At the moment when this shadow appeared.

In the dark jungle, one after another obscure aura burst out with astonishing killing intent and fear.

A wisp of consciousness came over and watched this terrifying battle.

face this blow.

Countless creatures widened their eyes and ran into the distance in horror.

They could block Lu Ling's previous demonic claws, and they all possessed a certain ability, which was very extraordinary, but at this moment, seeing the suppression of this giant demon hand of nearly [-] meters, they could no longer remain calm, and many creatures were even frightened.


"Fast back! Fast back!"

"Don't get close, a very terrifying attack, I'm afraid it will obliterate a radius of hundreds of miles, run away."

A group of creatures fled in terror.

Only the people of the earth have a firm face.

They all looked at Jiang Che frantically.

"Master Jiang, I am willing to fight with you! Even if I die, I have no regrets!"

Zhao Zhengyang laughed loudly.

He was covered in flames and glowed red.


Chen Yuanba was even more valiant, without saying a word, carrying two big hammers, he charged towards the sky, going to face the demonic hand.

Zizzi! On his sledgehammer, thunder roared.

"Praise the prestige of my ancestors and fight against the powerful enemies of this other world."

"East fan, get up!"

Zhuge Yu let out a laugh.

A feather fan suspended behind him, soaring into the sky, rose in the wind, and instantly reached a size of several hundred meters.

The fan trembled slightly, and when it was swiped lightly, there was a gust of wind, and a huge wind volume like a giant dragon appeared out of thin air. These... strong winds can easily tear apart a steel plate with a thickness of hundreds of meters, and its power is comparable to hundreds of meters. nuclear bombs exploded together.

If it were on Earth, this blow would probably wipe out a big city.

"This is exactly the artifact that my ancestor used to call the east wind."

Zhuge Yu spurted out a mouthful of blood, the real blood irrigated, the feather fan buzzed, and the wind dragon doubled in size again, reaching a length of [-] meters.

His demeanor carried a bit of arrogance that could not be concealed: "Back then, the ancestors used this artifact to summon the east wind of [-] miles and set fire to it: Lianying, the first hero of ancient times, Emperor Wei Wu was so angry that he vomited blood, what a graceful appearance."

"Today, the unworthy descendants can only summon two or three small wind dragons, and they can't fight against a mere alien race. I am a Chinese, five thousand years of civilization!"

Zhuge Yu's tone changed, and he sighed again.


A faint sigh sounded.

In fact, although everyone on Earth is boiling with fighting spirit, they are a bit gloomy.

They have been on the earth for hundreds of years, and they are in power. They are called the forbidden ancestors. They can't be... Mentioned, once they make a move, they will cause the entire empire to shake.

Available here.

Their once pride was crushed to shreds! They...the ancestors of the true gods, one day, they will become, Yinghuo among the bright moons - Yinghuo.

"But so what, Master Jiang has reached his limit, and it's up to us!"

"That's right, Master Jiang has fought against so many strong men in the world, and faced such a terrifying bombardment, he can still face without fear. He is really a role model for my generation, and we can't always hide behind him!"

"Master Jiang, this time, we should go first."

All the powerhouses of the earth, with great will to fight, slayed towards the sky.

But unfortunately.

Although everyone is struggling to break out, it is almost a world away from the power of that magic hand.

Lu Ling grinned.


"Sad native."

A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and the magic hand continued to move forward, but the killing techniques on it were smashed out one after another, and an electric dragon with a thick mountain range blasted out, directly smashing the three wind dragons, which surprised Zhuge Yu. 's eyes widened.

A ray of magic light shot out, hitting Chen Yuanba's sledgehammer with a loud sound of steel, shaking the world.


Chen Yuanba vomited blood and was seriously injured.


Someone showed despair: "It's not a level opponent at all."

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