Looking at Jiang Che, there was only one corpse left on the spot.

Everyone was completely desperate.

The savior he thought was a savior turned out to be vulnerable in front of this ghost-faced tiger.

"Lao Jiang!" In the crowd, Ye Liangchen, who was bleeding from his nose and mouth, his eyes widened fiercely: "Fuck! Ghost thing."

He took out a short knife from his waist.

As she exited the entrance of the cave, Lu Xiaoyuan's face was full of grief. Her eyes gradually turned red, and she held a silver-white cross in her hand, and a murderous aura rose from the little girl.

Can be suddenly.



Two terrifying loud noises attracted everyone's attention.

Chapter [-] You will soon have a bloody disaster (beg Huahua~~ ask for a ticket!)

Just when everyone thought that Jiang Che was instantly killed by a ghost-faced tiger.

When Ye Liangchen and Lu Xiaoyuan were going to work hard.

Two loud bangs resounded suddenly.

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone swallowed hard.


I saw Jiang Che standing on the tiger's head, smashing the ghost-faced tiger's head with a hammer in his hand. At the same time, above the cave, a huge cone-shaped rock fell, penetrated the ghost-faced tiger's stomach, and nailed it to death. on the ground.

Two loud bangs.

One was the sound of Jiang Che's hammer, and the other was the rock falling.

Even more, many people saw that just now, Jiang Che's eyes were blazing with a blazing yellow light. He raised his hand, and this giant rock, which was conservatively estimated to weigh two tons, fell down with a bang.

Everyone was completely dumbfounded.

He flipped the palm of his hand and smashed the terrifying ghost-faced tiger with one hammer.

These terrifying abilities.

Is Jiang Che a god or a ghost?

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 999 energy."

Hearing the system prompt and confirming that the ghost-faced tiger was completely dead, Jiang Che lifted the hammer and looked at the villa owner and others.

"I think that all of you Yintang's blackening must be caused by evil. If you don't get rid of it in time, I'm afraid that there will be a bloody disaster in the near future. Come, come, I will help you exorcise evil!"

Watching this killing god come over with a hammer.

Shanzhuang and the others were terrified.

What a god to exorcise evil!

I think you're going to drive us away!

Bloody catastrophe?

It's your big hammer! !

"Don't be afraid, no matter how powerful he is, he is still a person. He can't hold a gun if he is a human being. Only if they go up together can they survive!!" The owner of the villa suddenly shouted, raised the shotgun in his hand, and put it at Jiang Che. gun.

hear him.

The rest of the villa also reacted.


The ghost-faced tiger is not afraid of bullets, that's because it is evil, rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and the person in front of him, although his strength is terrifying, is just a human after all.





With the sound of the hammer, the owner of the villa became a puddle of meat.

Jiang Che's figure was like a ghost in front of these people who had only acquired weak supernatural abilities, and he couldn't catch his footsteps at all.

See the end of the boss.

Everyone in the villa trembled violently, with incomparable panic in their eyes, and ran to the outside of the cave.

Someone was lucky and rushed to the mouth of the cave.

But suddenly, a falling rock fell, directly smashing the man into a mess of meat.

More than a dozen people couldn't breathe, and everyone in the villa was destroyed.

Jiang Che left Zhou Hua behind and threw it into the pile of students. He gave Ye Liangchen a wink, Ye Liangchen immediately understood, and shouted: "Classmates, if you have a grudge, a grudge, and a vengeance, you have torn up the dog's Zhou Hua! !"

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