When Buck sat on the stone seat, the surface of his body was a kind of light gray, almost like a stone sculpture, the only special thing was that it was [-] meters high when he was sitting there.

And the moment it stood up.

Kacha Kacha, on its body, the layers of stone skin cracked, and a terrifying red copper magic light burst out from the cracks.


Accompanying this statue, the Forbidden Demon Lord, snorted coldly.

Countless stone skins fell off completely, revealing the scorching, purple-gold skin, with countless golden runes engraved on it, and the rays of light intertwined, which seemed to be a very ancient battle armor.

Amidst the loud rumbling, the stone skin fell. These stones, on Buck's body, were just a layer of skin, but in fact, they were dozens of meters thick and hundreds of meters long, almost comparable to some commercial businesses on Earth. building.

At this moment, these... stone skins flew all around, shattering the void, tearing the ground, and countless demons, including the humanoid creatures they were holding, were smashed into the ground without even screaming. A puddle of minced meat.

Some demons were hit by the edge of the stone skin, and half of their bodies were broken, and at this time they let out a mournful howl.

As an overlord, he regards the life of his subordinates as a must.

This kind of behavior, in the general forces, will definitely be criticized, and it may even cause riots on the spot, and no matter how bad it is, it will also make the subordinates detached.

But the next scene completely deviates from this truth.

I saw countless abyss demons, showing extremely fanatical expressions, all of them raised their hands high, knelt on the ground, and looked at Buck with burning eyes.

"My Lord is mighty!"

"Buck Demon Lord, invincible!"

"Welcome the Lord to take action! Shred all the great enemies!"

All the demons, the demon generals, showed their expectant expressions one after another, and they worshipped... Buck's power to the apex.

You know, this one, the last time he made a move was more than [-] years ago.

That time, Buck had planned for a long time and seized the chance that one of the three original demon kings in the area, Lei Mojun, would be alone! Or, he planned this opportunity by himself.

At that time, Buck, after planning for more than five years, calculated three statues, and the monarch who had besieged it, lured two of them away.

After that, it made a ferocious attack, its real body showed its power, a huge body of [-] meters, spanning thousands of miles, the monstrous red copper magic energy vibrated, attracting the stars, that day, the purple stars shone in the sky, countless ancient symbols, fill up.

Buck's brave shot, terrifying power, shreds everything.

It was directly, one move to kill the enemy! It is terrifying to the extreme.

You must know that his opponent is not the kind in the outskirts of the abyss, in the remote areas... the little guy who dares to claim hegemony after stepping into the realm of the devil.

But in this very fertile area, there is a terrifying existence that can occupy a place, and is also a peak demon monarch - Lei Mojun! Under such circumstances, it is almost unimaginable to kill the enemy with one blow.

Even if it weren't for the fact that Buck had set up a projection array in advance to show his fierceness, and broadcast this decisive battle live, I'm afraid there would be no demons who would believe such a thing.

Instead, they will feel that there must be an existence in the central area of ​​the abyss, and they will take action.

Because only by surpassing the ancient taboos at the level of the Demon Lord, can we achieve this step and easily kill a peak Demon Lord.

But at that time, there were billions of demons who witnessed this scene together.

This also led to Buck becoming the well-deserved overlord of this piece! Since then, no one has ever seen Buck shot.

And all the demons are all looking forward to this scene. At this time, the demon king Buck, who has been silent for hundreds of years, the fierce and powerful murderer, finally shot again, revealing his true body, and his fierce soul is monstrous.

This also caused countless demons to cheer and boil.

"Accelerate the repair, don't care about other altars, all energy is used for supply, the main altar, this gentleman, go to this indigenous world in person!"

Buck spoke, and a thunderous bang exploded in the void.

Some humanoid creatures, weak demons, directly, their chests burst and their flesh splattered.

Astonishingly, they were all shaken to death by this sound! "Yes! Lord Demon Lord!"


Those... fierce demon sacrifices, under their cloaks, their bodies trembling uncontrollably, responded respectfully.

Buck's aura at this time was like, a......a beast that chose people and devoured it, almost every move was filled with a dangerous aura.

Mysterious runes were outlined, and a group of demon sacrifices, all surrounding an altar, kept sketching, and at the same time changed the energy path, all the energy spar, all gathered on this altar.

Soon, after more than thirty breaths, the huge animal bone altar trembled.

Then, there was a loud bang!

A terrifying divine glow, this dazzling power, pierced the sky of the abyss, tore apart the sky, and established a terribly large space passage.

Buck glanced at it, nodded in satisfaction, and stretched out his hand.


He let out a loud shout, and suddenly a dazzling light rose up from the towering demon hall behind him, and the entire hall, which was so huge that it seemed like it could hold a star, shook violently and kept shaking.

Then, it slowly cracked toward both sides.

- Crack!

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Seven Thousand Cracks

With a loud bang, the hall split open, and the 'Boom Rumble' moved towards both sides and separated.

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