"I will always remember you, our friendship will last forever, and I hope to meet people like you in the future!"

Jiang Che shouted very sincerely.

That's right, he is very much looking forward to meeting a good person like Qianmu Xiejun.

It can bring him countless energies.

And under the tombstone.

Thousands of eyes that were as angry as gossamers heard Jiang Che's two words, it was directly angry, the soul was broken, and the old anger did not come up, the soul was broken, and it was completely destroyed.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 99.


Jiang Che remembered a few words, and then looked back at the system panel.

He pondered for a while: "The soul of a beast in the Divine Treasure Realm, using it once, consumes too much soul power, and it can only last for two or three breaths. If it is maintained for a whole battle, I am afraid that it will consume soul power, which will be very terrifying."

"If you really want to fight, you still need to use an alien card."

"And I currently have too few cards that are suitable for dealing with battles. There is only one Chiyou and one Yinglong."

These two.

A divine card and an obsidian card.

For the quality cards further down, for... Jiang Che, they can only be used as functional cards at critical moments, and they are already very weak for... actual combat assistance.


A card that he can really use in battle.

Actually it's not enough.

Just two.

Moreover, both of them are very rare cards. Jiang Che estimates that their combat power is probably one level higher than ordinary cards of the same quality.

For example, Yinglong.

Judging from Jiang Che's current experience, the ordinary obsidian card can easily crush the middle god general, and can fight against the upper god general. .

But if you use Yinglong.

Then it can almost crush all realms under the throne! And it is definitely crushed with one hand.

Even, it is not impossible to fight against the so-called Throne of God.

This is the horror of Shanhai World, the second boss.

Apart from the two who can be tied for the first place, Yinglong is a well-deserved, invincible powerhouse, and its exotic beast card can do this, it is no exaggeration.

As for Chi You, I am afraid he is not much weaker than Ying Long.

So these two cards.

If Jiang Che hadn't encountered a real powerful enemy, he would definitely be reluctant to use it.

This also led to .

He now has fewer Exotic Cards available for battle.

"For a short-term battle, just open the beast soul and crush the opponent."

"But if you encounter a strong enough enemy, or a group of enemies that are not weak, you need to fight for a long time, then it is necessary to use an alien card."

Jiang Che murmured: "It seems that I still need to draw a few exotic beast cards again."

He made a decision without hesitation.

"Draw three obsidian cards."

"Draw two divine treasure cards."

As for higher cards, they cannot be drawn now, because before, when the energy exceeded [-] million, Jiang Che received a system prompt.

"Ding, congratulations to the host's energy breaking through [-] million, and opening the access to the wild card extraction.

Note When extracting this card, please choose a safe and hidden location, and set up a certain degree of protection and prohibition.”

Because of this, Jiang Che could only take out the terrifying, terrifying card worth [-] million energy after finishing the matter here first.

"Ding, the obsidian card extraction begins..."

Chapter 318 Jedi Tiantong (mountain and sea background, if you don't like it, please skip to chapter [-])

As the drawing began, in front of Jiang Che, a stack of pitch-black cards that only he could see appeared. He picked three cards at random, and clearly read the ancient characters on them: Gonggong, Fengtai, and Pride.

Seeing this, Jiang Che was almost taken aback.

The three great gods These three are all well-known bigwigs in the mountain and sea era, and they are all gods in charge of one party.

For a moment when he was stunned, his eyes were already dark, and when he opened his eyes again, he arrived at an ancient battlefield in a barren land, with smoke and flames everywhere.

There is a god with a human head and a snake body, who is running around in the wild, persuading some gods who are dissatisfied with Zhuanxu's proclaiming emperor to fight it together.

Jiang Che knew that this one was... the Great God of Gonggong.

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