Even if they cultivated themselves to the level of a median demon general, they would definitely be able to hang ten 10 median demon generals with one hand.

These... Demon Generals lead.

The accumulated rich combat experience, powerful and strange abilities, etc., can be suppressed without suppressing the realm.

So in fact, they are more of a kind of psychological fear towards Jiang Che, but in terms of strength, they are confident.

And actually.

their feeling.

is right.

With Jiang Che's current speed, strength, and ability, he really wants to fight against a high-ranking divine general, even if the opponent's realm is suppressed.

He definitely couldn't be better off.

Because until now.

Jiang Che was still there, just relying on the two obsidian beast souls, fighting.

If it's just a beast soul, it's at the golden level.

Maybe the difference in strength from the golden card is only double, and two golden beast souls can be completely equivalent to the full increase of a golden card.

But to the Obsidian card.

This theory is completely invalid.

The Obsidian Beast Soul has a huge difference in combat power compared to directly using the Exotic Beast Card.

Because the Obsidian card, the strongest place lies in the power of the source! And the powerful enhancements in various aspects, such as the body, blood, etc.

The beast soul is just one of the enhancements.

The reason why Jiang Che is not in a hurry to use the Obsidian card.

I was afraid that I would scare away the energy of these white flowers.

And the facts prove it.

his thoughts.

So correct.

as now.

A group of high-ranking demon generals, just at the other end of the abyss, stared at him.

If he showed too much power from the beginning, I'm afraid these... Demon generals would not even dare to come over.

"good very good!"

Barclay's thunderous voice sounded: "I will use my power to break the void barbs of the eight space passages, so that you can rush over in an instant, and not be caught in the void passage by this humble human being."

"But it also has a disadvantage, that is, the altar will be shaken and unstable due to the intervention of my power. It will take a quarter of an hour to re-stabilize the altar."

"Only then can you return to the abyss again."

"During this period, I hope you have captured all the countries of this indigenous world separately!"

"Can it be done"

Buck shouted in a muffled voice.

The eight generals of the Eight Demon Generals nodded solemnly: "Yes! Your Majesty!"

Chapter [-] Amazing harvest (first more)

Got eight love generals, confident response.

Buck's angry mood finally eased a little, his eyes swept across more than twenty space cracks, and his eyes became cold again.

Originally, there was a powerful demon general in these... fissures, but now, it is empty.

Except... the three demon generals were lucky and escaped.

The rest, all suffered by the earth man's black hands! These... are all important forces under Buck's hands.

This loss made him very sad.


"Break five for this gentleman."

Buck burst out.

In an instant, countless ancient symbols appeared in the void, with the meaning of vicissitudes and desolation.

These... the characters shining with red copper magic light, affecting the supreme law of the abyss, condensed into terrifying chains of avenues, suppressing the cracks in space.

The chains are ferocious, like a giant dragon roaring, wrapped in terrifying power, easily crushing the space barbs in the eight cracks.

And with this terrifying force entered.

The eight space passages have also become: crumbling, as if they may be broken at any time.

At this time, on the ground, those... devil sacrifices quickly closed the rest of the animal bone altars, and instead concentrated all their energy on the eight largest altars, so that they were able to stabilize these eight passages.

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