This kind of true blood, a demon, only has nine drops, which is very precious.

When the blood touched the copper ball, in an instant, the sphere suddenly burst open, the volume soared and expanded five times, becoming a terrifying copper ball with a diameter of more than [-] meters, and its weight reached a terrifying hundreds of billions of tons! The avenue rules of the tablet universe are suppressed.

This ball can reach a terrifying, trillion tons! This ball is exactly the one that Buck shot to kill the Thunder Demon Lord.

It was used by him at this time, just to kill a native! In the abyss.

All the demons widened their eyes in horror.

Also very puzzled.

That... the native, has not been easily suppressed by the adults? Why does it still need to use such a killer move and there are some demon generals who have followed Buck for a long time, seems to have thought of something, and looks very surprised: "Could it be that, The Lord perceives a threat"

"It must be like this, the powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Throne has been able to touch a trace of it, the power of destiny, the terrifying existence of this series, and the perception of danger is absolutely very keen!"

"I remembered that in the last battle with the Bone Lizard Demon Lord, the Lord once predicted the threat in advance, and suddenly made a killing move to kill him!"

An ancient, broken-legged old demon general said very solemnly.

"Later I found out that the old guy of the Bone Lizard Demon Lord fought against the Lord himself, but its six demon leaders were hiding in the cave, calling the Bone Lizard clan, the invincible taboo in the middle of the Demon Abyss, and later the altar was taken by the Lord. Destroy it, or I am afraid that we have all been destroyed in the first battle."

Hearing its words, all the demon generals froze.

"Could it be that this human..."

All the demons looked solemn and looked at the projection screen.

But in fact, just as they guessed, Buck at this time, seemingly incomparable brave, will almost destroy the entire world, completely... an invincible tyrant, to be strangled: everything, so that everything People were terrified.

But in fact, there were faint beads of sweat falling from his forehead.

The Nuabi family is a very ancient bloodline inheritance in the abyss. It is one of the rulers in the central area of ​​the abyss. It can be said that this family, even in the heavens and the world, is one of the most terrifying inheritances.

Its bloodline is naturally powerful and unparalleled! Mysterious and ancient.

One of the bloodline talents of this family is the Purple Soul Lamp.

From the day of birth, the blood of each Nuabi family will be lit by the patriarch in the depths of the soul sea. The purple soul lamp is also called the lamp of life. Such a lamp has many benefits. .

First, it can illuminate the sea of ​​souls, so that all the fierce souls that invade the soul sea of ​​the strong Nuabi family are directly illuminated and shattered.

Second, the threat can be predicted. Once the soul lamp keeps flashing and vibrating, it means that he has encountered a fatal threat. The last time he fought against the Bone Lizard Demon Lord, it was this ability that saved Buck's life.

And this time.

When Buck blasted the human into the deep underground pit, it was a very frightening discovery—the purple soul lamp was trembling wildly!! Buck felt his scalp numb at that time. This Nima is killing me. It thought about running away, but now, the void passage has been smashed by itself, and the sacrifice below needs to be repaired, which will take at least several days, and running to other places is not all the territory of the natives! Where can it run?

In the end, Buck was heartbroken.

It can only be a fight! Soaring to the most ferocious ultimate move, fighting to the death.

His eyes were fierce and bright, with a hint of madness.

Can be called the slayer, the mad slaughter, the monarch who must not be provoked by the demon monarchs of the adjacent forces in the abyss, Buck has come all the way, relying on not only the blood of the Nuabi family.

He is such a ruthless character!

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Great Craftsmanship - Create Rules! (third more)

The real ruthless horn will never accept his fate! Buck's eyes are red, and on his body, a dazzling copper radiance, a terrifying magic light, reflects the sky.

Eight drops of true blood of the demon race were blasted out.

In an instant, the volume of the copper ball skyrocketed again, and almost the entire sky was pressed into darkness, just like a small planet, wrapped in a terrifying red copper magic light, and suppressed it down.

In the void, endless ancient runes emerged.

Everyone was completely stunned, watching this terrible scene, and felt like their hearts were about to jump out.

And this time.

Inside the huge deep pit, Jiang Che's eyes were dim.

"This level of power has already exceeded the peak of the median god."

Amazingly, Buck's power has probably reached the level of a half-step high god! This is completely beyond the limit of power before the earth.

That's why, Buck, a demon lord, with prestige, is even more terrifying than the half-immortal, ancient existence, the undead demon.

And based on this incident, Jiang Che also thought of many things.

For example, before, Tiandao opened the back door for himself, allowing himself to burst out, surpassing the power of the peak of the median god, to kill the undead demon.

His expression became playful.

"Perhaps these... The opening of the cracks was not planned by the powerhouses of the mysterious world."

"After all, the earth is an aboriginal world, where can there be so many things that are worthy of these gods' covetousness?"

Jiang Che's eyes gradually brightened, and he vaguely grasped something from the grass thread and snake ashes: "This is a big picture, in the era of the end of the law, forcibly open up new 'rules', plan a whole, create strong The new system of the gods, and even the strongest among them, has reached the pinnacle of the median god!"

"This is really, a great handwriting!"

"If it develops for another thousand years, I am afraid that the earth will directly enter the category of the world of gods, and have a group of very solid, god-level powerhouses!"

The more Jiang Che thought about it, the more shocked he became.

You must know that a world of gods can only be formed after hundreds of thousands of years and the evolution of the cultivation system, but now, it exists, and it can be created in just a few thousand years. A world, it can be called, is very terrifying! That one, the big hand in the dark, is fiddling with everything.

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