It saw a one-legged giant bird covered in fire, bigger than the stars, and it pecked through a half-step immortal.

It also saw a phantom of thunder and light, like the main god who controls the thunder of the heavens and the world, waving his hands, and the chaotic thunder suddenly appeared, almost killing everything.

And when he saw this ancient beast, Lei Huang suddenly realized in his mind.

The ancestors tried their best to change the inheritance memory to this picture, in order to--that is... This half-breathing picture!! This thunder light phantom is definitely an invincible character in the field of thunder! Rarely Comparable exists.

At that time, Lei Huang's expression froze, and he concentrated on his enlightenment. He realized that he was bleeding all over his body, and finally his control over Lei Dao was enhanced more than a hundred times. He went directly from a very ordinary high-level god to a god, and he was almost invincible. Yes, the top god! And what makes Lei Huang the most memorable and feared is.

At the end of the memory inheritance, after he finished comprehending the majestic figure of the ancient god of thunder.

He vaguely glimpsed a terrifying picture.

That... Xianmen opened its final foundation. Two immortals, holding cosmic treasures, wanted to smash that world to pieces, and perish with the intruding enemies, but at this time, the sky was torn apart.

A huge dragon claw sticks out from it.

Chapter [-] Are you scolding me?

Then, the dragon claw firmly held the cosmic treasure held by the two immortals.

In an instant, the whole world stopped.

The rules of all things, the laws of time and space, all stopped working.

All the existences whose auras were so terrifying that they could not be described, their eyes widened in horror, revealing complete panic.

Those... In the eyes of the Thunder Emperor, mysterious and powerful, the creatures who could slaughter one immortal clan, all looked at God with awe, and in the torn crack, from beginning to end, There is only one black scale claw.

This claw directly destroyed the last heritage of the immortal race.

The screen stops abruptly here.

After watching it, Lei Huang broke out in a cold sweat, because just when his consciousness regained clarity, he suddenly felt a terrifying and dangerous aura, as if he had spied on a great secret and was about to die.

At that time, it was bleeding all over, exhausted its last strength, fled madly for [-] miles, and saved its life.

Since then, those... invincible creatures have left an indelible impression in Lei Huang's mind! Even though its ancestors in the immortal world may have been destroyed in that battle, but in Lei Huang's mind, "Nineteen Nine" zero"

But it can't have the slightest resentment or revenge. On the contrary, in its heart, there is only fear, a strong fear! And today.

Just now, it actually saw it again - that dragon claw.

Although the aura has been weakened countless times, Lei Huang still recognized it at a glance. It is very likely that it is the same existence as that dragon claw! So facing Jiang Che, it is cowardly.

That's why Lei Huang said what he just said. This is not only a step for Jiang Che to go down, but also a step for himself.

But what he didn't expect was.

Jiang Che actually made such a perverted request - kill me! Gan! There are ten thousand words in Lei Huang's heart.

Do you want to be so perverted? What can I do for me!! After fifteen breaths of silence.

Lei Huang took a deep breath and suddenly opened his mouth.


"Little brother, there is something wrong with what you said, as long as it is about punishing evil and promoting good, whoever does it is the same. I, Lei Huang, have always been clear about good and evil. This emperor hates cruel creatures who are happy, so even if you go overboard, this emperor can accept it."

After hearing this, many creatures were dumbfounded.

Why are you, Lei Huang, who clearly hates slaughtering other people's living beings... Tell us, what happened to the hundreds of ethnic groups that have been exterminated by you in the dark jungle over the past thousand years! Many sects, dynasties The person was completely stunned.

Only some old ancestors showed horror and enlightenment in their eyes.

For a while, the whole place was silent.

And when Jiang Che heard this, he was also embarrassed.

This Lei Huang looks like old fritters at a glance.

Actually, this is not fooled. He came to the dark jungle to kill these kings. It was his own first move, and it was not the Thunder Emperor who sent someone to kill him.

Although Jiang Che was brutal...cough, he acted decisively.

But he did have a clear grudge.

It's really not very kind when others don't provoke you, but you want to hammer others to death.

So Jiang Che pondered for two seconds, then continued to speak: "Okay, let's get over this matter for now, but look at Lei Huang, the dark jungle is your territory, and it's thousands of miles around, and I've destroyed it like this. , aren't you angry, don't you want to fuck people!"

"This... hum!"

A stern cry rang out.

Many people's eyes widened.

Lei Huang is about to get angry and then they heard a thunderous voice resounding in the air, "This seat is about to develop this dark jungle and use it to build a sect for some allied forces of the human race, but you are I just happened to help me a lot, if you want anything, just say it, this emperor will definitely satisfy you!"

After listening to it.

Countless creatures looked at each other in dismay.

This... When did Emperor Lei speak so well, his own territory was destroyed, and he had to meet other people's conditions to hear this.

Jiang Che was also stunned.

Are the bosses of the False God Realm all so good-natured? Speaking of which, Jiang Che can't be aggressive anymore.

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