Impressively, these figures in black robes all came from a certain powerful force, and they were full of confidence and looked down upon all beings.

And the other side.

The terrifying boar hummed a few times, its eyes turned red, its hind hooves stomped on the ground, like a giant tank, rushing forward.

The three forces have very clear goals.

——The corpses of two supreme powerhouses! The bodies of such powerhouses are invaluable, whether it is to devour their precious blood or dig out their precious bones to comprehend supernatural powers and mysteries, there will be unbelievable gains.

Especially the two powerhouses in front of them are extremely special! This is definitely not an ordinary half-step commander-level existence, it can be compared.

One is the Netherworld Swallowing Python, which has an ancient bloodline with the potential to transform into a dragon, and its rarity is frighteningly high.

The other one is even more terrifying.

This creature from another world was able to call out such a terrifying giant of the earth with the body of a true god.

This kind of magical technique is enough to make the creatures present go crazy! All the creatures believe that Jiang Che's power is derived from the giant of the earth, and now that his magical powers have been destroyed, a mere creature in the real god realm will never be able to make waves.

At this time, the powerhouses on the earth were all fighting with turbulent intent, rushing forward.

"Kill! Defend Lord Jiang!"

"Fight them!"

It has to be said that many clan forces on the earth usually fight within each other, but once they are unanimous to the outside world, they are absolutely full of blood and generous to die, and many people can do it.

These... the true god ancestors of the major forces have not lost their blood in the long-term enjoyment and comfort.

But obviously, the strength of the three powerful creatures is completely different from these... the true gods are comparable.

Almost in two breaths, the three forces rushed to the earth giant.

The corpse clan at the front had already ripped apart the soil layer of the giants of the earth, and lost the blessing of divine power. These... soil, became ordinary soil, and it was easy to rake off.

And the mountain-like giant wild boar was spewing out terrifying divine light all over its body, like a cannonball, it slammed into the body of the giant earth, directly slamming its chest into a deep slump.

And at this time, everyone on Earth rushed to half the distance.

see this scene.

Everyone was stunned.

You must know that in general, Jiang Da's real body is likely to be in the chest of the earth giant.

This wild boar almost killed him.


"Qiantian! Earth Kun! Zhenlei! Xunfeng... Eight doors—"

Zhao Zhengyang just wanted to explode the ultimate move.

Burning life and soul, but also going up to fight these aliens.

But this time.

Boom!!! A loud sound of flames burning violently, shaking the sky.

In the shocking eyes of everyone.

The terrifying black flame barriers in the four directions rose into the sky and instantly condensed into a world of black flames, besieging all living beings.

At this time, the giant wild boar arched away the soil, and a cruel smile appeared on the face of the hideous pig.

Because in front of it, a human with a weak breath appeared.

The boar laughed.

Oh, this chance, it is my old pig! And this time.

Just when the wild boar was grinning, about to swallow the human in front of him, it suddenly saw that the other side laughed too.

"Yo, it turns out Fang is a pig brother, fate, fate! I like pigs the most."

"Come and come, it's fate to meet, let's have a good drink today and not get drunk."

Jiang Che seemed very enthusiastic.

And the mountain pig was stunned.

Very surprised.

In this world, does anyone really like pigs? You know, as a pig, in the past, it was always disliked and insulted in various ways. When fighting, rub against one's own people.

These... don't matter.

Once, when the wild boar was still very weak, he was caught by some humans. Those humans came to the dark jungle to grab the mounts, but when they caught the wild boar and saw that it was a pig, those humans shook their heads sadly. Shaking his head, he actually let it go! This is a huge insult to the boar! Why did you let me ride the pig? Is it not handsome? Is it not good at running? Is it not strong in combat? for half a day.

Discovery: yes.

Since then.

The wild boar understood that as a pig, he was not worthy of being liked by others. At that time, it completely gave up on itself and overeating. After that, it became a big wild boar and was appreciated by the boss of Leibao.

And the boar has also closed his heart.

It will no longer accept any pig's affections.

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