Because this sledgehammer, at the moment when the fusion is completed, it has already recognized Jiang Che. It was only that trace that it was born. In the future, it may evolve into an artifact spirit. Self-consciousness, for a while, I didn't see the situation clearly. .

As the master of the sledgehammer, Jiang Che can suppress it with his backhand.

And after receiving a slap, the sledgehammer, ooh...a few times, obediently floated out of the big pit and fell into Jiang Che's hands.

He also sent out a friendly thought to please.

In fact, the artifact spirit was born, and he realized that the terrifying power in his body subconsciously wanted to be fierce and show that he was a werewolf.

As a result, it was ruthlessly suppressed.

It's still a baby. It's natural in the end. It doesn't dare to be more than a little bit.

Jiang Che concentrated and looked at its attributes.

Purple Copper Dome-Breaking Hammer Jiang Che: Ten Thousand Demons Domain, Zimenguan Pass, Hammering the Heavens - The Power of Breaking the Dome, One Soul, Six Souls Abilities: Cracked Sky Tribulation has twelve attributes! And each of them, if taken out individually, can be created, a pinnacle artifact.

With such a weapon, Jiang Che couldn't help it, his eyes flashed, and he was a little excited.

"It's just right, the time is almost up, go to the strange world and try the power."

Jiang Che glanced at the sky.

Huge feathered wings stretched out from behind.

Soar to the sky.

6:[-] pm: [-]: The Empire will organize a rescue, and then, will start the rift closure plan!

Chapter [-] Horror Savage! (third more)

Qinling Mountain, one, towers over the empire, the northern border, the towering giant peak, used to be the natural barrier of the Hualong Empire for thousands of years, resisting the brutal barbarians, and in modern times, as a 5 tourist attraction, witnessing the empire's growing... …Prosperity.

It can be said that it witnessed the rise and fall of the Hualong Empire.

This mountain, engraved with history, is more like a devastated old man who survives the storm.

And now.

This mountain was torn apart by a slash-like opening.

With its back facing the northern border of the empire, and facing the side of the [-]-mile uninhabited wasteland, a sky-shattering, pitch-black hole crawls on top of this giant peak, like a... savage beast, with its bloody mouth wide open. .

Half of the mountain was swallowed up.

And in this fissure of the blood basin, a thick, white mist-like aura spewed out, this is very amazing, the aura has actually reached the level that is visible to the naked eye! Thick and full of spirituality.

Some vines, stained with blood, were twisting slightly, just like there was life, and above the Qinling Mountain Ridge, a large area of ​​open space was emptied, and a huge defensive base was built.

More than [-] meters high concrete fortifications, howitzers, standard flame throwers, temporary housing... Countless figures, swaying in the fortifications, walking quickly, each performing their own duties, with experts analyzing data, and soldiers patrolling around, There are officers who deploy defensive power and those who are powerful, just like falcons, staring at the threat in the dark.

This large defense base has been stationed here for three and a half months.

As early as four months ago, there was a rift here that was about to open, and two months ago, the news was confirmed and spread to all walks of life. Countless large and small forces sent strong men to this place.

This is the established rule.

Everyone who comes can get a share of the pie, but they also need help to guard this rift together.

Because every time the crack opens, it means that countless ferocious beasts, evil spirits, and possibly intelligent creatures from the strange world will invade, and only these waves of offensives can be blocked.

Only then can the benefits be distributed among the parties.

Generally speaking, apart from the one or two large cracks that are unique to each country, the other small cracks do not have the danger of being too terrifying.

Even some fissures are simply connected, and no battles will break out in no-man's land.

Even if a fight breaks out.

From the Hualong Empire up to now, the nineteen small and medium-sized rifts have come, at most, some are more evil than the earth, some are evil, some are different, some are beasts.

These things are indeed very ferocious, but in front of the forces of all parties, combined, and in front of a huge number of capable people, they are basically possible, and they can win steadily.

Because of this, every time a new rift opens, there will always be countless forces, rushing to get a share of the pie, and the empire also intends to cultivate some civil forces, so basically, it rarely sends too many imperial powerhouses. This time, Qin When the rift in Lingshan opened, only a few principals came to the empire, plus some capable people and soldiers stationed at the base.

The rest of the guards consisted of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, the Black Market in Tongque City, the Zhao Family with Five Surnames and Seven Hopes, the Tianlan Group, the Ancient Wuxuanmen... and seventeen seven, big and small powerhouses. .

Everyone is very relaxed, and they are talking about what good things will be obtained this time.

But this time, things went beyond everyone's expectations! The creatures in this crack are terrifyingly strong! They formed a crushing posture against them. These creatures, cold and ruthless, cunning and cruel, made everyone despair.

last night.

Cracks open early.

The guardians here have waited for a long time, but have not seen any creatures.

After multiple judgments, this crack was identified as an unmanned crack, so they sent a group of people, about [-] capable people, to investigate.

But not long after these people entered.

Immediately, countless powerful creatures stepped in from the crack and dragged all the guards away! At this time, in a command room, several powerful men with terrifying aura were watching a video.

In the video, it was the guards who were here before, fighting with those... terrifying creatures.

Or, it shouldn't be called a fight at all.

This is one-sided crushing.

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