After all, after this wave of battle, his energy has approached one billion, and he is about to open the next level of exotic beast cards, but the enemies that should be killed have already been killed, and these remaining creatures have surrendered to him before. The Longwei, fighting for him, is not too embarrassed to let Jiang Che take action.

And hearing his words, countless creatures, and Lei Huang, all shuddered violently.

Gan! This is the first time I hear such a request! What a pervert!

Chapter [-] Lei Huang's memory

Many creatures were stunned, even dumbfounded.

As powerful as the Thunder Emperor, he actually climbed up the steps to this kid, what kind of brain circuit he wanted to find death.

In the eyes of most living beings, looking at Jiang Che is like looking at a dead person, their eyes are full of indifference, and the younger generation of countless sects around them shows disdain.

But unlike them, among these sects, there is an ancient powerhouse, but his eyes have changed.

Why is Lei Huang... silent! The expressions of the supreme powerhouses were very exciting, and they all looked at Jiang Che in surprise.

Because since this native, proposed "kill me"

After this kind of perverted request, the Thunder Emperor, who had killed the sky and used cruel methods, no longer... In a word, the time passed by one breath and one breath, and ten ten breaths quickly passed.

You must know that for... a powerhouse at the level of a high-ranking god, with ten breaths and ten breaths, almost all of them have completed a battle or massacre. If a high-ranking god can think for so long, it must have encountered hard to decide.

And that's actually the case.

In the depths of the dark jungle at this moment, six tyrannical and unparalleled beings sat around the peak of the Tianshan Mountain, exuding a terrifying aura.

In the center of them is a slightly shorter, but thick, extremely heavy, and exudes monstrous thunder, like a treasured mountain.

A terrifying thunderbolt swept across the mountain.

A figure hidden in the thunder light stood proudly on the top of the mountain without saying a word.

"Great Thunder Emperor, with all due respect, with your strength, if you are not in the throne room, why should you be afraid of such a mere boy?"

A khaki-colored giant shadow urn said: "He can slaughter things like Leibao and Longyou, but in front of us, it's nothing."

The mountain where the yellow giant shadow is located has a gravity a thousand times that of ordinary places, and it is very terrifying.

"Given the steps, I don't know how to advance or retreat, hum! If I changed the old man, I would have swallowed him!"

On another mountain peak, it was pitch black, and a cold voice came from it.

"Yeah, Lord Lei Huang, this person is too ignorant. Even if you know his elders, or he... the great power of the clan... is old, you can teach me a lesson!"

Impressively, seeing Lei Huang's appearance, the six giants of the dark jungle thought that he had seen Jiang Che's background, or knew his elders, so it was not easy to make a move.

After all, although this native broke out his trump card, he killed four half-step leaders.

But half-step leadership, after all, is only half-step.

They are all real, commanders, or demon emperors, god emperors, and their strength is definitely not only able to occupy the periphery of the dark jungle, and the strength of Long You and others can be compared.

And hearing their words, Lei Huang couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It's old enough to be old with other people's elders... think! But he is a mere Thunder Emperor, how can he have this qualification! The thunder that contains terrifying energy, swept away from the Thunder Emperor's body, this random thunder is all thunder, and it has the ability to kill The power of the ordinary high gods.

Thunder Emperor is very powerful! Very powerful! Even in the entire False God Realm, as long as the throne is not visible, he is definitely a top expert, and almost no one dares to provoke him.

This is why, with a dragon crossing the river, it can use such a tough method to occupy the land of the dark jungle under the eyes of a behemoth like the Ancient Ming Sect, on the boundary of the Western Wilderness.

You must know that in the beginning, the soul stone was precious in the dark jungle, but when the competition broke out to a certain point, all kinds of creatures who came to compete for the soul stone became more precious things here.

Because of this kind of competition in the world of the gods, it will often take… tens of hundreds of years.

Some creatures reproduced here and took root.

And such a group of powerhouses with various powerful abilities, if they can be gathered together, they can definitely form a huge organization.

Back then, countless forces were tempted by this piece of fat.

Even the ancient Ming sect was secretly planning, dispatching the second commander to personally lead ten commander-level beings to come, planning, to close at the last moment, to incorporate this powerhouse, and to establish the ancient Ming sect's dark jungle branch.

But in the end, the Thunder Emperor's thunder method shocked countless large and small forces.

It directly took this piece of fat from the mouths of the major forces as an outsider.

And the reason why those forces, ethnic groups, dynasties, etc. did not trouble him later, the reason is very simple, Lei Huang is too strong! Judging from the strength it showed at that time, the ancestors of several forces, etc. I dare not say that I have absolute certainty that I can eat it.

And the reason why Lei Huang is so powerful is all because of his origin.

The origin of the Thunder Emperor is extremely extraordinary! It seems to be related to a fairyland, its ancestor was once the mount of a tyrannical immortal clan, and the thunder beasts of the heavens and the world have been inherited from the ancient times.

Emperor Lei was fortunate enough to awaken the blood of the clan.

At that time of awakening, it thought that it would see from the inheritance memory, how tyrannical the Thunder Beast Clan is, or the strength of a certain ancestor.

Many races have inherited memories like this.

Play the glorious history of your own family, or the battle scenes of the ancestors, etc., and let the younger generation understand from it, the tyrannical power of the family, or the law of origin, the power of inheritance, etc...

But Lei Huang was unexpected.

It did not see how the Thunder Beasts killed the Quartet.

On the contrary, what appeared in front of it was a blood slaughter! The... celestial tribe worshipped by the Thunder Beasts was brutally slaughtered by a group of terrifying creatures! Beheaded! The scene of the battle, I saw the Thunder Emperor. The roots of the hair stood upright, almost utterly frightened.

In that picture, he once saw a vague tiger-shaped phantom, roaring up to the sky, and the ferocious aura was drowning the sky, a fairy whose aura was so terrifying that he was killed instantly.

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