Jiang Che let out a low growl.

This magical power is easier to understand, it is nothing more than..., plus a wave of states.

And next.

Chapter [-] Grow flowers for a thousand days and spend them for a while (the third update, there is one more left to make up for tomorrow)

Boom!!! Jiang Che's body was shocked with blood, and he rushed into the sky. His eyes were instantly red, and in his eyes, there were mountains of corpses and seas of blood, evolving.

His muscles kept roaring and making a drum-like sound, and his body was full of inexhaustible strength.

"Fuck, this ability..."

Jiang Che originally thought that this was a law-abiding, dispensable, but now it seems that this state seems to be very domineering, and it directly increases his physical strength by nearly ten times! This can be called a , very powerful.

Jiang Che's current basic state, his physical strength, is about [-] tons, which is weaker than the average true god, but with his various powerful abilities, he can easily crush the true god.

However, limited by the physical strength, if you fight with the middle god general, it will be a little bit meaningless. Even if you can win, you have to use the six souls of ghosts and immortals.

And when Chaos Fury starts.

Jiang Che's physical strength has soared directly to the terrifying level of five million tons! Combined with his ability and the Hell Hammer, it is easy to crush ordinary gods.

"However, this increase should not be a certain multiple, but only a certain degree of strength, about more than four million tons: This magical power is equivalent to raising my basic strength by a level, but In a battle where the state is fully open, it has little effect."

Jiang Che tried waving his arms a few more times, and after a few minutes of concentration, he came to a conclusion.

Finally, he looked at the... on the back of his hand, the ancient copper-colored symbol, divine ability - the power of consuming the source.

"Look at this name, could it be..."

Jiang Che's pupils shrank slightly.

He concentrated on this symbol, silently reciting 'source-devouring power' in his heart, to activate this ability, and then, he found - useless! But instead.

Jiang Che's eyes became brighter and brighter.

As soon as he waved his hand, a sword beam shot out from Longquan Mountain. From the giant hand in front, he picked up half a magic bird, and Jiang Che opened his big hand: "Swallow!"

"Ding, Crow Soul Eater activates, gain 25 soul power."

"Ding, the power of the source is activated."

At this time, the copper symbol on the back of Jiang Che's hand flashed.

"Get a fragment of the origin of the fire element, a trace."

When Jiang Che was concentrating on the words "Origin Fragment", the system prompt appeared.

"Ding, only the same origin can complement each other, origin power."

"One hundred threads and ten fragments of origin, which can be condensed, a strand of origin."

"A ray of origin can help to supplement, correspondingly, it is an obsidian level, the use of the power of origin."

The conditions are harsh, but reasonable.

Because the power of the source is really powerful! The last ability is the evolution of the arrogant insect. When Jiang Che used this ability, a very mysterious light group appeared in his hand. His eyes moved, and his body moved. At the top of Longquan Mountain.

Above the lake on the top of the mountain, a budding black lotus flower is basking in the sun.

If nothing else, its beautiful peanuts will last for thousands of years, and then it will bloom and become a powerful immortal weapon, and at that time, this dog is old and dead longer than its owner.

At that time, it can be at ease, step into the hidden places of the heavens and the world to hide, be a flower, free and easy, small hair! Thinking of such a beautiful life.

The world-destroying black lotus couldn't help it, the branches trembled slightly, and she stretched out comfortably.

And at this moment, behind it, a pair of faint eyes slowly appeared.

"Cough, little black"

"Boss, I have something to do, and I need to use you, kid."

"You shouldn't reject me"

Jiang Che patted it suddenly, the world-destroying black lotus, the non-existent shoulder, that is, its branch, almost made Xiao Hei, who was imagining the beautiful peanut in the future, die on the spot.

Damn it! Great Demon King! When did you come, Xiao Hei was panicking.

For fear that Jiang Che would know his previous thoughts.

But in fact, if Jiang Che really knew about this idea, then Jiang Che would probably tell it a fact that made it despair - death of old age does not exist after [-] years.

Now, I already have [-] years of lifespan.

In the future, this number will continue to increase.

Maybe when the inheritance of the world-destroying black lotus is completely cut off in the heavens and the world, he is still alive and well.

In Jiang Che's hand, a mass of mysterious energy emerged.

This power does not seem to be very stable.

This was also what Jiang Che expected.

After all, according to Darwin's theory of evolution, evolution is... mutation, and constant free choice.

That is to say, what really leads to evolution is actually a genetic mutation that cannot be accurately grasped, and the so-called power of evolution is very likely to lead to rapid genetic mutation, and then find a way to select the most good result.

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