This is also the reason why Chu Baiyu suddenly broke out.

In the air, after a long silence, a low voice that could not be identified finally sounded.

"Zhuge Yu, you advocate that you are cautious and do your calculations, but in front of my face, tell me that you know my identity, so you are not afraid that I will kill you regardless of everything."

The rest were also stunned.

That's right, Zhuge Yu, knowing such great news, he didn't want to hide it as his trump card, but instead, he told a king of killers directly, I know who you are.

Isn't this so stupid? For a time, they began to rethink what Zhuge Yu said, and it became more reliable.

Chapter [-]: Zhuge Yu's Analysis (Second)

"All calculations will not be [-]% accurate. For example, your [-]% completion rate in the killer world should be discounted. I don't expect it, you will definitely be beaten. I threaten."

Zhuge Yu said with a smile.

And hear this.

In the void, an invisible figure, his pupils suddenly widened, and his breathing was hurried for half a minute in 10/[-]% of a second.

In the mission, this flaw would be fatal! Chu Baiyu couldn't help but be shocked.

Because he did miss once! But only once.

That time, in an old seaport in northern Europe, he hunted down a mother and daughter, the wife and daughter of a big drug lord, someone paid [-] million to buy that... drug lord, the whole family.

What the drug lord has done is not a good thing. His family seems to have done nothing bad, but they enjoy the extravagant life that the drug lord relied on to harm thousands of families, and the money he got.

Therefore, Chu Baiyu showed no mercy to them.

He took the drug lord and a large family in the villa, seventeen people, men and women, young and old, to death. Later, according to the information provided by the client, he went to the old seaport to hunt down the mother and daughter.

It seems that the drug lord got the news early and sent someone to send his wife and daughter abroad. On the deck, Chu Baiyu saw the mother and daughter.

Without the extravagance he imagined, the mother and daughter, the clothing expenses, are very ordinary, not at all like the family of an international drug lord with a net worth of tens of billions.

The daughter is promoting anti-drugs and the dangers of drugs to the people on the boat, while the mother is working part-time as a cleaner on the boat to earn living expenses for the two of them.

They seem unwilling to accept their husbands, fathers, and money from drug trafficking, and choose to be self-reliant.

When Chu Baiyu followed the little girl to an unoccupied corner and wanted to make a move, she saw the other party, eating some moldy black bread with relish. She is definitely not a rich lady, who is usually pampered and pampered. Disguised appearance.

Chu Baiyu stretched out his hand, trying to strangle the opponent's neck.

In his hand, the little girl stuffed half of the clean bread.

At that time, he was disguised as a beggar, and on such old port ships, some beggars often came in.

Look at each other's clean smile.

That time was the only time Chu Baiyu missed.

But now, the old man in front of him said very well that he had missed a hand! Chu Baiyu couldn't help but stagnate.

As a king hiding in the dark, for the first time, he had a feeling of being seen through.

"your purpose"

He asked four words.

Zhuge Yu smiled: "It's very simple, this time my granddaughter and I come back alive, and all your information will be cleared. As for reliability, you can find one of the world's top hackers to verify."

Hearing this sentence, all the people present widened their eyes.

They instantly understood, Zhuge Yu's purpose! It turned out that he was not really mindless, he would come out to show off if he knew some information, but to obtain the protection of a helper, a killer who could kill gods.

"No, come back alive"

Su Ya was suddenly stunned.

"Could it be that Mr. Zhuge never gave up, entered the rift, and rescued the hostages?"

The rest of the people also sensed something was wrong, and all looked at Zhuge Yu.

"Okay, old man Zhuge, I can be threatened by you this time, but next time, even at the risk of exposure, I will kill you!"

Chu Baiyu said lightly, and then he said coldly: "Now, tell me your plan!"

He came here with a purpose, to save a person, so he was eager to know what plan Zhuge Yu had.


Zhuge Yu laughed and glanced around: "The old man said just now that these savages are very difficult to deal with, but why do we have to go and deal with them?"

Several people were stunned.

"What we have to do is to save people, not to fight bloody battles with each other, so their cunning, strength, etc. don't have to be considered too much."

"What we have to do is to judge the situation of the hostages"

"First of all, we must understand that according to the empire's understanding of the ghost world, most of the people who have been captured by the other side of our world are used as food and labor."

"And these savages, one person, I am afraid that they are comparable to our earthlings, [-], [-] coolies. Therefore, if they are caught, they will definitely not be coolies."

"Combined with the clothes of these savages, there are traces of sewing and making, but the stitches are so rough that they are almost invisible."

Zhuge Yu controlled the front monitor to pause, and zoomed in on those... the animal skin clothes on the wild man's body.

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