

A total of three points of energy in hand.

Jiang Che was taken aback: "It seems that the system can really absorb spiritual energy and convert it into energy."

He suddenly had a guess. He swallowed the red fruit in one mouthful, and suddenly felt a warm energy. He walked all over the limbs, relaxes the muscles and activates the blood, and develops the roots and bones, making Jiang Che's flesh and blood more and more firm. The strength of the muscle, I am afraid that it can directly clamp the bullet.

At the same time, a pleasant system prompt sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 500 energy."

Jiang Che's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Eating elixir can actually increase energy!"

"And this is only a half-step elixir, it actually has five hundred energy."

For a time, Jiang Che's interest in elixir became very huge.

He opened the "Dayuan City Spirit Medicine Exchange Group"

[Selling Girls' Little Match]: Master, the task is completed, but luckily not humiliated, the elixir has been received, it is very sweet, thank you.

[Lao Na loves Rejoice]: Thank you, Mr. Jiang, how is the situation?

[Girl's Little Match]: Hanged ghosts, water ghosts, all are half-step red-clothed, ghost-faced tigers, top-level half-step blood pupils, only one step away from entering blood pupils, they have all been hammered to death, but not very lucky The thing is, the people in the villa have been given strange abilities by the ghost-faced tiger, and their bodies can be transformed into beasts. I killed them all.

Crowd:! ! !

[Please steal me from the door]: Two half-step red clothes, one half-step blood pupil, all killed? ? ?

[Losing all four pants]: 666!Worship the big man! !

[They forced me to be an undercover agent]: Damn it! C-level boss?

[I never dive]: 666! !Strong like a master.

[Lao Na loves Rejoice]: It doesn't matter, Lao Na doesn't know the people in the villa.In addition, the old man didn't know the strength of Jiang's donor before, which was really disrespectful.Please ask a person of the level of the donor Jiang to make a shot, only a real elixir is worthy of it. I will transfer some money to the donor, otherwise the old man will feel very sorry.

Jiang Che hurriedly refused.

After all, how much money can an old monk have?

No matter how poor you are, you can't take out your family's hard-earned money.

[Lao Na loves Rejoice]: Well, the donor Jiang definitely doesn't look down on the mere five million yuan. This time, it's time for Lao Na and the donor to form a good relationship.

and many more!

How many did you say?

five million? !

Jiang Che's face froze.

Are all monks so rich?

No wonder now to work in temples, you have to have a postgraduate degree.

However, Jiang Che didn't regret it. After all, it was the master who helped him first. Even if he didn't pay a penny, Jiang Che would still help him to complete the entrustment this time.

pondered for a while.

Jiang Che asked the question he most wanted to know in the group.

[Girls' Little Match]: Excuse me, where can I find the elixir?

As soon as this problem came out.

The group immediately gave a variety of answers.

[Please steal me from the door]: When I was dealing with a strange incident, I pryed the nest of a squirrel monster and grabbed a pine nut-shaped elixir.


Chapter [-] The system upgrade is complete! (The new book is asking for flowers! Ask for tickets!)

[I never dive]: When I was fishing for corpses in a tributary of the Yangtze River, I saw a glowing jade coral under the water. I took it back and ate it. After two months of absorbing it, I went directly from the E-level corpse hunter to the highest level. D-level, I don't know if this is an elixir.

[Four Pants Lost All]: I only got one half-elixir, which I won in the hands of a gambler.Really. Gambler.jpg

[They forced me to be an undercover agent]: There are a lot of elixir in Yaoshan, but there are big bosses everywhere.


There are various ways for group friends to obtain elixir.

Seeing Jiang Che have a headache.

In the end, it was the master who spoke and gave useful information.

[Lao Na's Love Rejoice]: If the donor Jiang is interested in elixir, you can pay attention to some aura hoarding points, or beside the fissure. Only when the aura is strong to a certain extent, will elixir be born.However, most of the places where spiritual energy is hoarded are done by people with intentions, and I am afraid that it will lead to disaster.

Jiang Che was taken aback.

[Girl's Little Match]: But Master, other people have worked hard to hoard spiritual energy. Wouldn't it be unethical for me to grab something?

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