon.

It can only be used as a raw material! On the other side.

in the abyss.

Buck's face was so gloomy that he was about to bleed, and he glanced gloomily about him.


"It's all trash!"

"I was restrained by a mere human being"

"You are all abyss demons who were killed from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, is that all you can do!"

Buck's rumbling sound.

It was a direct shock, and some weak demons, humanoids, burst their chests and died.

Several high-ranking demons will look at each other.

understand this time.

There is no way for these people to be alone.

The strongest among the median demon generals has already failed, so the next step must be...they go up.

Eight 8-ranked magic generals.

He is also the leader of the magic general in Buck's territory.

They all stood up.

"Lord Buck, I am willing to go and bring this human head back to you!"

"Please order the monarch!"

"We will flatten this side of the indigenous world!"

Commanded by a demon general, his voice was like thunder and he was majestic.

In fact, I really want to say that there is too much fear of Jiang Che, maybe those... low-level demons, as well as ordinary demon generals, really have this kind of emotion.

But these... the devil will lead.

But it is not afraid! Although the opponent's fierce fighting style and cruel methods.

It also shocked them.

But judging from the strength, judging from the picture.

These... Demon Generals are very confident, and the strength of that human being is far worse than that of me.

Ordinary magician.

To the point of the great commander of the devil.

Strength is different.

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