Dead! The two invincible honors are here, and they all perish! This is a great opportunity.

One by one tyrannical creatures, all with red eyes and heavy breathing, greedy eyes flashed in their eyes.

Although the two invincible statues in front of them exist, just the blood dripping from the body may kill some god-level creatures, and even the powerful breath after death is definitely not accessible to ordinary creatures.

Even after they perished for ten thousand years, the remaining power can still kill the demigods.

But these creatures who are watching the battle around are not weak! They are the subordinates of several powerful bigwigs in the dark jungle, and their own strength is naturally not a giant wolf, a strange woman, or this kind of little villain.

All the creatures became restless.

And all the powerhouses of the earth, at this time, have no choice but to look around with fear, the existence of three-way terror.

One of them is a huge and terrifying wild boar, like a huge mountain, the ground trembles constantly as it moves, and behind the wild boar, there is a shadow hidden in the shadows, just looking at it, It makes people have a kind of feeling: such as mang on the back.

On the other side, there was a group of seven or eight figures wearing dark cloaks.

Their body size is... comparable to Earthlings, but their bodies exude an astonishing evil spirit, which makes people know at first glance that they are not good people.

The last force is the one that makes all the powerhouses on the planet the most terrified.

There are all kinds of carrion crawling there! There are people and beasts, but without exception, these... terrifying corpses, all give them a sense of danger, and I am afraid that any random one is enough to form a group Destroy the entire team.

And there are nearly a hundred of such carrion! All of them are half-step god-level monsters! "What to do?"

Li Xunfei asked in a deep voice.

No one can come up with an answer.

They are still able to survive now, only because the three forces have focused their attention on the corpses of Master Jiang and Tiantian Python in the center.

Once the competition between the three parties is completed.

These people, I am afraid they will be treated like ants, easily killed and swallowed.

"It was only the giants of the earth who were strangled, and Mr. Jiang is probably still alive!"

Zhuge Yu said in a low voice: "But looking at the degree of extinction of the two's breath, I am afraid that the situation of Lord Jiang will not be very good!"

Everyone's expressions sank.

"Then let's retreat alone"

There are strong proposals.


Xiao Hong resolutely said: "I can't control what you do, old man. Regardless of whether Master Jiang is dead or alive, I will take him back, and if he is dead, he will take him back to the body, and even if he is alive, he will be rescued!"

This Martial God did not come here for profit, but with a handful of old bones to save his granddaughter.

The rest of the people had different expressions.

"I chose to leave, and now is a great opportunity."

"If you don't go, you won't be able to escape."

Someone shook his head indifferently and disappeared into the darkness.

"I'll stay! Lord Jiang fought for our earth and made a name for himself in this world. We are both strong men in the world. Let's live and die together. Let's kill them and make a bloody path. Even if we can't win, we must let these Chops, look at our backbone!"

There was a flame burning in Zhao Zhengyang's eyes.


Among the several demigods, there are people who are fighting to the sky.

At this moment, some people leave and some people move forward.

Rumbling! The ground trembled when trampled.

The corpse group was the first to attack, rushing towards the center of the battlefield.

As a corpse clan, the corpses of two strong men are the most attractive. If you can get one, they may even become a terrifying existence like the corpse ghost king! If you get two, as long as you can keep yourself immortal, If you swallow the corpse, then they can evolve into such a terrifying existence as the leader of the corpse race! It can almost dominate the periphery of this dark jungle!

Chapter [-] I like pigs the most! (Second more)

Because of this, the corpse race went crazy, with a pair of rotten and whitish eyes, revealing a ferocious look.

They galloped on the ground, terrifying corpse aura, tearing out ravines.

Nearly a hundred and a half-step god generals, their prestige is terrifying.

See the rioting corpse.

The other two forces, who were still hesitating, finally stopped waiting.


In a group of black-robed figures, there was a cold snort.

"Kill, what the young commander wants, must not be lost!"

"These... despicable corpses, don't you die!"

A strong man said with murderous aura.

There is a strong man with cold eyes: "Longyou, the corpse king, dare to snatch something from my ancient Ming sect, can its little corpse pond stop my ancient Ming sect's warship!"

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