Chapter [-] Tonight, doomed to have no sleep! (fourth more)

Jiang Che was intrigued and teased for a while...a tea seller.

During this period of time, a few more powerful breaths came from the camp. Sitting in this house, these people were at least in the realm of demigods! These strong men, perhaps and the people who were dragged into the cracks, It doesn't matter, but they still chose to come here, because many people have vaguely noticed that a fork in the history of mankind has opened.

It will be brilliant all the way.

If you fail, you will never recover.

The people who were taken away included the younger generation of the Hualong Empire, and [-]% of the geniuses. Among them, either the awakening ability was very unbelievable, or the cultivation aptitude and martial arts aptitude were very powerful.

Or have special talents.

The arrival of these powerhouses is precisely to save these... the hope for the future of mankind.

Not long ago, the strongest of the major empires suddenly retreated one after another, saying that they would break through the realm. Those... the ancestors who were stuck at the peak of mankind for decades and hundreds of years, now this breakthrough has brought many signals.

It makes many people understand that the upper limit of human beings on earth is rising! And these young geniuses are, in a sense, much more valuable than these old guys.

So many people came without hesitation.

Jiang Che is not the same as them. He just came here purely to get some energy and save the soldiers who...he spared no effort to guard the soldiers here. As for those who...the last step is to take advantage of them, He will not be treated special.

Neither will they deliberately harm them, nor will they go to special protection.

After all, no matter how strong a young genius, Tianjiao, in front of Jiang Che, he has nothing to do with anything... To brag, the so-called genius can kill a lot of people with a single hammer, whether it is before they grow up, or After that, there is no difference.


An old voice suddenly resounded throughout the camp.

A group of strong men in the house all got up and walked out with a change of expression.

The sky outside had completely darkened, the afterglow of the setting sun engulfed the earth, and the blood-red light covered it from a distance, like a... deep-sea giant whale, driving away small fish.

Under this kind of scene, the crack in the strange world in front of the camp looks more and more... strange, dangerous, like a huge abyss mouth, almost swallowing everything, everyone who sees it can't help it, can't help it Feel a kind of fear that penetrates the soul.

And everyone can still stick to it.

It was because there was a vigorous figure standing in front of the crack, blocking all dangers and ominousness, it was an old man with white hair, hanging in the void, his face was very old, his eyes could not be opened, and he was half-squinted.

This old man, indeed, is getting old and dying, and it can be said that he is like a gossamer.

But as long as his figure is here, everyone will feel at ease.

"Zhang... Zhang Wusheng!"

Xiao Hong stepped out of the door and was very excited when he saw the old man.

"You, didn't you go to breakthrough? Why did you come in person!"

He was a little helpless.

Although he is also known as the God of War, in front of this one, anyone who takes the road of martial arts will be so excited.

The rest were also very moved.

They all know that the empire has come to a strong Zhang family to guard this crack, but they never imagined that it is this person. Strictly speaking, he cannot be regarded as a strong Zhang family, but Zhang family. The ancestors of the ancestors, I am afraid that they are alive, must be hundreds of thousands of years old.

Tai Chi Grandmaster - Zhang Sanfeng! In fact, it is no longer possible to call him a Grandmaster. This one, when he became famous, was indeed a Grandmaster, that is, a high-level expert. In the martial arts of his era, such a level of powerhouse , can almost hang everything.

But now, this person's cultivation has long been unfathomable! He is honored as the Martial Saint.

What makes everyone puzzled is that the peak human powerhouses in various countries are busy making breakthroughs.

Zhang Sanfeng waved his hand, his cloudy eyes showed a touch of relief: "Old, old."

The short eight words revealed endless sadness.

Anyone can see that this one is not really serious about his fate, but because the empire is indeed short of manpower. After all, all the top experts are busy making breakthroughs.

The opening of the crack in Qinling Mountain caused a terrifying disaster. There must be a strong person of sufficient weight to suppress this matter! So this old senior came forward.

"The matter of the strange world is left to you. Be sure to come out before twelve o'clock. It's hard work, children."

Zhang Sanfeng sighed and stepped aside.

"The old man can't leave here, but when he senses a strong enemy, he will rush out of the crack two miles to meet you, pay attention to safety."

Everyone stood up in awe.


A strong man rose into the sky, with splendid brilliance, pierced through the void, and rushed into that dark, bottomless fissure. At the same time, the last brilliance of the sunset became more and more shaky.

Soon, in this icy night, the only red light with a warm aura disappeared completely, darkness, and engulfed the earth.

Hoo! Oooo...! From all over the mountains and forests, there was a mournful beast roar.

Qin Lingshan was guarding the camp, and each capable person, soldier, clenched the weapons in their hands, sweat dripping from their palms.

At night, it always comes with the beast tide.

Zhang Sanfeng guards the rift and guards against another world, he can't make the slightest change.

Before, there were god-level powerhouses in the camp, and it was easy to deal with the beast tide, but now, the gods have left, and the strongest person in the camp is no more than the king of human beings. This will be a difficult night! Everyone must fight to the death. Protect, in the camp, there are three celestial masters who study the magic circle.

And this fissure, as an introduction to the complete recovery of the demon, the surrounding aura, its concentration, the demons, evil beasts, and naturally the most ferocious ones, the king of beasts, and even the demon gods, may appear.

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