It is equivalent to that, among the heavens and the myriad worlds, the vast majority, we can say, 99.

% of the aboriginal world, all worshiped the pier and found the boss.

So it is not easy to be bullied.

The earth, however, did not kneel at the feet of a certain world, calling itself a slave.

Even on earth, there are some beliefs, most of which are their own strongmen, fabricated gods, or, those...that have been submerged in the long river of time, on the ball, prehistoric powerful civilizations.

In short.

The belief here has always been only myself! Ancestors! Ancestors! There is no other powerful creatures in the world of God.

That is to say.

The earth has no big brother.

Aboriginal civilizations like this are not absent, but they have become, nearby, the civilization of gods, the fat in the eyes, because such a world, invaded, conquered, there will be no risk, no need to bear, both are god-level A powerful civilization, the risk of retaliation.


The earth, the world, has also become a place coveted by all parties.

According to Su Xuanxuan, she has witnessed two, in this way, the aboriginal worlds that are targeted by many worlds of gods, and in the end, their fate is that one is completely enslaved by a world of gods, and the whole world changes. De: The sky is dark and the earth is dark, and everyone has become the food and labor of living beings in the... God's world.

And another.

It has become the battlefield of the gods! It has become a world of many gods, a place for games.

It sounds awesome, but it's actually pretty bad.

There, the aborigines can only survive in the cracks, not as good as pigs and dogs.

Every time the gods went to war, the natives were used as cannon fodder, driven to the front of the battlefield to wear down the blades of the opposing army.

"The current earth is like a person who stands on the edge of the abyss. He can only move forward, but if he takes a step back, it is... forever."

Jiang Che's eyes were cold.

He knew that he should have prepared earlier.

Jiang Che glanced at Longquan Mountain under his feet.

Jiuxuan Ancient Dojo + 1 Jiang Che: I will climb Xianren Mountain and seek longevity! —— Sword, Bing, Thunder, Fire, Wind, Gold, Wood, Water, Repair, Spiritual Mist, Concealment Special Ability: God's Domain "Strengthen!"

Jiang Che thought silently.

Now the world-destroying black lotus is sleeping, it is inconvenient to carry it with her.

And Longquan Mountain, the strength is still a little worse.

If you encounter a god-level powerhouse, you can't stop it.

In order to guard this, the treasure of the universe, Jiang Che chose to strengthen this dojo to the current extreme strength: "Ding, do you spend 20 energy to strengthen Jiuxuan Ancient Dojo + 1 Jiang Che?"



"Continue to strengthen."

"Ding, does it cost 30..."


Accompanied by a vast force, it enveloped the entire mountain.

In an instant.

On Longquan Mountain, one after another is banned, and the level of terror has increased exponentially! The entire mountain peak is rising rapidly, like a plant, growing up, in the blink of an eye, it is up a hundred meters, and in the blink of an eye, it is a thousand meters high, almost 5 meters high. In the space of a dozen or so breaths, he immediately rushed into the sky! In the end, Longquan Mountain surpassed the height of that giant hand, reaching, terrifyingly, eight thousand meters! At this time, it was only strengthened. +[-].

As for going further, Jiang Che couldn't do it for the time being.

Because the Jiuxuan Ancient Dojo itself is a god-level item, that is, a fifth-order item, and then a sixth-order item, which is an immortal level, and it needs to wait until the system upgrade is completed after nine days.




Jiang Che stood on the top of Longquan Mountain, and his robes were automatic without wind.

Along with him spit out the words one by one.

One after another, terrifying and powerful prohibitions enveloped the sky and the earth.

The area within a radius of [-] miles was completely covered by the Nine Profound Ancient Formation of Longquan Mountain, and along with the last one, the magnificent Domain of God descended on this world.

In an instant, it was in Jiang Che's ears.

Everything, stand still! This is the effect that follows his thoughts.

The radius of a hundred miles has all become his invincible domain! Here, even if the Throne of God comes in person, Jiang Che can completely obliterate it without using the Exotic Beast Card!" This [-] million energy cost value!"

Jiang Che's eyes shone brightly, and then he shouted in a low voice: "Draw, Ronghuangka!"

With the current blessing of Longquan Mountain, he can rest assured and draw the Wilderness Card, which is one of the reasons why he is willing to spend such a large amount of energy to strengthen Longquan Mountain.

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