In Jiang Che's 'me' expression.

, A group of thunder light, holding nearly a hundred people with a dazed expression, Jiang Che and the others from the Empire appeared.

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Chapter [-]: The Shocking Dark Jungle Six Big Brothers

In the distant sky, continuous thunderbolts fell, and large tracts of jungle were smashed to pieces. The terrifying destructive power spread for thousands of miles, and the huge savage group was strangled to death.


A majestic anger sounded in the sky: "Dare to provoke my brother Jiang, court death!"

"The savage tribe, starting today, will be removed from the dark jungle!"

In the thunderstorm that filled the sky, everyone could vaguely see a phantom of a savage five to six hundred meters high rising into the sky, looking viciously into the depths of the dark jungle.

"Lei Huang, you are so bold!"

This old sacrificial priest of the savage group is also a half-step upper god, and his strength is very terrifying. At this moment, it roars: "Will slaughter my holy clan, you will surely usher in the judgment of the holy king!!"

"One day, my holy clan will let you hang in the dark jungle with all the bones of the beast!"

The old priest shouted angrily.

Many ancient beings heard this, and their eyes flickered.

They seem to understand why a strongest person is only a middle god, the small savages, dare to establish a tribe on the edge of the dark jungle.

One after another, the existences that were so old that they were almost decadent opened their mouths in surprise.

"It turned out to be a group related to the Savage King, so it's no wonder Lei Huang tolerated them for so long!"

"The savage king, that was the invincible existence that fought against a god in the past, and the battle collapsed!"

Some people were terrified.

"Yeah, the old man still remembers that battle, when he walked out from the depths of a hundred thousand mountains, a savage holding a wild and fierce beast bone, the beast bone turned into a mountain range, and directly fought with the giant spirit seat, that battle, It smashed dozens of dynasties, countries, hundreds of millions of casualties, and blood stained the earth."

"That's an invincible taboo, can't... be mentioned existence!"

There was an old man with a bronze spear, his eyes glowing, showing awe.

"So, Emperor Lei has caused a lot of trouble this time."

A young generation of powerhouses asked, these powerhouses do not know so many secrets.

They only know that the Throne of God is the supreme existence on this continent, and it can be hostile to the Throne of God.

"Not necessarily."

An old lion with long golden hair, like arrows, and a terrifying aura, crouched on a mountain, and said lightly, "The savage king, he has long been missing, he was defeated in the battle with the giant spirit god, and he fled. I entered the Hundred Thousand Mountains and never came out again."

"Otherwise, the savage tribe it established back then stretched across a hundred countries and was called the Holy Race. Why would these savages escape to the West Wilderness, a place where birds don't shit?"

One... The huge white-haired ancient ape also scratched his ears and said disdainfully: "The throne of God is the throne of God after all, and a mere savage dares to challenge the majesty of the throne of the giant spirit. It's just courting death!"

"Having said that, when their war lasted for three days and three nights, the aftermath wiped out dozens of countries. There is no doubt about the power of the Savage King. Our little dark jungle really can't resist its anger."

There is also an equally ancient and powerful existence, sighing softly and expressing concern.

Among the various opinions, there is no small movement inside the dark jungle.

The six gigantic creatures looked at Lei Huang with a bit of confusion, and even some creatures were sullen.

"Lei Huang, the Savage King has been missing for less than a thousand years. Wouldn't it be too risky for us to do this?"

"Yes, Lei Huang, after all, we are only a newcomer. The savage family was strong in the past, but many old-fashioned forces that have been passed down for thousands of years have to avoid their edge and provoke them. It is irrational!"

The blue wolf emperor spoke solemnly.

"Just because of such a mere little yellow giant shadow, I even said rudely: "Lei Huang, I think your decision is too hasty. If you are afraid of this kid, I can take the lead!"

Hearing its words, the dark jungle giants who were planning to speak behind them all stopped.

The words of the yellow giant shadow are already very rude.

Even though Lei Huang was so kind to Jiang Che, his iron-blooded tactics back then made many people dare not forget it now.

And hear this.

Lei Huang turned his head, glanced at the giant yellow shadow, and said nothing.

Then, it stretched out a big hand.

This hand is like a monkey, very slender, covered with dark blue hair, has ten fingers, and now it is like a huge mouth open.

Bang!!!! A terrifying thunder light burst directly from the hands of the Thunder Emperor.

"Lei Huang, you dare!"

The yellow giant shadow was furious.

Immediately after.

Rumbling!!! The sky trembled, a thunder column as thick as a mountain suddenly fell, and the thunder poured wildly in the sky, directly killing the yellow giant shadow.

What! The rest of the giant shadows shook, completely dumbfounded.

They really didn't expect that Lei Huang would be so ruthless. For the sake of a mere native, he would kill the giant shadow of the earth and yellow!!!!! Under the huge noise, the smoke and dust were startled, and the mountain where the giant shadow of the earth was located was directly sunken. Go down and become a deep pit.

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