But in fact, this kind of demonic energy is very terrifying. It once really froze the gods, and the souls of some powerful true gods and generals were sealed in dust for dozens or hundreds of years, causing them to die in the passage of time.

There is demonic energy blazing like fire, burning everything.

There are also some, chaos, evil, which seem to completely guide the evil in people's hearts... All kinds of demonic energy with strange power, to name a few.


Thorn!! At the mountainside, a crack was opened, and in the middle, a very ferocious monster stepped out.

It has a human head and a worm-like body. It is muddy and has fist-sized spikes. It is densely packed and very terrifying. The surface of its skin is a faint green and white color.


The worm demon roared furiously, shaking wildly.

The demonic energy surged, almost to the point that the entire Longquan Mountain was almost crushed and crushed, which was extremely terrifying.

Although there is already a tyrannical law force in the dark, the strength of the worm demon is suppressed to the peak of the median god, but it is only by virtue of this huge size and momentum, it has already killed all the demon generals just now.

Everyone has no doubt that if this one makes a move, the more than [-] demon generals just now can't do it together.

And next.

Ka! Ka! Bang Bang Bang Bang! In the remaining several space passages, all the terrifying loud noises, surrounded by the demonic energy, one after another, huge figures rushed out from it in an instant. .

These figures are all hideous, and their bodies are even more astonishing. The shortest are more than [-] meters high, just like a high-rise commercial building. The tallest, more than [-] meters, is very huge.

Eight figures, standing there together, directly brought a terrifying oppressive force, which almost made people feel at a glance, and their hearts were about to collapse, and their souls were about to be shattered! "Humble aboriginal."

A muffled voice exploded: "Your world will be taken over by us, and you will become the property of the Abyss Demon Lord Buck, are you mentally prepared?"

More than [-] meters high, like a flaming demon on a hill, he opened his mouth and said, with a full playfulness on its face.

"By the way, in our abyss, pure-blooded human beings are the most noble food, so you can rest assured that you will be the most precious property, and will be protected by the owner and the most patient until, before the dinner table!"

The rumbling sound blew up some people, and their eardrums hurt.

Hearing Balrog's words, everyone's hairs stand on end and their scalps go numb. If it really becomes someone else's property, it is almost the biggest nightmare for mankind.

What is even more terrifying is that the terrifying strength displayed by the existence of these eight statues, just a word, a glance, makes a group of powerhouses separated by a layer of prohibition and a few kilometers, feeling like a light on the back, as if If you are not careful, you may die from a heart burst.

This terrifying and powerful enemy is enough to make anyone panic.

Horror! Horror! These eight statues are absolutely, amazing, taboos! Everyone's eyes widened.

Jiang Che, could it be their opponent? They are both worried and looking forward to whether Jiang Che can create a miracle again.

And this time.

Jiang Che on the top of Longquan Mountain threw away the wine bottle. He picked up the sledgehammer and pointed indignantly at the surrounding... those monstrous and bizarre giant shadows in the dark demonic energy.

"You... demons! The devil, who invaded my homeland, still wants to treat us as food, cruel! It's so cruel!"

hear him.

All the demon leaders were stunned.

Nima, tell me! Just now our... demon colleagues, weren't they all eaten up by you and didn't give them a chance to speak.

Jiang Che continued to shout with indignation, his voice trembling.

"Although you are both terrifyingly powerful, Jiang will definitely not be your opponent."

"However, I was born as a Hualong person and died as a Hualong soul. If you want to invade the majesty of our empire, I will step on Jiang's body!"

"People of Hualong Empire, I would rather not give up!"

"Today, although we are dead, the dragon soul is forever cast, and the spirit will last forever!"

The leaders of the demons were stunned.

Nima's! We're not doing well yet.

Why are you shouting so miserably and outside Longquan Mountain, when they heard Jiang Che's words, everyone's expressions were a little weird.

This scene.

Why are you so familiar

Chapter [-] What about touching porcelain? ? (first update)

The more Jiang Che spoke, the more grieved and indignant he became.

He admitted that he was not the opponent of these... ruthless demons, but at the same time, he was not giving an inch, his thin body firmly stopped these... terrifying abyss demons, to prevent them from invading the earth! Longquan Outside the mountain, everyone was moved with tears in their eyes.

What is a hero? This is a hero! "I, Jiang, today, I'm just fighting with you... chops!"

Bang!!! The soles of Jiang Che's feet ripped apart the earth, his eyes were determined, and he rushed towards, more than [-] meters high, with billowing magma flowing on his body, the flame demon, and the air around the opponent's body was burned and twisted. It can be said that the horror has reached the extreme! Everyone's heart has been mentioned in the throat.

On the other hand, his face was full of arrogance, and he seemed to look down upon him extremely. When the flame demon of this indigenous world saw Jiang Che attacking, his gaze flickered indiscernibly.

The magma on its body surged rapidly, and the fire burned, burning the entire sky, turning red.


"It's just ants, die!"

The Balrog snorted coldly, and the flames on his body erupted violently, tearing apart the earth and the sky.

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