Boom! Crack! The endless bombardment continues.

But the end is already doomed.

Only a few figures in black robes were left: desperately resisting, they were beaten with blood all over their faces, showing a look of horror, and they retreated one after another, but this black flame wall is really weird! They watched as their two companions rushed Go in, and then turn into flying ashes in a shrill scream.


A large hand composed of dark flames stretched out from the wall.

At the rear, hundreds of sledgehammers cut through the void and tore out icy wind whistles.

There are wolves in front and tigers in the back.

A group of people in black robes looked desperate.

Jiang Che didn't show mercy either. With a big wave of his hand, it turned into a giant hand that seals the heavens. The Jiang family's Great Heaven Sealing Technique directly launched, crushing the void. With this palm, the invincible existence could be crushed into flesh.

He slammed down with a palm, with unparalleled power.

This time.

Facing a three-way attack.

A few people in black robes, completely, there is no way to go to heaven, no way to go down to earth.

But at this time.

There was a sudden resounding sound in the sky, an icy, bone-piercing anger.

"you dare!"

Chapter [-] The role of prestige (first more)

Under the pitch-dark night, that piece of sky looks particularly dark, as if it has a head... The invincible ancient demon is about to be born, which is very strange.

A woman with evil lines on her face came from stepping on the void.

The few remaining people in black robes stared in surprise when they saw this scene.

The young commander is here! In their desperate eyes, hope is rekindled.

You must know that the ancient Ming sect is a famous power in the Western Wilderness of the strange continent. The tens of millions of miles around the ancient Ming city is all radiated by the ancient Ming sect, or it is secretly controlled by it.

It can be said that this is definitely one of the top forces in the Western Wilderness! It can even be ranked in the top three.

Such a force can be said to be a generation of strong men.

There are countless true gods in the sect, and there are gods and generals, all of which are endless.

Even the commander-level boss has more than two digits of 0! This is extremely terrifying.

You must know that the commander-level, and true gods and generals, are already very different from each other. At this point, they can already be called almighty..., it is already possible to start a sect! It has a commander-level ancestor. It can be called a big force, and almost no one dares to provoke it.

But such tyranny exists.

Gu Mingzong has a lot of dozens! This also laid the foundation for it to be the top three forces in the Western Wilderness.

In the sect, among all the leaders at the commander level, the most powerful will be elected as the grand commander. This is the name of the ancient Ming sect. Teacher, national teacher, etc...

In short, this is a sect power, or a very important figure in the dynasty, whose status is second only to the big leaders in the power.

Equivalent to second-in-command.

And the young commander in the mouth of these black-robed figures.

Lu Ling was the son of the great commander of the Ancient Ming Sect.

That's right! This woman with evil lines on her face who came from breaking through the void is a man.

Or, it used to be.

Who would have thought that this two-hundred-year-old woman, one hundred and forty years ago, was only a sixty-year-old boy? The reason why he became like this was because he practiced the supreme evil method of the Lu family.

A secret technique that only exists in the legend - "Yin-Yang Chaos Law", one of the branches of the evil way: Yin-Yang Acacia Secret Law.

This secret technique is very powerful. It is said that if you practice it to the depths, you will have the opportunity to penetrate yin and yang, and touch the Great Dao of Chaos! In the process of practicing this secret technique, you need to constantly have sex with women and men. After seven times, the object of intercourse will be The advantage of refining it into an elixir and swallowing it is that it can constantly regulate its own yin and yang energy, so that it can reach a state that is closest to equilibrium.

This is a kind of..."Yin-Yang Chaos Law", the most crooked inheritance! Because of the "Yin-Yang Chaos Law", the fairy art from the upper realm - "Chaos Towering Magic", this was originally a school, extremely neutral and peaceful Yes, the art of comprehending the origin of the Dao of Heaven, advocating, is also inaction, not arguing, the immortals who practice this art are often wandering around famous mountains and rivers, comprehending the Dao alone, and rarely arguing with others.

Not to mention the frequent use of people to concoct alchemy.

And Lu Ling reached today's "female"

At this stage, cultivating this secret technique, the number of people and beasts he has killed has already been no less than [-], and he will have sex again, swallowing and killing millions of creatures, reaching his father's current stage: yin and yang.

With this secret technique, Lu Ling has beaten the invincible opponents of the younger generation of the sect. Some of the veteran leaders in the sect can pass a few tricks, and even in one experience, he directly killed one - the commander! Although it was only one, a very miscellaneous leader of scattered cultivators, his combat effectiveness was very low.

And that time, Lu Ling was also shattered all over his body, dragging his last breath before returning to the sect.

But such a record is enough to completely separate him from the younger generation! That's why.

Lu Ling was dispatched to the outskirts of the dark jungle, which in itself was a test and a test for him. If he did well, he would probably be given plenty of magic medicine, treasures, soul crystals, etc. when he returned to the sect. Assist him to break through the realm and completely step into the realm of command, and it is very likely that he will become the next great commander in the future.

And such a boss, whose strength and background are all terrifying, arrives.

Of course, it made the people in black robes full of confidence.

In Xihuang, those who dared to provoke the young commander should not be born yet. They are confident.

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