Sima Yu glanced at Zhao Zhengyang lightly.

"Junior, big strategy, do you know what strategy is?"

"The wisdom of hunting has never been a little clever, these things of our empire... Battle command experts, not just, defeated by others, some simple hunting skills"

"The crack opened, and the savages didn't act rashly. In fact, I dare to guess that they have been waiting at the crack for a long time, but they are extremely patient. They are obviously powerful, but they are not arrogant at all, but they are cautious to the extreme. This is the hunter. Wisdom—wait for the prey to emerge first!"

"And when our so-called smart commanding experts sent out to investigate the team, these experienced hunters instantly judged the level of strength on our side and immediately attacked."

"This is wisdom!"

"When it comes to strategy, the thing that comes to mind is... . . . It means that you have watched too many movies."

"This time, the old man can smash the dark alliance so much that nothing is left. It's not because of my amazing ingenuity. The most fundamental reliance is me. Ten years ago, I planted one in the dark alliance's headquarters in Hualong. The chess pieces and the rest of the calculations are the icing on the cake, and this is the calculation!"

Hearing this, everyone present widened their eyes.

"And now, the headquarters of the Dark Alliance in Hualong has been removed, and I am willing to say this. This is the prudence of this old man. There is no one who is prudent. These savages, if we take them out When we are fools, then we are truly fools."

Chapter [-] The Uncrowned King of the Killer World - The King of Hell on the Back (First Update)

"These savages are very difficult!"

Zhuge Yu finally emphasized one sentence.

He glanced at Zhao Zhengyang: "You say that my Hualong Empire has five thousand years of civilization and unparalleled strategy, but you don't understand that other people's worlds have more than fifty thousand years of civilization."

As the biggest boss behind the black market, Zhuge Yu has both black and white. He also cooperates with the imperial officials. The news is so extensive that everyone present is incomparable.

He vaguely knew something about the history of the devious world, which was deciphered by experts in the empire.

When he finished speaking, the expressions of everyone present became cloudy.

These savages, in terms of strength, crushing the crowd, cunning, intelligent and calculating, are also so terrifying, in this way, it seems that they have no chance! "Then is it..."

Zhao Zhengyang said angrily: "We juniors, just let them fend for themselves!"

He looked young, in his twenties.

In fact, this is because, after stepping into the realm of the gods, the species level evolves, and the life span increases, so it is rejuvenated and rejuvenated. In fact, Zhao Zhengyang is one of the ancestors of the Zhao family with five surnames and seven looks. Thirty years old.

"Yeah, they are all, under our respective sects, in the group, the most promising talents in the future, who have stepped into the realm of the gods, it is really a loss.

No one can afford this loss!"

A burly man with a big hammer, more than three meters tall, said in a urn.

"How are you, the old man can't control it, but even if I die, I must go and rescue my great-grandson!"

A middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic suit, with a Chinese character face, said solemnly.

When he opened his mouth, it was as if a tiger roared and thundered. This was from the ancient Wuxuanmen, a martial god named Xiao Hong.

Not everyone who comes here is for the sake of interests, and there are also a large number of people who come here for the sake of family affection and flesh and blood.

The atmosphere is a little dull.

At this time, a burst of laughter sounded.

"Hahaha, old man Zhuge, don't give up."

"You've lost so many words and warned us, don't underestimate these savages, just hope everyone, don't take it lightly in future actions."

There was no one in the corner of the room, but it was very strange. Even the many powerful gods who were present could not see through that person's concealment.


Zhuge Yu's aged face showed a hint of joking, and looked towards Jiao: "The uncrowned king of the killer world, the lord of the bounty in the underground world, took over the title of nine hundred and sixty-three and nine pieces, the god-killer—Chu Baiyu. "

"You killed a new god of the Nordic Thor system half a month ago."

"Bodoro, the Thunder God of the Polar Bear Empire, is looking for you all over the world, how dare you show up?"

Zhuge Yu's voice fell, and everyone was immediately stunned.

Unexpectedly, there is someone crouching in this room, such a terrifying existence! At the same time, killing intent burst forth.

Suddenly, a terrifying cold light shattered the void, and a vast sword intent slammed into Zhuge Yu's back.

He didn't even look at this sword intent, instead, he lowered his head, looked forward, and said a word lightly.

"I have no intention of touching your parents, but as soon as I die, all your information will be exposed internationally."

Facing the heaven-shattering sword intent in the bright light, and the deadly threat lurking in the shadows, like the King of Hell reaching out his hand, Zhuge Yu took a sip of his tea cup and took a sip: "Good tea."

Crash! The sword intent is broken.

In front of Zhuge Yu, in the void, a deadly breath like a poisonous snake disappeared.

But Zhuge Yu could feel that in the air, there was a gaze that was as cold as death, staring at him coldly. Zhuge Yu had no doubt that the other party could take action at any time and kill him.

Not even just him.

Everyone in this room had a feeling that their hair was standing on end, as if they were being targeted by a poisonous snake! Bang! Zhuge Yu put the teacup on the table and spoke lightly.

"Trust me, there are many people named Chu Baiyu in this world, but if you can clearly know which Chu Baiyu you are, only the old man."

A killer, the most taboo thing is... being known to his real identity.

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