Jiang Che stopped cursing, patted away the poisonous mist on his body, and took two of them, put them in a white jade box, and stuffed them into his pocket.

The reason why he can be so arrogant is actually very simple.

Among the strange beasts in the mountains, seas and seas, if you randomly select ten 10s, there are definitely five 55s, all of which have the ability to be invulnerable to all poisons. Jiang Che has used so many exotic beast cards, and every time he uses them, he will keep the exotic beasts forever. , part of the basic ability.

Among them, there are things such as physique, blood, strength, etc., which are equivalent to the sum of the countless alien beasts and anti-poison abilities he possesses.

It can be said that Jiang Che can already be said to be invulnerable to all poisons.

Jiang Che thought for a while, and suddenly shouted at the rear: "Zhao Zhengyang, fire!"

Now it is obvious that with his basic strength, it is difficult for him to completely shake this wall.

Jiang Che wanted to see the whole picture of this wall, and then decide what abilities or alien cards to use.

the other side.

Zhao Zhengyang nodded.

"Dry Heaven! Earth Kun! Thunder! Xunfeng! Kanshui! Li Huo!"

"Xuantian's formation! Six gates borrow the law! Six heaven gates, open!"

"Jiu Ming is away from the fire, and the light is shining!"

In an instant, his body burst out with terrifying fire, blazing light, illuminating the world.

In the bright light, everyone's eyes were rounded at the same time, and everyone's mouth was so wide that they could stuff an egg.

This Nima! What the hell! After seeing the scene in front of me.

Everyone feels like their scalp is about to explode!

Chapter [-] Netherworld Swallowing Python (Third)

Their bodies froze violently, and their breathing stopped completely.

This god-level powerhouse was about to scream, lose his voice, or even be directly frightened by the scene in front of him.

in their sight.

A......a giant creature that defies the sky, spanning a small half of the sky.

That is a.... giant python, coiled above the ground, everyone is surrounded by it, and the wall they just saw is the body of this behemoth! Those... stone skin, it is it The scales! The python's body exudes a kind of black light, which is intertwined in the sky above the sky... The black hood isolates all sounds from the outside world.

At the same time under the refraction of this dim light.

The body of the giant python was equivalent to projecting a short distance forward.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, they could not find the slightest trace of the wall moving, nor could they hear any sound of the wall moving.

This illusion is deliberately created by the python! This is its hunting skills.

In other words, the skill of playing tricks on the prey.

Many wild beasts have this habit of 'slipping their prey', they can obviously make a thunderous shot and kill them with one blow, but in many cases, they choose to run after their prey, exhausting the last bit of resistance of the prey.

It makes their hunting easier and effortless.

Because in the jungle, every creature is both a hunter and a prey! They will not allow themselves to have the slightest flaw, and they will not want themselves to suffer any damage, because once injured, even if it is only a very small injury , I am afraid it is also a deadly threat! And looking at the behemoth in front of me.

Everyone was heartbroken.

This giant python was terrifyingly huge, beyond their comprehension.

Just the torso, I am afraid it has a diameter of [-] meters, which is comparable to a high mountain, and its body length is even more difficult to estimate, conservatively estimated to be [-] meters.

In front of it, everyone can't even be called an ant, at best, it's just a speck of dust.

The towering ancient trees around, under the body of the giant python, are like, yes, small grasses, along with the wriggling of its body, countless huge trees of [-] meters are easily crushed.

A triangular head as huge as a hill looked at the crowd with great interest.

In the deep giant eyes of the Netherworld Swallowing Python, a terrifying chill is revealed, which seems to freeze the souls of everyone! "Hiss"

It spit out snake letters at the crowd, with humanized doubts in its eyes.

The Netherworld Swallowing Python is confident, its own poison, nothing can stop it, and how could this ant-like human being so ignorant of his poisonous fog and gradually, the eyes of the Netherworld Swallowing Python, from doubt to thinking, In the end, it became more and more... gloomy and cold, revealing a biting killing intent.

It does not allow this jungle, there are such creatures that naturally restrain themselves! "Fizz!"

The infiltrating neigh...In the middle, the Netherworld Swallowing Python moved.

Its body suddenly rose a few points, and then a huge head slammed down from a height of several thousand meters, as if the sky was suppressing it, and slammed into Jiang Che.

The gigantic head of the Nether Swallowing Python, wrapped in the might of the shattering mountains and seas, with terrifying power, set off a gust of wind, causing the expressions of the god-level powerhouses to change greatly.

This blow is really terrifying! With a piercing wind whistling, the air was torn apart, and at the moment when everyone could hardly react, Jiang Che had been slammed into the ground, and on the ground, a man appeared. Terrifying, a thousand-meter-deep pit! Everyone's eyes widened in astonishment.

Because this is equivalent to the damage caused by a god-level powerhouse on the earth! "This ghost, don't tell me..."

Xiao Hong's face changed greatly.

"It is a terrifying creature that surpasses the level of a true god - a god general!"

"I'm afraid this kind of power is not just as simple as a god general, this is definitely the best among god generals, maybe even the level of commander!"

Zhuge Yu shook his head solemnly: "If it is really a creature of this level, then we don't have to resist, clean up and prepare to go to the ground for safety."

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