The swallowing python felt a chill down its spine, and it instinctively sensed a terrifying threat.

And next.

Tear! A huge rift tore open in front of the swallowing python.

A ferocious sledgehammer that shone with terrifying fire power, eternal red copper magic light, bigger than the head of a swallowing python, appeared in front of its stunned snake face, and slammed down with a savage hammer.

BANG!!!! A loud noise.

The sledgehammer is wrapped in messy void power, which is very terrifying.

With a single hammer, the space collapsed directly.

All the creatures were horrified to see that this hammer directly smashed the swallowing python into a terrifying space gap, and then, in front of the giant of the earth, from the gap, spewed out a body that twisted into a ball in pain, a giant python. .

And this is the Netherworld Swallowing Python! Its head has been shattered beyond recognition, white bones, blood dripping with terrifying energy, blasting out one after another terrifying giant pit in the dark jungle.

On the other hand, Jiang Che's eyes were dim, and he was very satisfied with Sledgehammer's current, ultimate killer move.

Compared with the previous... ultimate moves, this ability not only doubled the lethality, but also was much more flexible.


It is the control of the laws of space. It can not only use the divine power of the void to condense powerful killing moves, but also flexibly manipulate the space and show the enemy's scalp tingling.

In fact, the reason why Jiang Che can tear apart such a terrifying space gap is not that his strike is so terrifying that it is comparable to a powerful upper-level god, but that the power of the space system is special.

The space system is one of the two supreme systems. Once it is under control, its lethality is definitely one of the strongest at its level! At this time, the swallowing python was hit by this hammer, and its bones shattered, twisted into a ball in pain, Jiang Che Just grab it with a big hand.

But along with him he caught the swallowing python.

In the eyes of the opponent's blood and spiritual power, a fierce light suddenly bloomed.

Please take a break to adjust your schedule~ bosses

I really haven't written it down until now, today 5.

Take a day off temporarily, update it early tomorrow, and try to complete the update during the day in the future, the work and rest are too messy.

I'm really sorry.

Chapter [-] Reverse, die together? (first update)

Zizi! The pitch-black thunder suddenly appeared, containing terrifying energy.

Nine Nether Abyss Thunder, which suppresses one of the four deadly places of the bewildering world, the thunder, this kind of thunder is very terrifying, and a random touch is enough to knock down a mountain, and at this moment, the swallowing python, which seems to have lost its fighting power, suddenly launched an attack. , with the power of thunder it has accumulated over the past thousand years, it has stimulated this kind of terrifying thunder, the body of the python is completely covered by the thunder of the Nine Nether Abyss, and its power can almost kill all enemies! Earth Giant.


A roar shattered the ancients.

Zizi!!! Thunder exploded, accompanied by the entanglement of the python's body, the giant of the earth could not resist at all, under this terrifying thunder, the body was shattered inch by inch, stone chips splashed, it was in a panic, only When it was too late, both hands ruthlessly restrained Tiantian Python's body.

The two started the most primitive mortal struggle.

No one expected this scene.

No one could have imagined that the battle that was supposed to be crushed would actually take such a turn! "Master Jiang!"

Countless people are worried.

The powerful creatures in the jungle have their eyes shining.

If this battle is really crushing, then no matter which side crushes the opponent, whether the giant earth or the swallowing python, it is not a good thing for... them.

And now this situation is the best result! Both lose.

They are only profitable.

Rumble! The loud noise shook the mountains and forests.

The giant of the earth grabbed the body of the python with one hand, and hammered it hard with the other hand, smashing the swallowing python until its flesh and blood were blurred, and its bones were shattered into pieces.

And the swallowing python is strangling the giant of the earth, and the thunder is constantly exploding.

His eyes were full of cruelty.

Although it was a pure physical struggle, but in the battle between the two supreme beings, countless ancient talismans and mysterious visions emerged in the void, and within their torn bodies, dazzling Shen Xi flowed down, crushing them. The surrounding mountains are very terrifying, almost like the end of the world.

The fight lasted for more than ten breaths.

It seems that the time is not long, but in fact, in this level of battle, it is already equivalent to a protracted war.

Because of the existence of the true god level, one breath is enough to throw tens of thousands of punches and thousands of strokes, ten 10 breaths, can fight more than ten thousand strokes, not to mention far stronger than the true god, the two peak god generals fought.

Boom!!! In the end, accompanied by the giants of the earth, they knelt forward weakly.

Kacha! The body of the swallowing python broke at the same time.

This terrifying battle is finally over.

The ravines, canyons, and all living beings that were torn apart thousands of miles away were all devastated and devastated. Some living beings would be smashed to death if they were one step later.

At this moment, they all looked at the center of the battlefield with lingering fears. The giant of the earth knelt down, swallowed the torso damaged by the sky python, and entangled it tightly around its body. The majestic blood of the two was still as vast as the sun. Fierce aura can still break through the Nine Heavens.

However, their vitality is fading quickly! The eyes of the two are no longer glamorous.

All the creatures were flushed with excitement.

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