In this battle, the blood collapsed and the sky was crimson red. Jiang Che just watched the scene in front of him. The excitement in his eyes gradually turned to calm. In the battle of these terrifying creatures , He seems to have realized something, and his understanding of... combat is almost increasing rapidly.

I don't know how much time has passed.

This battle has been going on for too long. All the powerful creatures around Zhuanxu have exhausted their last drop of blood, and even this one of the five emperors, Emperor Xuan, has also come to the end in person. The dome of the sky, and some peak existences fight.

In the end, this battle came to an end.

Heaven and earth were separated, from then on heaven and man were separated forever! Xuandi Zhuanxu fell from the dome, shaking the mountains and seas. Countless huge beings bowed down and bowed their heads, bowing their heads. At this moment, Xuandi's might shines brightly to the world! Invincible load.

Suddenly, Zhuanxu, who was accepting the sacrifice to all spirits, twitched his eyes and looked at a place. His body suddenly stiffened. He subconsciously raised a hand and pointed at Jiang Che, but in the next second, he hurriedly put it down. Go, the whole person, looks very overwhelmed.

Jiang Che also saw this scene.

He didn't feel proud of it, he just nodded to this one, Emperor Xuan, smiled slightly, and said.

"Northern Heavenly Emperor, I am here for the agreement before ancient times."

Chapter [-]: Copper Dome Breaker Hammer! (Second more)

"Ah... oh... ok!"

Zhuanxu's voice sounded in Jiang Che's heart, and there was a moment of panic.

"Fulfill the contract! Please forgive me, the emperor is in the body, so I can't bow."

Zhuanxu's surname is Ji, and his name is Ganhuang. He uses this self-proclaimed name to express his respect. As an emperor, he carries the supreme will of mountains and seas, and he cannot bow his head to anyone.

Because of this, his voice only sounded in Jiang Che's heart, and he expressed his apology.

In fact, Zhuanxu is still standing in the heaven and earth, bearing the sacrifices of all spirits.

Of course Jiang Che wouldn't pretend to be forceful, he smiled very enthusiastically: "It's alright, it's alright, congratulations, brother, let's get it straight, I'll go back after finishing it."

And when I heard Jiang Che's words, congratulations, brother.

Zhuanxu's body shook violently, and finally, he couldn't bear it any longer, he bowed in the direction of Jiang Che, indistinctly, his body was even bigger than Xinghe.

At the same time, an ancient will burst out from Zhuanxu's body and rushed into Jiang Che's body.

In an instant, an ice-blue, mysterious character appeared on Jiang Che's chest. Among them, it revealed a supreme sense of savagery! Reckless card - Xuan Di Zhuanxu! Jiang Che's eyes were shining, very satisfy.

When it comes to this Emperor Xuan, most people probably don’t know much, but as long as they know that, among the four evils, Yingtao, his son Qimei, Xiaoxing, his son the ancient god Yingzhao, and his subordinates, the ancient gods and arrogant insects , listen to his dispatch cough, Tai Feng these two goods, also listen to him dispatch the great gods to work together, his defeated generals... Knowing this..., you can probably understand what kind of strength and status this Xuandi is.

And what Jiang Che has seen with his own eyes, the Jedi Tiantong relies not only on Zhuanxu's power, but also on his personal strength. It's a matter of fact, Mr. Shanhai.

Then, there was a trance in the mind.

Jiang Che opened his eyes again and had already returned to the top of Longquan Mountain.

Glancing at the... ancient, ice-blue mark on his chest, he knew that everything just now was not a dream. Above this mark, there exuded a very barren, deadly power, which could be said to be powerful to the apex! , he started, checked, this battle, the last item, the harvest.

That one, the red copper magic ball! Buck's red copper armor was directly shattered by the previous shocking hammer. What made Jiang Che surprised was that the magic ball was intact, and even had the slightest crater. , were not hammered out.

This must be, an amazing good thing! Jiang Che directly took out the Hell's World Destruction Hammer and put it together with the red copper ball.

Then meditate.


"Ding, do you spend 50 energy to fuse the hammer Jiang Che and the Purple Vault of Gold?"

Jiang Che's eyes flashed: "Fusion!"

Accompanied by two items, under a burst of very bright fairy light, it slowly melted and recast... After half an hour.

A sledgehammer that was so ferocious that it was indescribable, with a deep purple body and a light golden divine light, appeared in front of Jiang Che. Above the hammer, a chain of chains seemed to be surrounded by a blue dragon. It seems that there is life.

An aura that destroyed the sky and the earth rose from the sledgehammer into the sky.

Roar!! Vaguely, in the air, there seems to be a roar of a wild beast.

The terrifying breath smashed the void, the earth collapsed suddenly, and the fierce momentum shook, and the heaven and the earth shook.

As soon as Jiang Che grasped the sledgehammer, the body of the hammer vibrated violently, 'bang bang bang bang kept shaking, just like an electric stick with an increased code rate, even Jiang Che couldn't hold it. .

Some shocking weapons will be like this when they are born.

In history, there are many incidents in which the craftsman was finally killed by the peerless weapon that was cast. When this tool does not recognize the owner, it will resist and eat the master! At this time, it is often necessary to , the master will seal it up, and when he finds the powerful master it recognizes, this weapon will be surrendered.

Jiang Che, on the other hand, glanced at it with great interest, and in his hand, he held a reckless sledgehammer.


A backhand is...a slap.

Clap! A crisp sound.

The sledgehammer flew out, and in the realm of gods, Jiang Che was... a god. With his slap, the entire Longquan Mountain shook, and the entire world with a radius of a hundred miles was suppressed and turned into a huge force.

It can be said that if this palm goes down, a high-ranking god may be gone.

Bang!!! A loud noise, a huge hole was torn open on the ground, and the sledgehammer was slammed down.

"Who are you with?"

Jiang Che clapped his hands: "If you dare to confront your father again, I will take out the little self-consciousness that you have finally derived from you, attach it to the iron pickaxe, and sell it to Africa for mining!"

He dared to say that, not bragging.

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