And he, who used to be the emperor in that world, has fallen to where he is now because of a great change.

Chapter [-] You dare! ? (Second more)

In the old man's story, there is a strange world of Hammer Road, each story is so charming, so that Chen Yuanba said nothing, gave up the beautiful dream of being a contractor, and chose to go to the old man's door and give him Pulling the bellows for eighteen years.

Until the village was connected to the Internet.

Chen Yuanba burst into tears when he found out, what a goddess to hammer the Condor Hero!

Isn't this all fiction, and he has a half-money relationship with the sledgehammer. Every night, he is still fantasizing about what kind of grand scene it should be.

It's a pity that the old guy was already dead by this time.

On the day he left, he told Chen Yuanba in a maddening manner that he was not dead, but just returned to the place where he came from, and asked him to go to that... Hammer World in the future, report his name, and enjoy a 20% discount on meals. %%% discount.

But Chen Yuanba didn't care about these... he just regarded it as the old man's nonsense before he left.

And today.

He saw it with his own eyes, what the old man said, ten thousand hammers return to the ancestor! Chen Yuanba burst into tears.

He suddenly understood that the old man did not lie to him, but that his own knowledge was too shallow.

the other side.

Jiang Che rode countless sledgehammers and fought against those creatures.

Under terrifying slaughter.

Accompanied by a shrill scream.

and the sound of broken bones.

Countless creatures were mercilessly beheaded by him.

The sledgehammer continued to slay countless creatures, and Jiang Che already had a big hand, unleashing the power of devouring.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 240 million energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining 49 dark elements."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 430 million energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining 230 silk earth element power."


The system prompts keep ringing.

Jiang Che's energy, this time, can almost be said to have skyrocketed! The energy brought to him by killing the swallowing python is actually not much.

Only five million.

The most terrifying source of energy is the nearly 200 corpse clans, all of them are genuine half-step gods, the best among the true gods, any one of them has [-]+ energy.

One hundred 100, that is two hundred million.

In addition, nearly ten 10, black-robed people, and the evil gods, beast spirits, phantom souls and other things they called out, brought a total of more than [-] million energy.

There is also a pig, and a praying mantis, ten million.

Jiang Che's energy directly broke through the hundred million mark! It reached a full five or seven, more than sixteen million! And the system prompt sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the host's energy reaching 500.

Escalation privileges enabled."

"Ding, do you spend [-] million energy to upgrade the system?"

Jiang Che was a little confused.

He still had seven or eight days to complete his last upgrade, so when he upgraded again, he hesitated for a while.

After all, [-] million is not a small amount, it is equivalent to a reckless card.

But in the end, Jiang Che still said: "Upgrade!"

The system has never let him down, spending [-] million to upgrade, the improvement brought by it is absolutely genuine...

"Ding, the system upgrade has begun. This upgrade will take twenty days after the last upgrade. Please wait patiently."

Jiang Che glanced at it, the energy was still there: it continued to flow, and it would take a long time to deduct [-] million energy.

He stopped paying too much attention.

Instead, it looks at changes in other data on the system panel.


And the most important source of soil system at present.

It also reached five strands! Among them, the Boar, Tie Tang, and some corpse tribes all brought Jiang Che a lot of the power of the origin of the earth.

And a full five strands.

For him, it was an absolute good thing.

This means that Jiang Che can use the power of the source five times - Gong Gong.

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