Under the ground, a dazzling copper magic light bloomed, almost illuminating the entire sky, turning it into a purple, ancient power, circulating in the void, mysterious symbols, forming a chain of laws and numbers. Indistinct, like the chains of giant dragons, intertwined into a giant net.

Buck's eyes narrowed slightly, his huge right arm was vacantly grasped in the air, and suddenly, a terrifying magic hand grabbed the... chains and slammed them upwards.

On Buck's huge arm, the muscles were twisted like a dragon-like knot, and a loud rumbling sound came from his body, and his eyes were getting bigger and bigger, as if he was struggling to drag something.

see this scene.

All the demons widened their eyes.

Some demon generals shouted: "It's this thing! When I killed Lei Mojun instantly, it was...it!"

"Why do you want to use this thing, Lord?"

"It's just a mere aboriginal. Once this thing is used, whether the...indigenous world can withstand it, both say, it's too unnecessary."

Many demon generals are very puzzled and puzzled.

"Don't talk too much! The wisdom of the Lord is something you and I can speculate on"

There were also demon generals who scolded him sharply, with deep eyes, as if thinking of something.

"Quiet, the matter of the Lord, where is it my turn to wait and talk!"

"It must have its own reasons for doing so."

Most of the demon generals are not stupid if they can get to this point. They don't really think that Buck is making a big fuss. On the contrary, they are even more afraid. After a few glances, Jiang Che in the projection screen, and behind him, A dense swarm of demon bees.

They are all injured like this, yet they can still make the Lord stand guard.

This person, definitely not simple! "Drink!"

At this moment Buck's eyes were rounded, he gave a deep shout, and his big hands were violently forced.

Boom! The heavy noise shattered the mountains and rivers, and the earth shook violently. All the demons, their expressions changed drastically, and I saw a dazzling copper chain net, which was very huge, I am afraid it must have a diameter of more than [-] meters. , that is, the terrifying red copper magic ball with a volume of nearly [-] cubic meters was dragged out.

On the sphere, ancient characters appeared, reflecting the sky, dark purple, sinister and thick.

Dong-dong-dong! The heavy and muffled sound from the ball, every time it vibrates, it will make the earth and sky shake violently, and the sky will be instantly darkened.

Buck looked at the copper magic ball in front of him, his eyes were bright, and he was very excited.

This is his natal artifact, which is the pinnacle.

By him, the noble blood of the Nuabi family has been cultivated for three thousand years, which can be called unparalleled terror.

A random wisp of purple energy on the copper ball can crush an entire mountain, and such a magical energy, the entire copper magic ball contains [-] paths, almost enough to crush smaller stars! Last time, Lei Mojun was under this iron ball.

At that time, Buck charged for a long time, rushed out thousands of miles, smashed a ball, and the terrifying force field suppressed it, which directly shattered the world, and tore a terrifying, [-]-meter crack in the void, even the palace that Lei Mojun brought it. , all smashed into pieces.

Completely bury a once prestigious abyss force into the dust! "Fight with me again, and shatter the world! Crush the invincible!"

Buck's eyes were bright, he picked it up, the copper chain net, dragged the big copper ball, and set foot on the empty passage. He walked to the passage, and the ancient armor on his body was blooming, a terrifying red copper. Magic light, cold and deadly.

Buck took a step forward without any intention of slowing down.

Accompanied by the crunching sound of Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!, the void barbs were directly crushed by force.

On the other side, in Longquan Mountain, everyone was cheering the victory of the battle. Many people went to help Jiang Che up and wanted to give him emergency treatment. However, when they stepped into the area of ​​Longquan Mountain, they were shaken out by a force field. .

Don't wait for them to wonder.

I saw a tearing sound in the giant pit, and a terrifying giant space channel was opened, which was nearly a kilometer huge.

Inside, it was pitch black, the light was swallowed up, and there was a terrifying roar, as if there was something, a fierce existence, that was about to rush out from it.

Everyone's eyes widened in horror.

They remembered the... Demon generals, the first batch of fissures appeared, the fissures were tens of meters in size, the demons were also tens of meters tall, with a height of no more than [-] meters, and the second batch of fissures jumped to one or two hundred meters.

The demon commander that came out was also a notch stronger.

And now.

Thousands of cracks! This Nima is about to come out of some kind of monster. Everyone feels that they are terrified, almost nervous.

"Report the headquarters, report the headquarters, there is an undetectable energy source appearing next to the hell tunnel, repeat, this energy source exceeds the limit of the level detector, it is suspected that there is a world-extinguishing terrorist existence, request support! Request the strongest support from all countries. !"

Luo Ji almost shouted frantically into the walkie-talkie, raising his voice.

What he didn't find was that his signal was not transmitted at all, accompanied by a wisp of purple devilish energy, overflowing from the void passage, and a mighty will had already arrived in this world.

In an instant, the wind and clouds changed color, the magnetic field was chaotic, the avenues of heaven and earth continued to roar, the laws of the avenues, turned into dragons, galloping and rolling on the sky of dark clouds, exuding terrifying ferocity.

Dong Dong Dong! The dull loud noise became more and more obvious.

This kind of sound is very strange, and it oscillates directly. Those who are... thousands of meters away can't help but vomit blood. Some people's chest cavity can't stop bulging, and it almost explodes.

Jiang Che's eyes narrowed when he saw this scene.

This time, it seems to be a big fish! His thoughts moved, and in an instant, sword light, ice, flame, golden light... Nine layers of mysterious power emerged into the void, forming an ancient prohibition, and this terror The sound is blocked.

Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

And then, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, everyone was horrified to see that a huge and terrifying monster rushed out of the void passage.

This one, just a head, I am afraid there are those.... The first batch of demon generals is the size.

This scene, I saw everyone, my scalp was numb, and my back was cold!: I'm really sorry, Ha Jin, the fathers, there are some formalities to run today, and I'm very tired. , take a leave of absence, I won't stay up today, it's too tiring to run for a day, I'm really sorry ah ah ah

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