The ground was blasted out of abyss-like ravines, and in the void, there were also cracks, dark cracks.

From these... gaps, all flowed out, a very terrifying aura, black magma, the moment this kind of thing appeared, the laws of the heavens were all about to move, as if hesitating, should it be suppressed.

When the other demons saw this scene, their expressions changed, and they stepped back, away from the world where the flame demon was.

They were all, eyes flickering, shocked.

"Didn't the great commander say, this is just an ant? Why is it so troublesome, use its strongest power - the world of black flames" The copyright of the novel resource belongs to the original author, the text is only for personal study and trial reading, please download it in After deleting it within 24 hours, please support subscribing to genuine novels and refuse piracy!

This novel was first published by "Dragon"

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Like a wild boar, but on the body, the demon commander with countless humanoid arms hummed, looking very puzzled.

After speaking, it found that the other six commanders all looked at it with the expression of two fools.

"Baruch, you are a general, the racial talent of the Wanshou Pig Demon Clan has been inherited very well!"

The demon bee commanded the urn and said, it looks like a black cloak, and it seems that there are dense things on its body, squirming, making the scalp numb.

This commander's voice was very strange, as if there were countless insects flapping their wings together, and the sound could make people goosebumps, as if there were hundreds of thousands of insects hidden in its body.

"Hey, Demon Bee, you're... right!"

Baruch hummed.

"But what does this have to do with my problem?"

"Commander, why do you have to waste so much energy to deal with an ant in the indigenous world? If I were to change Baruch and step on it with one foot, I would surely step on this human being into a delicious meat sauce, and then swallow it in one bite. he!"

Hearing this, the other six demon leaders all had a headache and stood a little distance away from Baruch, for fear of being infected with their IQ by him.

"Baruch, this aboriginal, just easily crushed and killed twenty statues, my devil general in the abyss, is this something that an ant can do?"

A demon commander couldn't help but said: "Big commander, this is deliberately despising him, and then Thunder shot, so that the opponent can't react."


And this time.

Strange black magma filled the sky and.

Suddenly, boom! A terrifying dark flame rose from the huge pitch-black magma. Almost instantly, it formed a pitch-black flame wall. The endless flames devoured the whole world, a pitch-black black flame cage. , swallowed most of Longquan Mountain.

This kind of dark flame is very strange. It has the power to burn everything, but any power, air, matter, etc. that touches the black flame will all be turned into its nourishment.

And this is also the most powerful trump card under the hands of Demon Lord Buck, the first commander, the upper-level peak demon general, the Balrog - the Black Flame World! This trump card is obtained by chance and coincidence.

And it is also the Black Flame Realm that makes the Flame Demon, in the periphery of the entire abyss, also known as a powerful and famous, few demons dare to provoke it. It is called, under the Demon Lord, the first person! The Flame Demon The most prosperous record was not long after Buck arrived at the periphery of the abyss.

When Buck took root and established a foothold in this place, he was besieged by the forces of the three demon kings. At that time, it burst out of the ancient blood of the Nuabi family, and it was a powerful one against the three demon kings.

But its subordinates are almost cut off.

At this time, the Flame Demon who was watching from the sidelines took action, and the Black Flame Realm opened up to fight against the three great commanders, as well as countless demon generals under the hands of the three Demon Lords.

In that battle, the Flame Demon made a splendid and fierce name.

The three great leaders, one dead and two wounded, and countless demon generals, all turned into ashes in the Black Flame Realm.

Later, it was rumored that the flame demon was given by Buck, and its strength increased sharply again. It could almost rely on the black flame world to resist the primary demon lord. Since then, it has become a ruthless character on the periphery of the abyss, and no one dares to mess with it. .

And this time.

Looking at Jiang Che, he was surrounded by the Black Flame Realm.

The flame demon's eyes radiated dark magic light, and it sneered.

"Stupid human, I know your strength is good, but unfortunately, if you dare to step into my black flame world, even the devil will have to peel off his skin!"


It suppressed it with a big hand. From the black magma in the sky, a huge, flaming arm stretched out, and the flames were billowing. There were black spots on it, which contained a very terrifying destructive power. To Jiang Che.

As soon as the Flame Demon strikes, it is monstrous and terrifying.

Seeing this scene, everyone was in a state of trepidation and trepidation.

"I fought with you!"

Jiang Che shouted loudly, the sledgehammer slammed into the air, and slammed it out! Bang!!! A loud noise.

He flew back directly, slammed into the top of Longquan Mountain fiercely, and blasted out a huge pothole.

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly, and their expressions were shocked.

Sure enough... can't you? A few demon leaders breathed a sigh of relief and dealt with this murderous human being, then this indigenous world will be taken over by them.

And no one found it.

At this time, the flame demon's expression was extremely stunned.

Its big hands are stagnant in the air, neither falling nor lifting.

Its mood can be said to be very lying.

Nima's! Put it here to touch the porcelain for the master! Impressively, in the seemingly shocking collision just now, in fact, Jiang Che did not touch the flame giant at all. He directly pinched a seal and controlled Longquan Mountain. His sword energy collided with his own sledgehammer.

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