in the screen.

A group of savage-like creatures, wearing animal skins and carrying bone weapons, rushed out of the cracks and rushed to the positions where cannons and machine guns were erected. This scene looked very funny.

A group of primitive people, carrying weapons made of bones and stones, rushing towards the hot weapon army fiercely is just... courting death.

You don't have to look to know that this is a crushing battle.

final result.

But it was jaw-dropping.

Crushing indeed.

But it's not the hot weapons that crush primitive people, but those... creatures with bone sticks that easily crush the defenders! Those... bone sticks, on the stone axe, burst out with terrifying divine light, and in an instant, they shattered into pieces. The eight-meter-thick fortifications were bombarded by artillery, and in front of them, it was like a tickling.

These savage-like aborigines are so powerful that they are like gods!!

Chapter [-] Sima Yu (fourth more)

The so-called king of human beings, the ancestors of demigods, in front of these brutal savages, they were almost unable to hold on to a single move.

These savages, fierce fighting style, see a few strong, eyes jumping.

In the picture, dozens of savages were easily suppressed, thousands of capable teams.

Then they were driven into the rift like livestock.

Before leaving, a man with the tallest body, more than five meters tall, with a circle of human skulls hanging around his neck, seemed to be the little leader of this group of savages, grinned evilly at a surveillance camera, and said something strange. .

It was later deciphered by experts.

The meaning of this sentence is: we will come again, ready for the white pork, waiting for us.

Impressively, human beings on earth, in their eyes, are... white flowers, meat pigs! This scene.

Looking at the conference room, there are strong men with cold eyes and clenched fists! "Humph! These savages, what a big tone."

"However, they are indeed powerful. The weakest among them are probably all demigods. Even if we are facing such a large number of savages at the same time, I am afraid that we will not be able to please them."


A group of strong people communicated in the conference room.

Among them, there are not only the powerhouses of the empire, but also people from various forces, because this time, the major forces dispatched to gain benefits are their own, the most valued juniors.

It's all broken down at once, and no one can afford it.

The strongest in the conference room, the weakest are also demigods! The strongest, the breath is unfathomable, like an abyss like the sea, obviously beyond the realm of human beings, they are real gods! At this time, they are all a bit, Ugly face.

Because here, at most, there are thirteen or four gods.

The opponent, however, is thirty or forty, and their strength is completely disproportionate! "Unless Senior Zhang is willing to make a move together, we are afraid that we have no hope."

A burly man in scarlet armor, said in a urn voice.

"Indeed it is."

In the dark corner, there was a voice saying, "But at the moment, it's unlikely."

The young woman with a rose on her forehead, Su Ya, shook her head: "The empire did not send new, old seniors here, and there must be a guard at the crack."

"The Empire may have other arrangements."

One by one, the strong men standing in the human race, at this moment, frowned and sighed.

"But fortunately, this is just a group of savages. Maybe they can make efforts to outsmart them."

The man in scarlet armor, Zhao Zhengyang, said.

"These savages look rough, but in fact, they are very cunning. You must not count on them!"

A short, thin old man, Sima Yu, who was squatting on a stool, said suddenly.

Several people looked at it with a condensed expression.

Presence theory calculation, this... old senior, no one can surpass him.

Six months ago, there were strong men in the Dark Alliance who invaded the Hualong Empire and wanted to quietly take over the Hualong Empire and all the black market shares. In this way, they controlled all the underground transactions in the empire.

This will be a very large intelligence network! It can be said that if you really want to let the dark alliance powerhouse succeed.

Then they sold the intelligence of the empire to various countries, and even to some evil forces.

Then the Hualong Empire, not only will it die, but at least it will slough off a layer of skin! And the actions of the Dark Alliance will finally be broken: in the hands of one person, it is this thin old man - Sima Yu.

Not only did he not throw away half of the black market share, but instead, he put all the investment of the Dark Alliance in this operation into his own pocket.

He even made a reverse calculation, exposing the dark alliance, three 3 strongholds in the empire, helping the Hualong Empire and removing hundreds of spies.

This achievement is quite astonishing.

And from the beginning to the end, this god-level powerhouse has not touched his hands, and only relies on his brain.

At this time, Sima Yu said very solemnly, these savages are very cunning! This made everyone's faces look awe-inspiring.

Zhao Zhengyang looked a little unhappy: "Senior Sima, what do you mean by this?"

"It's just a few savages. At most, they have some cleverness when hunting and fighting. When it comes to big strategies, how can they compare to my Hualong Empire, which has accumulated thousands of years of precipitation."

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