Sure enough, this time it turned directly into 10 o'clock.


Along with a wave of energy fluctuations, the slippers in Jiang Che's hand instantly had a unique aura. They were obviously only a pair of slippers for ten yuan and three pairs, but they suddenly became a world famous brand. At first glance, people couldn't help but feel Attracted by its luxurious design.

At the same time, Jiang Che felt that there was an extra connection between himself and these slippers.

It's as if... the slippers recognize the owner.

Slippers +1 (Jiang Che): The fighter in the slippers, put it on, you will be the prettiest cub on this street! - Slight speed increase.

Putting the slippers on his feet, Jiang Che instantly felt that his body became as light as a feather, and the wind's resistance to him was also expelled by some kind of force.

The window fell, Jiang Che rushed out with all his strength, and suddenly turned into a gust of wind and swept through. The speed was simply dazzling. Fortunately, there was no one at night, otherwise, it would have to scare a few uncles out of heart disease.

Stop after two laps.

Jiang Che's face was full of joy.

"Put on these slippers, and the speed is doubled. It's amazing!"

Besides, it's just an enhancement +1.

Reinforce it a few more times, what happens?

Jiang Che directly chose to strengthen again.

"Ding, do you spend 20 energy to strengthen slippers +1?"

This time the energy is 10 points more expensive.

But it was nothing to the current Jiang Che. He directly strengthened it four times, and the slippers became +MAX after +4.

At this time, there was a swirling breeze lingering on the slippers.

Slippers + MAX (Jiang Che): There is no doubt that this is a pair of top-level slippers. Wearing them, you can go to the northwest prairie to catch antelopes with your bare hands, and knock on other people's car windows to sell them on the highway.

Five times, it directly cost Jiang Che 150 energy, and the slippers were strengthened to the limit.

Jiang Che thought about it for a while, and then tried to click Strengthen again. Unexpectedly, the system prompt sounded again.

"Ding, do you spend 100 energy to strengthen slippers + MAX?"


Jiang Che hardly hesitated.

After five times of strengthening, the slippers have been able to increase the speed by 5 times, and only cost 150 energy, which is simply too worth it.

Jiang Che was very curious, what would happen if the slippers that had been strengthened to the limit were strengthened again?

So accompanied by a mysterious power fluctuation.

A white light flashed from the slippers in Jiang Che's hand. This time, it turned into a pair of cyan boots with cloud patterns on them. Jiang Che thought about it, and its appearance changed back to the appearance of slippers.

Qingfeng Boots (Jiang Che): Obviously, these are a pair of slippers that are out of vulgar taste. Putting them on, you can go to heaven! ! - Huge increase in speed; additional ability: Tiyun Zong

This time, in addition to the speed increase, there is also an additional ability: Tiyun Zong.

Jiang Che couldn't wait to put it on immediately.

The moment he put on these shoes, he found that his feet were directly off the ground by half a centimeter, and were firmly supported by a layer of blue wind. He stepped out in one step, and went directly across more than two meters. Terrible, it directly turned into an afterimage, almost 10 times faster than when no shoes were on!The increase is terrible.

Then Jiang Che thought to himself: "Ti Yunzong."

A gust of wind suddenly blew up under his feet, and he stepped lightly in a few steps. He was clearly stepping in the air, but it seemed that he was stepping on some leverage point. Jiang Che actually soared up, and in a few steps, he directly crossed the three-story high-rise building. , went back to his window.


Jiang Che was extremely excited.

But he could also feel that after using Ti Yunzong, the shoes under his feet suddenly became a little darker, and he couldn't use them again in a short time.

But that's enough.

This is enough to become Jiang Che's trump card to save his life.

Jiang Che estimated that at full speed, he could directly take him to a height of [-] meters with a single stroke of the cloud.

When confronting the enemy, whether it is rushing up dozens of high-rise buildings or slipping away on a cliff of [-] meters, it is difficult for ordinary enemies to catch up.

Jiang Che tried to click 'Strengthen' again.

But this time, it didn't work out.

"Ding, the level of the 'enhancement' function is not enough. Please strengthen the second-order items when the system is upgraded to a sufficient level."

Jiang Che was not disappointed, but turned his head to look at the black gourd in the closet.

"Since the slippers are strengthened, they will directly recognize the master. So, as long as I strengthen the black gourd once, I don't have to worry about its threat at all, but can it be used as a big killer for me?"

Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

Chapter [-] At the train station, be careful of these people (beg Huahua!! Ask for tickets!)

"Ding, do you spend 10w energy to strengthen the ghost fire gourd?"

Well, Jiang Che admitted that he thought too much.

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