Chapter [-] The Northern Heavenly Emperor, I am here for the ancient agreement (the first)

"Ding, do you spend [-] million energy to draw the wild card?"

The system prompt sounds.


Jiang Che said sadly.

The pinnacle of God is only on the order of [-] million.

This is equivalent to the energy that can only be gathered by dry flipping, ten 10-peak God Thrones.

Wow! It took half a minute just to pass the energy.

And with the [-] million energy being fully used up, in an instant, a very ancient passage seemed to be opened in front of Jiang Che. He stepped out subconsciously, and the scenery in front of him suddenly changed drastically.

Jiang Che looked at it in astonishment. The endless barren land beneath his feet, and a breath of extreme danger came from the air, making his scalp tingle.

He was keenly aware.

This time, it seems that it is different from coming to the world of mountains and seas before! Before he came to the age of mountains and seas, he was very clear about every plant and tree.

But this time, the quality of the alien card has improved, but the scenery around is much blurred.

"Fuck, what is this!"

And what made Jiang Che jump even more was.

He was horrified to find that the ground under his feet was moving! The shaking of the ground was nothing. After all, in the mountain and sea era, all the beasts were so violent that they turned over when they were sleeping, crushing one or two mountains, causing a scene of thirty to fifty Earthquakes of magnitude are very common.

But what's so special, this earth is sinking! Jiang Che was completely taken aback: "Damn, I won't be just right, catching up with a certain time, the world-shattering battle of the mountain and sea bigwigs, the earth was destroyed. It's crashing down."

He remembered that there had been such a shocking battle.

Jiang Che hurriedly looked around.

Seeing this, he was stunned.

In the line of sight, countless figures are shaking, occupying the four fields, all kinds of powerful creatures, roaring the sky, those shocking breaths, completely make the sun and the moon change color, the mountains and rivers collapse! The faces of these creatures , is also very vague, even with Jiang Che's many years of experience in studying mountains and seas, he can only vaguely conclude that one of them has a human-like face, tiger legs, and wild boar fangs. , Even the friendly troops dare not approach, it should be one of the four evils - 梼杌! "It's really a war"

Jiang Che was stunned for a long time.

This kind of scene is obviously doing something big.

"But where is the enemy"

"And the war has not yet begun, how can the earth be bombarded."

He became puzzled again, and it was obvious that these... terrifying creatures did not fight against anyone, but kept raising their heads, looking at the sky and the earth in the distance.

A huge creature, very anxious, followed their gaze.

Jiang Che raised his eyes and looked over. When he saw the scene above the sky, his whole body and body completely froze, as if he was completely stupid.

Because in Jiang Che's line of sight, the sky is also rising! And what is even more terrifying is that a strong man bigger than a star is holding the sky and holding it up. His muscles seem to explode, drop by drop. Sweat fell, and it turned into rivers and lakes. In his body, blood vessels flowed a fiery red liquid that was thousands of times hotter than magma. From his mouth, a thunderous cry came out.


The giant struggled to lift the sky.

At the far end of the earth, another equally terrifying giant was pressing the earth, causing the earth to slump downward.

"Trust God."

"Li Judi"

Jiang Che's eyes widened, his voice trembling: "The heaven and the earth are separated, and the heaven and the human will never come and go!"

"Is this so special, Jedi Tiantong!"

He really did not expect that he would actually be able to witness this great, historical moment.

Jedi Tiantong, this is the Hualong Empire, an insurmountable hurdle in the history of mythology. Since this day, there has been a distinction between gods and people, and there are only in the world, and there are rules in the world! Countless strange books , History books have recorded this incident.

"The Great Wilderness of the Mountains and Seas" says, "Zuanxu gave birth to an old boy, and the old boy was born as heavy as Li, and the emperor ordered him to re-offer it to the sky, and ordered Li to go down to the ground. "

The four books also record this matter.

"Shangshu Lu Xing" said, "It is the life of the heavy Li, the heaven and the earth, and there is no downgrade."

In the twenty-four histories, the "Book of Zhou" also recorded this incident.

And now, Jiang Che can witness this history with his own eyes, it is impossible to say that he is not excited.

He widened his eyes, watching this astonishing scene, Chong and Li, the two ultimate reckless men, held up the sky and the earth, separating them further and further apart.

And the other side.

Zhuanxu's army stood on the vast land, looking out at the sky and the surrounding fields, as if they were waiting for something.


Rumble!! A sound of heavy footsteps sounded, as if some ancient existence had stepped foot.

Jiang Che saw that on a forbidden chariot, that ancient great emperor - Emperor Xuan, waved his hand and ordered, countless terrifying creatures, killing the four fields and the sky, and in these places, there were blurred lines. The figure slammed down.

This is a struggle between heaven and man! There are countless existences, do not hope, heaven and earth will be separated forever.

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