Tonight, doomed to sleepless.

Chapter [-] Step into the strange world! (first update)

On the other side, a group of god-level and demigod-level powerhouses stepped into the fissure of the strange world.

Everyone's face is very solemn, and no one can guarantee what kind of danger will be ahead.

After all, this is stepping into an unknown world.

Not to go to another place, not to go to a foreign country, not even to another planet, but to another world! Completely different from this world, the other world! And there is a mysterious place that can easily destroy everyone. Savage.

This undoubtedly made everyone feel very heavy.

In Jiang Che's hand, he had already grasped the obsidian card - Ying Long, in his soul sea, the Shenzang card representing Chi You and Tai Feng, flickering faintly, ready to burst out a powerful force at any time.

The most terrifying thing is that on his chest, that ancient aqua blue symbol, once it erupts, it will turn the world upside down!

This exotic beast card is enough for Jiang Che to obtain, this... Shanhai boss, the full power of his childhood! It can be called very terrifying.

After stepping into the crack, everyone's eyes widened.

Jiang Che was no exception, because what appeared in front of him was an abyss like a moat, surrounded by endless darkness, and in the cracks, there were countless fragments of the void scattered.

These fragments are all very sharp. I am afraid that if they touch it, the god-level powerhouse will also be cut into two pieces! "Space barbs!"

Zhuge Yu said solemnly: "According to some of the prisoners of war in the devious world, this kind of thing is called a space barb. The old man always thought that it was really a barb, but it turned out to be a large piece of void debris. ."

"Be careful, this thing is very dangerous! If you rub it against it, you will have to peel off the skin if you don't die!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Che understood why those... demons were so slow when they climbed out of the void passage, because of their huge bodies, they had to smash all the space barbs, their bodies to pass.

And these... broken pieces of the void, the strength is very terrifying, even a god general needs to gather all the strength in one point, and shatter it piece by piece.

Everyone saw that in the depths of the void, some fragments were still floating incessantly. If there was no external interference, this crack would be automatically filled after hundreds of thousands of years.

In the face of these fragments, most people choose to dodge flexibly, and their movements are fluttering, and they dodge easily.

After all, people are not like demons, and they do not have such a huge body, so it is relatively easy to pass through the void.

Zhao Zhengyang's eyes moved, his eyes blazing with fiery power, his whole body of armor burned, he raised his hand, and slammed out a crimson flame spear from the air.

"Jiuyang Fire Technique - Li Mugun:, give it to me"

Zhao Zhengyang roared loudly and threw a shot.

The fiery red spear is majestic and can kill almost everything! This spear has shocked many strong people. Even if they are god-level strong people, they are not willing to provoke them. The ancestors of the Zhao family are really strong. Unpredictable, one shot can kill a demigod.

The crimson spear slammed into a space fragment.

Ka Ka Ka! A tingling sound that made the scalp numb came out, and in the shock of everyone's eyes, Zhao Zhengyang's shot directly penetrated the void fragments, and then shattered into tens of thousands of pieces! This is lethal! Many people's speed has suddenly slowed down, and they no longer dare to... show their skills.

And Zhao Zhengyang also snorted, his face changed, he didn't dare to try to break it violently, but honestly, bypassed the oncoming pieces of void fragments and flew forward.

Half a minute later, the three-meter reckless man who was walking in the front raised a pair of sledgehammers, and the hammer radiated thunder, and two thunder dragons surrounded the reckless man's body.

Xiao Hong, the god of martial arts of the ancient Wuxuanmen, was full of energy, and his eyes were bright.

A bright red rose like blood appeared in Su Ya's hand.

Zhuge Yu, on the other hand, squeezed the handle of the folding fan earlier, and pulled it even tighter.

After condensing the ultimate move, sixteen god-level powerhouses rushed out of the void passage without knowing it, and the other eight demigods followed closely behind.

Pfft! Pfft! Pfft! One after another silhouettes stepped out, all staggering, and fell to the ground.

"Be careful, the gravity here is different, we can't fly in the sky!"

Someone shouted.

The group of people fell to the ground, the surroundings were pitch black, and under the hazy night, even the sight range of a god-level statue was compressed to about three meters. .


Brush! A gust of wind blew past.


The screams sounded, making the scalp tingle.

Everyone turned their heads, and their eyes suddenly froze.

In the group, a demigod who stepped out last was clutching his arm, screaming in pain, his face was full of fear.

Chapter [-]: The pitch-black giant wolf! (Second more)

This demigod's left arm has been completely broken, and the big hand covering his left shoulder is constantly oozing thick blood. The whole person is in extreme pain, and there are dense beads of sweat on his forehead.

The dark shadow flashed in front of him just now, and he felt a piercing pain in his shoulder.

When everyone saw his miserable state, their faces were very ugly.

Because the distance between the few people is no more than five meters, but no one has sensed the shot of that thing just now! The other party can quietly tear off an arm of this demigod, and it is bound to be able to quietly drag it away. At the scene, anyone's head! Jiang Che's expression changed.

Just now, he deliberately walked at the front of the team. After all, it was just a world of gods. He was confident and was not afraid of most threats.

But that's why even he didn't realize that at the end of the team, that... demigod was attacked! You know, the current Jiang Che has inherited countless mountains, seas and exotic beasts, part of the bigwigs. Basic attributes, among them, perception is a very powerful ability, which can almost keep pace with blood, physical strength, etc.

What exactly is it.

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