In a word - not very reliable.

And the world-destroying black lotus, as a cosmic level, has a number of treasures, and her perception is of course very keen.

Seeing this mass of strength, it immediately trembled slightly on the branches, pulled up the roots in the ground, and ran away.

! Lao Tzu is the treasure of the universe.

I don't need to evolve! It's terrifying in its heart.

Jiang Che chased after him.

"Growing flowers for a thousand days, using them for a while..., Xiao Hei, do you think this is the truth?"

"Don't rush to run, evolution is a good thing, listen to me and explain to you, the benefits of this are definitely unexpected to you, three days and three nights, you can't go into details..."

The World Extinguishing Black Lotus ran faster.

Say it! I thought that when Lao Tzu was in the state of lotus seeds, I listened to you so foolishly that people listened to less evil spirits with others, calling them brothers and sisters, but in the end, they turned others to ashes with a backhand.

I believe you are a dog.

I'm just a... stupid donkey!: I'm really sorry, everyone, I'm a little bit lazy, the fourth update: I'll make it up tomorrow.

In fact, in the later stage, if it is not scribbled, Kawen is really easy to appear. Now, I only have [-] documents, and the number of words in it will not be less than [-].

Like before, I can still write some names that everyone has forgotten, not because I have a good memory, but to look up one by one, one name takes three to five minutes, ten 10 names, almost an hour , Among them, there are settings and other things, it is more troublesome, so it is indeed a bit difficult, please forgive me.

Also, don't say I'm writing it for you.

Not to mention the shooter, even the author of many essays, like me, can use the various settings, plots, and characters in front of them as soon as they say it. In the fast-paced writing style of Feilu, it should be not much.

love you guys, ya!

Chapter [-] Strengthen Longquan Mountain, [-] meters! (Yesterday's fourth update, make up for it)


Jiang Che said to follow the law, and the Longquan Mountain Dojo trembled slightly.

Here, he is... God.

The space in front condensed instantly, trapping the world-destroying black lotus.

Then Jiang Che, on top of his big hand, slapped the evolutionary power, which was quickly absorbed. The whole flower bud began to tremble slightly, and it became more and more violent. Inside, there was a black dim light emerging.


A desperate and unwilling thought echoed in Jiang Che's ears.

Then, above the world-destroying black lotus, one after another of dim light, like spider silk-like knots, intertwined, and finally, wrapped into a silkworm chrysalis.

Jiang Che focused on the perception, and then opened his eyes.

He learned that this evolution would take six days to complete.

With a wave of his hand, he smashed the silkworm chrysalis into the underground of the ancient golden temple and guarded it in the safest place in the entire Longquan Mountain. After waiting for six days, we will see the results.

"You can only bet once."

Jiang Che's eyes flashed: "After all, [-] years, I can't wait that long!"

In fact, what he did just now was not an impromptu intention.

When he got 'evolution', Jiang Che's first thought was... to evolve the world-destroying black lotus.

Because this treasure of the universe, it takes too long to grow normally. Jiang Che can't wait. Today, he is going to enter the strange world to see how strong this world of gods really is.

And with the unblocking of the upper limit of the power of the earth.

I'm afraid it won't be long before the demon mountain, the abyss, and the strange world will invade, and a large number of real powerhouses will invade. At that time, it will be a battle. Jiang Che does not know, there will be a stable time here. How long, but certainly can't wait, ten thousand years.

"As short as three or five years, 35, or as long as seven or eight hundred years, the earth, or in the bloody battle, regain the glory that belongs to this place."

Jiang Che murmured: "Either, completely annihilated! Become a place, a place of war from all walks of life!"

He had asked the little fox.

Why, there are so many indigenous worlds, those few, the world of gods, just like the earth.

The answer was that this is a land without beliefs! The other indigenous worlds, although very weak, all enshrine their own gods.

And these gods are not made up out of thin air.

Instead, they all have a realistic basis, almost all of them, some bigwigs and powerful gods from a certain world of gods.

These...indigenous worlds will regularly, to the gods they believe in, offer countless tributes, all of which are their own worlds, the most valuable things, food, mysterious items, girls, beast corpses, gems...etc. ... innumerable things.

In exchange for this, God's blessing.

The advantage is that they are rarely invaded, because if there are other worlds, to invade these... The indigenous world will definitely suffer, the world of the gods they worship, Thunder Strike.

The disadvantage is that the people at the bottom are living in miserable lives, often needing to beg for food and sell their wives for a living.

But this has nothing to do with the upper-level rulers, so these... The indigenous world, hype, the authority of the gods, almost always, the establishment of religions, regardless of...

Whether they are the world of science and technology, or the civilization of self-cultivation, the fantasy continent, etc., they are all the same. Almost all of the strong people in the world exist as servants of gods.

Keep it simple.

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