On the one hand, it opens up countless fissures in the God Realm, introduces spiritual energy, and awakens the souls;

In this way, when those creatures... whose strength has reached the apex of heaven and earth, can no longer improve, they will turn to thinking, to explore the shortcomings of their own cultivation system, and at the same time to study how to use their limited strength to exert infinite power. combat power.

In addition to some Jiang Che, it is impossible to guess, handwriting and arrangement.

On the earth, a very stable cultivation body has been formed, and a large number of superpowers have been bred.

Today, the strength of heaven and earth has been released again... a level, I am afraid that this day, there will be nearly a hundred strong people who will directly break through and step into the realm of half-step high-ranking gods, and their battle will be very powerful! The realm is also absolutely sturdy and stable "Could it be that there were differences between the two of them back then?"

Jiang Che murmured something, and a light flashed in his eyes.

He had vaguely guessed before that countless years ago, in that battle, the mountain and sea bigwigs lost, but they left behind, with a shocking plan, and they might be able to win the battle after countless years. Hui Yicheng: Even turning defeat into victory! Killing all the great enemies! And the Shanhaijing system is the handwriting of the two, the most peak existence, one of them.

Now it seems that the handwriting of the other person is actually from the Mountains and Seas era. This world, this entire world, has lost all the laws of Zeng. , It's not that there is a disagreement, this kind of boss has no plans, and will never put two eggs in one basket, this should be a two-move chess."

Jiang Che murmured something.

He has even guessed who is the author of the current Earth and Heaven.

After all, that one, in the legend of mountains and seas, is a completely deified existence, not like a living being at all, but more like a kind of heaven and earth, rules the will, and it is suitable for it to control the heaven. .

Zhong Shan - Candle Dragon! "These are not my responsibility, take one step first, let's count."

Jiang Che's eyes flashed, and he no longer bothered about this matter.

With a move in his hand, an ancient card appeared.

"Use an alien card—"


With the card turned into an ancient force.

In Jiang Che's body, a terrifying roar began to resound, and his two eyes bloomed with a blazing earthy yellow divine light.


He raised his head and roared angrily, and suddenly, the violent divine power shook, the surrounding earth seemed to have life, and surging frantically, Jiang Che's body suddenly sank, and was covered by the soil.

And next.

Rumbling!!!! There was a loud noise, and the earth changed drastically. From below the ground, a clay giant with a terrifying body to the extreme rose up suddenly, with a terrifying height of [-] meters! Working together as a god of the earth When he was about to die, he would change the terrain of the entire Mountain and Sea Era, that kind of... a speck of dust, perhaps a terrifying area where a planet was hidden.

No one can control the earth.

Jiang Che used this alien beast card at this time, and instantly felt that the earth seemed to be his hands and feet, and he could wave it like an arm.

In fact, he exhausted his strength and could become a [-]-meter giant, but it was unnecessary.

For now, this state is enough.

Jiang Che held the hammer high, and countless pieces of dirt gathered together.

"Beast Soul - Gonggong!"

A phantom with a human head and a snake body stepped into Jiang Che's body.

In an instant, the soil became thicker and thicker, and his huge body was filled with a dazzling divine light.

"Original power!"

On Jiang Che's left chest, an ancient symbol burst out with terrifying power.

Boom! A mysterious roar came from the sky and the earth.

The loud noise shook the sky, the ground trembled, and Jiang Che's sledgehammer was covered with a kind of dazzling fairy light.

When Buck saw this scene, his eyes widened.

The [-]st chapter kills Buck, and the harvest is shocking! (fourth more)

Nima's! Do you want to be so exaggerated! "Destroy the world!"

Jiang Che's rumbling voice shattered the world.

He held the hammer high in his hand.

A huge, mysterious hell, covering the sky in an instant.

Click! The door opens.

In the hell, a very heavy force permeated, shrouded the sledgehammer. In an instant, Jiang Che was shocked. The hammer was directly heavier, nearly a hundred times! Even in his terrifying state, he felt a little bit. , can't hold it.

"The fifth floor of the Underworld, Earth Ancestor!"

The old voice resounded in Jiang Che's mind.

A very domineering will descended on this world, and it seemed that he was eager to try to attack Jiang Che, but in the end, he chose to give up.

And feel the coming of this power.

Buck's eyes widened in horror and tremblingly said: "No! Impossible!...Immortal!"

I didn't give it a chance to think about it.

The sledgehammer in Jiang Che's hand had already crashed down, smashing into the copper magic ball, and Buck, under the sledgehammer, the copper ball and the ancient armor on Buck's body all burst out, a very violent copper magic light.

But unfortunately, under the suppression of the earthy yellow god, the heavy terrorist force.

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