[Lao Na loves rejoicing]: The benefactor Jiang wants to be distracted - a wry smile.jpg, except for some famous schools that have been passed down for thousands of years, the other methods used by those who hoard spiritual energy, alas, even Lao Na is shocked when he sees it - shook his head and sighed .jpg

Jiang Che left the group news and clicked into Lingtan.com.

Search for Reiki hoarding places.

In an instant, dozens of events appeared.

Feel free to click into one.

【inhuman!The Sanyuan waste factory has become a corpse refining ground, just for this kind of thing...]

A strong marketing account breath blows.

The content made Jiang Che frown.

"Recently, the police uncovered a strange case. He Ancheng, Daxi Village, and nearby residents saw that in the abandoned chemical factory at the east entrance of the village, Sanyuan Chemical Factory, there were workers working at night, and the chimneys kept popping up. The smoke billowed, and in the chemical factory that had been abandoned for more than ten years, workers came in and out, busy in their respective posts, the villager went to check the next day, but saw no one."

"Afterwards, the villager reported this strange incident to the village committee, and the village committee did not pay much attention to it."

"But in the next period of time, the disappearance of villagers began to occur in Daxi Village, and when the police arrived, the entire village was already empty."

These are the contents of the public section.

Jiang Che logged into his account.

Immediately, the truth of the matter was revealed.

"The staff of the Empire's Weird Response Bureau (General Bureau for Response to Weird Incidents) arrived and found that the Sanyuan Chemical Factory was occupied by an evil cultivator, using the souls and flesh of strangers to brew blood and soul liquid, and draw a gathering of evil spirits. A large amount of spiritual evil energy is only to catalyze a bright red grass to become a spiritual medicine."

Using a village, hundreds of innocent lives, to draw the formation of the evil spirits, lock the spiritual energy.

Jiang Che instantly understood.

Many aura hoarders probably didn't use any serious means.

Then he flipped through a few places where spiritual energy was stored.

Without exception, either it was done by evil cultivators, or it was done by evil spirits, and the methods used were all inhumane and extremely cruel!

Someone turned all the people in a hospital into zombies, gathered their corpse evil energy, and helped themselves to practice.

There are evil spirits who kill all the people in a community and build their own sneaky kingdom, forming a place full of yin.

There are monsters that hunt and kill humans, build blood pools, block the spiritual energy of an area with sacrificial methods, and give birth to elixir.

All in all, it's all unimaginably cruel.

But most of these have been dealt with by the imperial conspiracy, because once such an area is formed, it is easy to cause large-scale casualties and destruction, and even cause panic.

No matter how urgent the power of the empire is now, these major events must be dealt with first.

Of course.

Some such incidents in remote areas have been shelved. It seems that the main force of the empire today is dealing with a major crisis that is enough to destroy the entire empire and even human society. No one cares about the place.

Jiang Che finally settled on an event in a remote mountainous area.

A place separated by seven cities from Dayuan City - Chenjia Village.

There is not much information given by Lingtan.com, because this village is in a deep mountain, far away from the world, no one has reported the case, and there is no payment. Only a few fighting masters (tomb robbers) passed by this village inadvertently. The incident was reported online.

The only information is that Chenjiacun's aura and yin are very strong and domineering, and this kind of place is very likely to give birth to elixir.

After choosing a place.

Jiang Che fell asleep on the black iron coffin.

Nine o'clock at night.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the system upgrade is complete."

"Get a new feature: Fortification."

Chapter [-] Strengthen! (New book for collection, ask for flowers!!)

Jiang Che was stunned for a moment, then remembered that he upgraded the system last night, and now, the upgrade has been completed.

He glanced at the system panel.

After [Function], there is one more option - Strengthen.

"What does this mean, strengthen the alien beast card? Or something else."

Jiang Che supported the black iron coffin with one hand, while condensing his thoughts on the word 'strengthening'.

"Ding, do you spend 20000 energy to strengthen the black iron lock demon coffin?"

The system prompt that suddenly sounded made Jiang Che jump.

"It's [-] energy when you open it. Is this 'strengthening'? This girl is a robber!"

He is now full of wealth, and it is not enough to strengthen once.

Jiang Che thought for a while, is this related to the strength of the strengthened thing?

He picked up the sandals and slippers on the ground.

"Ding, do you spend 10 energy to strengthen the slippers?"

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