"But sledgehammer, no."

As his voice fell, he had already rushed out with the hammer in hand.

There were only two, deep footprints left on the spot.

Everyone was stunned.

What the hell,! Is it so direct? Could it be... the legend.

indecisive, reckless

Chapter [-]: A Frightening Scene (Second, sorry for being a little late)

"The Power of Destruction!"

Jiang Che let out a loud shout, and a force that destroyed everything erupted from the copper dome-shattering hammer.

"As one wishes!"

The hammer head zoomed in loudly.

Reached, a hundred meters huge.

At the same time, Jiang Che's eyes turned red, chaotic and violent, and he opened it directly. His physical strength instantly increased by millions of tons! He tightened the sledgehammer and shouted loudly.


A slamming hammer slammed out and slammed into the wall in front of him.

Bang!!!! With a loud bang.

The wall was pushed by the great force of the hammer and moved back a short distance, but the entire wall radiated a dark light, and there was no damage under the hammer.

What was even more terrifying was that with the fall of the hammer, a colorful mist emanated from the wall and attacked Jiang Che.

"Lord Jiang be careful!"

"Master Jiang!"

Everyone shouted anxiously.

But unfortunately, this kind of colorful mist was very strange, as if it had life. In the air, the speed suddenly increased, and it blew directly onto Jiang Che's skin.

Everyone looked horrified.

Especially Suya.

Her beautiful eyes were full of horror.

As a connoisseur of poison, she was extremely apprehensive about this colorful 7 poisonous mist, because Su Ya vaguely guessed that it was [-]% similar to the ancient strange poison recorded in the "Baicao Poison Classic"! That kind of thing , can be called a kind of king of poison.

——Qijue Ancient Poison Powder! It is composed of seven kinds of peerless ancient poisons, each of which is something that can poison gods, and the combination of the seven kinds is almost called, except... the immortals from the sky come down to earth, and there are no living beings existence that can be stopped.

And this time.

The poisonous mist fell on Jiang Che's skin.

Everyone held their breaths and was very worried.

Only Su Ya is not worried, but shows despair and sighs, because she understands that once this kind of thing is contaminated, it will be dead and dead! There is no exception! "Alas"

A long sigh.

Su Ya raised her head and was about to see what happened when Jiang Che was poisoned.

Suddenly, her pair of beautiful eyes were stunned, and bright colors appeared in them.

Su Ya stared at the scene in front of her dumbfounded, only to see Jiang Che... ignoring those... Seven Colors 7 mist, and continued to fiercely rush towards the black wall, cursing.

"Dog thing, what do you use to fuck your father?"

"Dare to come out and be tough"

"Hammer your grandson to death!"

Jiang Che was facing the pitch-black wall... . . .

There was a noise, and the earth trembled.

Every time his hammer fell, a large cloud of colorful mist would start to rise, but these poisonous mists fell on him, and the eggs were useless.

Finally, in Su Ya's wide pair of beautiful eyes.

She saw that those... Seven Jue Ancient Poison Powders piled up thicker and thicker on Jiang Che's body, but Jiang Che ignored it at all, and the sledgehammer continued to fall on the wall.

Su Ya was stunned.

This is so outrageous! This poisonous powder, a small particle at random, can poison the gods.

How come to you, it is no different from flour, and the rest are completely dumbfounded. They can feel the terrifying danger of this poisonous mist. Occasionally a particle floats in the air, and everyone will instantly have a kind of:, The hairs stand on end, the feeling of being mortally threatened.

They understand that as long as they touch a random 1 particle.

Ninety percent of yourself may die! One percent: may be paralyzed.

In a word, this kind of colorful 7 poisonous mist is definitely something that can't be contaminated! But Mr. Jiang...that's too much! They watched Jiang Che, facing the dark wall in front of them, hammering In more than ten minutes, the entire wall was hammered out by him, several hundreds of meters. What's even more funny is that Jiang Che has been piled up by the colorful 7 poison powder and turned into a "colorful 7 snowman".

In the end, everyone was surprised to see it.

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