The eyes of many students had already turned red, and the tears in their eyes could not stop rolling, with unforgettable hatred in their eyes.

This time, among the students, eleven people died.

Many of them are their good friends, best girlfriends, and even secret lovers, brothers and sisters.

Now, because of Zhou Hua, all of them stay in this deep mountain forever.

Moreover, if they didn't have Jiang Che's rescue, they would definitely have their heads and tails chopped off, and they would be made into "sacrificial meals", and even the corpses would not be left behind.

After the desperate mood, everyone broke out completely.

I can't wait to swallow Zhou Hua's flesh and blood.

All the students picked up stones, kitchen knives, and shotguns, and threw them at Zhou Hua desperately. Zhou Hua screamed, and was cut through the head with a kitchen knife in an instant.

"Lao Jiang, ruthless enough."

Ye Liangchen lit a cigarette and came over.

The expression in Jiang Che's eyes is not wavering: "People are not cruel, they can't stand firm~"

Although the people in the villa have done a lot of evil things and acquired strange abilities, they are still human after all. Jiang Che's bloody killing, in a sense, has taken more than [-] lives on his back.

Whether his purpose is to save people or punish evil and promote good.

If the empire really wants to pursue it, he will definitely be held legally responsible!

But it's different now. After Zhou Hua died in the hands of these students, the people in the villa, representing the group of people in the villa who were servants of ghost-faced tigers, died in the hands of more than [-] students, a group of victims. The nature has changed, no matter what the verdict is, Jiang Che will be fine.

When people express their anger.

Jiang Che walked towards the pitch-black iron coffin in the middle of the cave.

Reach out and touch it.

Jiang Che's expression suddenly changed.

Chapter [-]: The Fissure in the World (new book for collection~)

The black iron coffin was cold, and there was a faint chill, but it was not uncomfortable, but extremely comfortable.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 1 energy."

Hearing this system prompt, Jiang Che was excited.

This means that as long as the coffin is brought back, even if he stays at home and plays games, he can steadily become stronger!

"Ding, the nine-tailed fox (white board) has been used up and has not acquired permanent abilities."

"Ding, Xiangliu (white board) has been used up and has not acquired permanent abilities."

The status of the two alien cards disappeared.

Jiang Che continued to touch the coffin while feeling the changes in his body.

The flesh and blood, physique, etc., have been permanently enhanced several times. Now that he hits down with a hammer, I am afraid that he can blast out a terrifying power of [-] to [-] pounds.

And after an hour.

The crisp and pleasant system sound sounded again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 1 energy."

Jiang Che confirmed that the black iron coffin can contribute 1 point of energy per hour, which is a very good effect. For him, it is a big treasure.

At the same time, Jiang Che also thought of it.

For evil things like the ghost-faced tiger, what this coffin can provide should be the so-called spiritual energy. If you find some places with strong spiritual energy, will the system automatically absorb energy?

On the other side, a group of students who stole their lives from despair cut down all the people in the villa to pieces. At this time, they finally calmed down, panting and crying.

"Brother Che, everyone has finished venting, do you think you should go back to the villa, or wait here for dawn?"

Han Xingsheng asked Jiang Che with a very respectful tone.

Everyone looked at Jiang Che with gratitude and awe.

Jiang Che nodded and said, "Take the bodies of your classmates and go back to the villa."

Everyone picked up the flashlights of the people in the villa and walked out of the cave all the way.

Smelling the fragrance of the flowers in the wild, everyone's tense spirit finally eased up a bit, and they understood that they were finally the rest of their lives.

Lu Xiaoyuan radiated holy light and walked ahead to lead the way.

Jiang Che was carrying a pitch-black coffin at the end of the team.

A group of people were walking in the deep mountains, and the roars of beasts were heard from time to time around, and there were even some strange figures floating around.

But for some reason, everyone felt extremely at ease.

Maybe it was because there was a sledgehammer escort behind him.


Back to the mountain.

Jiang Che went to the lake to wash the coffin. Under the dull eyes of everyone, he turned into a human flesh dryer to dry the thing. Then he lay down and fell asleep.

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