But this also shows in a sense that this gourd is indeed a wonderful treasure, and I am afraid that it has a very extraordinary origin.

Then, Jiang Che picked up the bronze mace that had been with him for the longest time and was already scarred.

Last time, the hammer that smashed the female water ghost seemed to be easy and freehand, but in fact, there were several more holes in the hammer, and when the ghost-faced tiger was smashed, several thorns were also broken.

"Ding, do you spend 100 energy to strengthen the quenching hammer?"


Once strengthened, the hammer in Jiang Che's hand was directly melted and recast, and the iron slurry flowed into a pitch-black hammer. In the end, an irregular gap suddenly cracked on the rounded hammer, and the fire inside was blazing. .

Quenching Hammer +1 (Jiang Che): Jiang Dachu's Quenching Hammer, if I hit it, you may die! - to burn; vigorously

God special Jiang sledgehammer!

Jiang Che's face darkened when he saw this explanation, but the two attributes at the back made his eyes bright again.

He tried to swing it out with a hammer, using a maximum of ten pounds of strength, but the power was so powerful that he was shocked.


The marble dining table in front of him shattered.

What surprised Jiang Che even more was that the fragments of the stone table were actually attached by a strange flame, and when they burned, they soon turned into a pile of lime.

"Can a stone be ignited?" Jiang Che's eyes widened, "Then what else is there that this hammer can't be ignited? I'm afraid that ordinary evil, as long as I hit the hammer, I don't need to do anything else, the fire will be able to ignite. Burn it to death."

He didn't even think about it, ordinary evil spirits, if they were hammered by your old man, would they still survive the burning effect?

"Continue to strengthen."

Jiang Che's eyes were extremely shining.

He is looking forward to what the hammer that has been strengthened to the second order will look like.

"Ding, do you spend 200 energy to strengthen the quenching hammer?"



Along with the fluctuations, the quenching hammer was melted and recast in Jiang Che's hands again and again...

A huge sum of 2500 energy was thrown.

A hammer that was pitch-black and thick as an abyss, with irregular cracks filled with extreme high temperature and thunder and lightning, appeared in Jiang Che's hands.

Thunder and Fire Hammer (Jiang Che): Gou Tianlei, call Earth Fire, smash the nine layers of the sky with one hammer, with a sledgehammer in hand, I have it in the world! ——Shen Huo; Giant Spirit; Ruyi; Thunder; Special Ability: Thunder and Flame Explosion.

Jiang Che's eyes widened.

Looking at the hammer in his hand is like looking at a peerless treasure.

Check it out!

this means!

This look!

It is simply out of the world background, this is simply the product of the fantasy world!Bring it to hammer the ghost, so why not kill it with one hammer?Who can stand it!

There are four direct abilities, and there is a special ability that is invincible at first glance.

Among the four abilities, Shenhuo is the advanced version of burning, Djinn is the advanced version of Vigor, and Ruyi can change the size of the hammer, but the minimum can only be as big as it is now, and the maximum can be a hammer head with a diameter of one meter. , a super sledgehammer with a hammer handle more than three meters long.

Jiang Che tried the "giant spirit", held the hammer, and if he blasted it out, his strength would increase by almost [-] kilograms, which was very terrifying.

The last "Thunder and Flame Explosion", Jiang Che did not dare to try.

If this hammer goes down, his millions of houses may be gone.

What Jiang Che wanted to do most right now was to take this new weapon and smash a few evildoers, it was so itchy, so he gave up the previous arrangement of resting for three days, and immediately bought a train to Huangshan City online. Tickets, set off early tomorrow, to Chenjia Village.

After buying the train ticket, Jiang Che put his arms around the big hammer and fell asleep.


The next morning at nine o'clock in the morning, Jiang Che got up, ate breakfast, carried a large mountaineering bag, bought some food and water, put the Thunder Hammer inside, and rushed towards the train station.

When I arrived at the train station, I found that the flow of people was much less than usual. I read the news when I was waiting for the train to find out that recently, there have been different numbers of murder cases in railway stations all over the country. It is suspected that there are perverted murderers, terrorists, etc. committing crimes.

Under the news, a very serious warning was attached:

[At the train station, be careful of the following types of people.

A woman with her face wrapped in a white hood, a puppet handing out flyers, a street magician...]

A total of more than a dozen people who need attention are listed. Once the masses encounter, they should stay away immediately, and notify the nearby police. At the same time, they should take refuge in relatively safe places such as police stations and banks to ensure their own safety.

As for why they did this, the news did not give any explanation, which left many people confused, so they could only minimize unnecessary going out and avoid encountering a perverted murderer.

Jiang Che smiled and opened the spirit detection network. He knew that there must be a satisfactory answer.

And sure enough.

One of the first three posts, the name is exactly the same as the tip in the news.

[At the train station, you must be careful when encountering the following types of people: a woman with her face wrapped in a white hood, a puppet handing out flyers, a street magician...]

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