But Jiang Che heard this.

His eyes lit up at that moment, and he looked very expectant.

There are hundreds of millions of demons with countless grievances and such good things! He looked at Buck very urgently: "Brother Buck, the Nine Serenity Demon Prison you mentioned, it is not far away, let's go now, I promise not to resist, but also There are hundreds of millions of demons, are they all ready anyway... I'm ready, look at our muscles, it's absolutely delicious, let's go, let's go here, right?"

Buck was stunned to see that Jiang Che had already walked to the side of the space passage, and he seemed very eager to try. He looked at himself with extremely hot eyes, and waved at him enthusiastically: "Quick, Brother Buck, while the sky is still bright. Early, let's find hundreds of millions of demons first, and then go to Jiuyou Demon Prison, you plan the route, we will set off immediately!"

"Hurry up, don't stand still!"

Jiang Che waved and shouted, looking very impatient.


Chapter [-] The purple soul lamp trembles! (Second more)

Buck was stunned.

Nima, why are you in such a hurry, I just... just say it casually to scare you.

You really said that you are going, which made me a little embarrassed.

After all, the Nine Nether Demon Prison, where all the prisoners are in the abyss, has caused bloody disasters. It can be called a demon among demons. Buck is unwilling to go to such a place.


The thunderous cough sounded, and Buck stared: "Aboriginal, don't try to deceive this monarch, I think you are trying to deceive me back, and then desperately destroy the space channel, hum! Stupid, taking life to protect the ethnic group, only poor people. Only the powerhouses of the lower life races can do it."

"You humans are...so weak and stupid."

"Stop talking nonsense and die!"

Buck was furious, his big mountain-like hand raised, the void rumbling, and the ancient runes were dazzling, intertwined into a thousand-meter magic palm, which was severely suppressed, and the terrifying force shattered the sky.

Ka-ka-ka! The earth crumbles inch by inch.

It is [-] meters in radius, and it collapses deeply.

This scene was completely seen by everyone, cold sweat broke out.

If Jiang Che hadn't pushed them away before, I'm afraid now, the vast majority of them have become a mess.

Jiang Che's eyes narrowed: "Kufu God, help me!"

His body suddenly swelled up, [-] meters high.

Sledgehammer held high.

"The Power of Destruction!"

"The power of thunder and fire!"

"Black Armor!"

"Bone body!"


One after another powerful force blessed Jiang Che's body, shining brightly.

"Destroy the world!"

In the end, he suddenly slammed out with a hammer, the divine light was dazzling, and it collided with the big hand of the purple copper magic light.

BANG!!!!!! Terrible loud noise.

A vast force field oscillated out, causing a group of people tens of thousands of meters away to stand unsteadily.

The dazzling talisman light drowned the sky.

Boom!!! Under the roar of the sky.

In everyone's wide-eyed eyes.

Jiang Che's body, which was charged up, was severely suppressed by the red copper magic hand! It slammed directly into the ground, the space passage was instantly crushed, and the earth was torn apart, and a huge pit appeared. There are probably tens of thousands of them. meters deep.

At this time, although Jiang Che still maintained his blessing, the beast soul, the power of the source, the six souls of ghosts and immortals and other big killers have already been used, and they cannot continue to be used in the short term.

Because of this, the current Jiang Che is much weaker than when he was in command of Zhan Ba.

He was directly suppressed by the Demon Lord Buck! But after suppressing Jiang Che with one hand, this Demon Lord did not laugh like the villain in the novel or the movie, and then, in the laughter, was returned to him. The protagonist who has a breath left, the Jedi fights back.

It was directly sullen, very experienced, and rushed up with the big copper ball.

To make up a ball, crush the enemy completely! You can rest assured.

Buck's huge footsteps stomped on the ground, making a loud rumbling sound, the ground trembled violently, a very dazzling red copper divine light flickered in his eyes, and the big copper ball in his hand was thrown out fiercely.

At the same time, the corners of Buck's mouth wriggled, chanting a very ancient incantation.

The copper ball exudes a dazzling divine splendor, and mysterious golden symbols appear on the surface of the sphere. In an instant, the world seems to be completely darkened, and countless purple stars appear above the sky.

"Zichen is shining in the sky, and the blood of demons dyes the sky!"

"God and Demon Ball, Blood Evil Town!"


Buck raised his head and roared furiously, pointing out a drop of true blood from the demon race and slapped it on the copper ball.

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