Everyone was stunned.

Damn it! As soon as you make a move, you will be hit so hard.

All the true gods were far apart, and they all felt that their calves were shaking uncontrollably.

Because they were just watching the magic claw that covered the sky, they felt that there was an invisible big hand that was strangling their throats, as if their necks would be easily broken if the other party exerted force! Gurgling.

At the scene, there were a lot of swallowing sounds.

Countless creatures were sweating profusely.

At this time, Lu Ling grinned, his mouth was already covered with gray, it seemed that half of his body was human, and the other half was already composed of some kind of evil force, very strange and evil.

"All die, this seat wants your souls to bless me!"

He growled.


Kacha! Kacha! Kacha!...The sound of a broken neck resounded through the jungle, and countless creatures were strangled in horror:.

And then, their souls, yang qi, yin qi, etc., turned into wisps of energy of different colors, and the huge magic hand flew to the sky.

With the blessing of extra yin and yang qi, this big hand suddenly increased in size.

In the end, it actually reached the previous one. 1. The copyright of the novel resource belongs to the original author. The text is only for personal study and trial reading. Please delete it within 24 hours after downloading. Please support subscribing to genuine novels and refuse piracy!

This novel was first published by "Dragon"

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It's twice the size! It's nearly two kilometers long! It almost covers the entire sky.

You know, it's just a hand! And it's not an arm that's [-] meters long, but a palm that's [-] meters long.

This size is terrifying.

And on the huge claws, countless secret runes began to appear, which seemed to be some ancient words, with a terrifying atmosphere that was extremely evil and ferocious. 'Voice.

this moment.

The law is broken, and the wind and rain are violent.

As if the end of the world is coming, this big hand is almost like the robbery and punishment of a fairy, to punish the world and crush the mortal dust!

Black thunder flashed across the sky.

Various ancient words condensed into a terrifying killing technique, and gathered on the giant palm. The entire giant palm was like a huge mountain that suppressed it, and a terrifying shadow shrouded Jiang Che below.

His figure, under the giant hand, looked very thin and small.

All the remaining creatures have a feeling.

The two in front are not rivals of the same level at all! It is as if a giant is reaching out and crushing an ant.

"Master Jiang!"

All the powerhouses of the earth sacrificed many ancestral artifacts at this time, exuding splendid divine light, and actually blocked the previous attack of the claws.

They were all very worried at the moment.

"Lord Jiang has just burst out with powerful strength, beheading the enemy, obviously he has reached the limit, alas!"

"Such shameless creatures in the strange world, if it were really one-on-one, Master Jiang would crush them. It's a pity that even the strongest person can't bear the wheel battle."

Many people sighed.

"Go to hell, natives, this deity will capture your soul and force you to ask everything about the ancient divine language, your life, this deity doesn't care!"

above the void.

Lu Ling's eyes were as cold as a human being.

Jiang Che glanced at him.

Scratched his head.

"This sand sculpture, didn't I say that I can't understand him? He's just playing blindly: what, he looks very excited, isn't he sick?"

He thought that his whispered words landed in the ears of the weakest and demigod-level creatures at the scene, and it was almost no different from speaking in the ears of all creatures.

For a time, all the creatures looked strange.

Above the sky, hearing this, Lu Ling's eyes widened even more, bloodshot on his eyeballs.

"An dare to humiliate me like this!!!"

Chapter [-] The ultimate move can even break out! ?

Bang-bang! The sky and the earth trembled, and the sound shook for thousands of miles, and the space shook violently.

With the suppression of the demonic hand on the sky, tens of millions of demonic energy, each weighing [-] tons, fell, and all kinds of terrifying ancient runes bloomed.

There was a loud noise, and the splendid light ripped apart the night.

All kinds of killing techniques are almost to smash the universe, slay the immortals, and the demonic energy fills the sky. In the vagueness, some creatures are horrified to see that in the sky, there seems to be an ancient shadow flashing. Pass.

The shadow was terrifyingly large and terrifying, almost as large as the entire dark jungle periphery.

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