Along with Jiang Che, he spit out a word.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise like steel torn through the earth, and a giant hand burst out of the ground. Then, an earth giant climbed out and merged Jiang Che into his body. This [-]-meter giant had a powerful aura.


Countless creatures were horrified.


Chapter [-] When someone else made a big one, Master Jiang made a big one (fourth update, make up for it)

The earth giant's body is made of mud, and along with Shen Xi gushing out from its body, ancient runes appear on the body's surface, and under the condensation of mysterious power, these... mud, instantly become: stronger than a divine weapon! Thick! Giant! His expression was indifferent and deep, with a terrifying aura that looked down on the heavens and the world.

All the creatures in the deep jungle were stunned.

What the hell is the ancestor of the mountain giants here! Even the mountain giant king is not half as big! Should Nima's be so exaggerated and all the god-level powerhouses on the earth, then They all showed expressions of ecstasy and horror. On the one hand, their eyes widened in shock, unable to say a word, and on the other hand, a surge of ecstasy poured into their hearts.

Holy crap, this wave is very stable.

Lord Jiang, this is too fierce! Others have opened it up.

He just... opened it up! Gan! Awesome!!! The size and aura of the giant earth are completely incomparable to the Netherworld Swallowing Python above.

It is true that the swallowing python is five thousand meters long, but this is only the body length of a snake.

A five-kilometer snake normally coils up, and if it doesn't stretch its neck, it may not even reach the giant's knee.

The body shape is only the most intuitive display of his aura. In fact, the earthy yellow Shenxi that sprayed on the earth giant's body, and the... ancient-like, wild beast's power, made everyone even more shocked and trembled.

This kind of power seems to come from the beginning of time immemorial, very primitive, powerful and mysterious! Above.

Wrapped in the power of the small world, the Netherworld Swallowing Python, which was suppressed by the thunder, saw the scene below, and saw the giant of the earth rising up from the ground, enough to trample him to death, feeling the kind of... ancient, reckless the power of.

It panicked.

The swallowing python looked sluggish, and the whole snake was stunned.

What the hell, what the hell are you doing? Can you be a little bit more tricky and a little bit more sincere! Can this world be any better? Swallowing python is about to cry.

Why do you guys... gougi, why do you always like this kind of play of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

You have this strength, and if you light it up early, this seat should run as soon as possible! Gan! The Netherworld Swallowing Python glanced at the giant of the earth angrily.

Then... it turned and ran, took off.

At this time, this side of the Netherworld Thunder Purgatory World was suppressed as usual.

Facing this extremely oppressive blow, Jiang Che raised his sledgehammer high and slammed it out.

"The Lord of Hell!"

In the sky, hell is suppressed.

A blazing fire blazed violently on the [-]-meter sledgehammer, "Fourth floor of hell, blazing sun!"

A strong, indifferent voice resounded in Che's ears.

Jiang Che's eyes were dim, he snorted softly, and used the most powerful ultimate move of the Copper Dome-Breaking Hammer. So far, he has not used the ultimate ultimate move: "Cracking the sky - robbery!"

A deep drink.


The sledgehammer slammed out fiercely, and a will that shattered everything appeared in this void.

It seems that there is a supreme existence, from outside the universe, opened his indifferent eyes, overlooking all living beings.

Sting! A loud, piercing sound, like steel torn.

The void shattered directly, opening a slit like a scorpion! What the hell! All the creatures around were stunned when they saw this scene.

This is so special... Do you want to be so exaggerated! You must know that only the peak level of the median god general can shatter the void in battle, and only the terrifying creatures of the command level will blast out obvious void cracks , but most of them, just a little bit.

But in front of this huge earth giant.

A hammer.

It was torn apart, like a crack in the abyss! It was dark inside, deep and dangerous, exuding a very cold aura.

Boom!!! Boom! Boom!!! The suppression of the entire small world, collided with this terrifying space gap, and made a loud noise. The entire dark jungle, countless creatures shook, horrified Look in this direction.

The small world is constantly repressing.

This is the power of the world in one domain, and it has accumulated power for more than three hundred years.

Its depth and strength are almost unimaginable.

Even in the face of an opponent that is one level stronger than the swallowing python, such as the commander-level terrifying creature, the swallowing python is confident and can block the opponent for at least [-] breaths! Because the power of this world is almost endless.

In fact, that's exactly what it is! After the collision, all kinds of terrifying killing techniques, dim light, thunder, etc. in the small world were torn apart by the force of Ling Lie's void, and shattered in an instant.

But then, there will be more power in the domain, turning into the power of boundless killing, the whole world, condensed into a hand of God, constantly fighting against the terrifying space gap.

The swallowing python took off, and in his eyes, there was a flash of joy in the rest of his life.

At the same time, it glanced at Jiang Che below, with a vicious look in its eyes.

Humans! Wait, this seat calls the strong people in the clan, and they must kill you! The Netherworld Swallowing Python clan, but there is a real Netherworld Abyss Dragon, that is absolutely supreme strength and will, but Kill all enemies! But suddenly.

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