Even if this person is really a stunner, even the young commander does not take it seriously, but after hearing his warning, they will at least weigh it in their hearts and this timing is a great opportunity for them.

"Quick! Take the opportunity to perform a three-person blood sacrifice ceremony and escape!"

A man in black robe shouted.

But before she finished using the seal in her hand, she was horrified to see that a companion in front of her was crushed into the ground by an invisible big hand, turning into a puddle of flesh.

As for the other companion, his face instantly turned pale: his eyes were full of terror.

In her swollen chest, a large black hand penetrated, blood dripped, and instantly solidified, it was a flame palm, protruding from the black flame wall.

"how dare you.……"

In the end, the surviving black-robed man was completely dumbfounded, pointing at Jiang Che, unable to say a complete sentence.

She really did not expect that there would be such an arrogant person.

In the face of the scolding of the young commander.

He actually didn't care at all! At this time, Jiang Che glanced at the horizon, his eyes were faint, as if he was thinking.

After a long time, he sighed.

"Oh, it's really necessary to learn a foreign language."

"What the hell are you yelling at, we Lao Jiang don't know, and we don't dare to ask..."

Astonishingly, Jiang Che's attack was so straightforward because he didn't know the language of the strange world.

On the other side, when Lu Ling saw this scene, his eyes were split, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and his eyes were about to choose someone to devour.

"Killing my servant in front of this deity is hitting my son in the face!"

"How dare you!"

What he cares about is not the life of his subordinates, but his own majesty.

This is not Lu Ling dying to save face.

As a matter of fact, as one of the young generation's peak powerhouses who can leapfrog and fight opponents, he has long regarded... face and these... external things as dust.

But this kind of majesty is one of the most important assets of every strong person in the devious world! Because in this world without any laws, killing and fighting are the eternal themes, and in this world On the battlefield, the safest people are often the strongest and fiercest.

After all, no one is stupid, and persimmons are especially hard to pinch.

So this also leads to the fact that the strong here are very concerned about "prestige"

, "Place Noodles"

These things, because in a melee, such things are real and can save lives.

For example, when a city is breached, two strong men break out, one of them is called Chen Ergou, who is ordinary, and the other is called a corpse killer, which is extremely brutal.

Whether it's a soldier who is attacking the city or a general, I'm afraid they will shout: "Chen Ergou, you murderous madman, stop for us, we have to do justice for the sky!"

On the other hand, things like prestige can also make the strong person more convenient in daily life.

For example, a group of people are watching a grand event, and a secret treasure is born. If you are an ordinary person, I am afraid that you will not be able to squeeze in a good position. If you are a strong person, when you appear, someone will immediately exclaim: "Look! It's the corpse hammer demon!"

Immediately, someone will make a way out of the way.

These are the benefits brought by prestige, and therefore, when Lu Ling felt that her prestige was being provoked, her murderous intent condensed into ice, and she looked at Jiang Che, as if she was looking at a dead person.

Chapter [-] Primitive Ancient Divinity

"This kind of evil is terrifying!"

Li Xunfei's eyes were the best, and he suddenly exclaimed.

"Ling Lie's killing intent made my eyes hurt. This person is definitely a very powerful killer!"

Chu Baiyu's voice sounded in the void.

Everyone frowned and looked at Lu Ling on the horizon with great fear.

As for why they can see so far now.

This is because, under the light of Jiang Che's Black Flame Realm, the surrounding area is no longer pitch black, but it is gray.

The darkness of the strange world, the reason why it can block the sight of everyone on earth is because the rules of this world are higher than the power level of everyone, which invisibly weakens their strength and perception.

As a result, Zhao Zhengyang can illuminate half of the state's fire, but can only illuminate a range of tens of meters.

As for Jiang Che's Black Flame Realm, a great demon commander who devoured the abyss, his power level is naturally much higher than a mere world of gods. It will also change color.

Back then, when the abyss invaded, the Demon Lord's chariot drove almost half of a large area to the ground, and even completely destroyed the world of immortals and countless worlds of gods.

"Despicable inferiors, give this seat to death!"

The arrogant voice suddenly drew closer.

A black shadow came over, covering the sky and the sun. It seemed to be a monster composed of shadows. On top of its head stood Lu Ling. He was able to fly in the sky before, and it was this method that was used by him. Used for culling.

Brush brush brush!! The shadow draws out a lingering wind whistling, and suddenly kills it.

This attack was extremely terrifying, and the timing was tricky. It was only when Jiang Che had killed all the opponents and his breath was the weakest.

It can be seen that this young commander is not in a hurry, but when he is in the distance, he has already planned to make Thunder attack.

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