The dust spreads.

A huge natural yellow wild boar, holding a huge shield with ancient characters carved on half of it, looked at the Thunder Emperor with red eyes.

And Lei Huang's pair of indifferent eyes never wavered.

It glanced at the khaki giant shadow.

"You have to take the lead. Now I will break with you. You have nothing to do with my dark jungle council. Now go and do it. This seat will not stop you."

These words made the five giant shadows stunned.

The yellow giant shadow was also stunned.

They also come back to it now.

This action of Lei Huang undoubtedly shows a problem - he is really afraid of that young man!!! He will not hesitate to compromise his majesty, and he must also clear the relationship with his allies, in order to... Absolutely not provoke other side.

"Go, this seat, I won't stop you."

Hearing these words, the earthy yellow giant shadow stopped, it hesitated for a long time, with a pair of scarlet eyes, it looked up and down several times at Jiang Che, who was thousands of miles away.

In the end it sighed in disgust.

"Lei Huang, if you really want me to make a wrong decision, I will not be reckless. I apologize to you, but please give everyone a reason, what are you afraid of?"

These words are already very convincing for a powerhouse at the level of a high-level god.

The other five giant figures also looked at Lei Huang.

Lei Huang pondered for a few seconds.

"I don't know much about this, but you only need to know that if you provoke the Savage King, at most the dark jungle will be destroyed. We all escaped and provoked the power of the God Throne. At most, everyone will go to the end of the world, but if you provoked this young man, In case the elders of his clan are provoked, it is uncertain whether the False God Realm can be kept.”

This is what Lei Huang said already.

After all, other people's elders, even the world of immortals is destroyed when they say it is destroyed. I am afraid that a large domain cannot stop their footsteps and destroy a world of gods. It is not the same as playing.

Chapter [-] Retire?There is no way back

Hiss——!!! At the scene, a continuous gasp sounded.

The big man in the dark jungle was completely stunned.

Whether the False God Realm can keep it, it's a big deal! The existence of the six horrific auras raised a strong sense of fear and fear in his heart, and he no longer had any thoughts about Jiang Che.

It is about the survival of the dark jungle, so there is no need for the Thunder Emperor to lie to them.

In the blink of an eye, all of Jiang Che's obstacles were properly handled by Lei Huang.

But Jiang Che's mood was complicated.

Brother Lei Huang, you still don't understand me, Jiang! When he saw the giant shadow of the earth yellow and said that he was going to fuck him, Jiang Che was almost excited. Then use this to inspire the other big bosses in the dark jungle.

Look at how bold the Wild Boar Emperor is! In the face of a little native like me, he will cut me down if he is a brother! But in the blink of an eye, the Wild Boar Emperor will be taught by Lei Huang.

This made Jiang Che feel very sorry.

One of the reasons he came to the False God Realm was to save his compatriots.

Another reason is.... Jiang Che heard about these... the old buddies in the fantasy world, one is more irritable than the other, and if the two of them look at each other one more time, they can move their hands, and at every turn... they will die endlessly. , The elders of the sect, relatives and friends, go up one by one, fighting to the death.

And this is exactly what Jiang Dazhui wanted.

After all, if he wants to become stronger, he has to kill people, and the more people he kills, the stronger he will be.

But Jiang Che has a principle.

People don't offend me, I don't offend anyone.

This has nothing to do with good or evil, because Jiang Che understands that if he really wants to become stronger, put aside all bottom lines and kill anyone he sees, then he will eventually become a lunatic! In Jiang Che's face, Lei Huang swayed. He waved his hand: "This is a trivial matter, Brother Jiang doesn't need to thank me."

Jiang Che: After a few words of greetings at the end, Jiang Che stepped into the void passage with the shocked people of the earth, escorted by the concerned eyes of the giants in the dark jungle.

"This—it's like a dream."

Inside the passage, Zhuge Yu said with emotion.

Everyone's faces were a little confused.

After all, in their eyes, the creatures of the False God Realm are all powerful and brutal, terrifying to the point of unimaginable existence, especially the ancient existence who spoke just now, the breath is even more amazing.

Everyone understands that even if the strongest of the five major empires on the earth come together in person, they will not be able to withstand the bombardment of any of them, and will only be slaughtered! This is completely the gap between different realms! A bunch of creatures are so kind that even when Lord Jiang speaks, they are very irritating, and the other party can tolerate it.

"Could it be that we really thought wrong, in fact, most of the creatures in the False God Realm are very kind."

Many people can't help but think like this.

But then, they shook their heads fiercely.

No! Creatures in the False God Realm are definitely not good! Many people remembered again, the frontal battlefield of the northwest fortress, the Aihong everywhere, the sky red with blood, it was a scene like hell, a slaughterhouse for living beings , meat grinder.

"The creatures of the False God Realm are definitely not what they have just shown, and the reason why they are kind is all because..."

Many people couldn't help but look at the... the handsome young man with a terrifying sledgehammer - Jiang Che! At this moment.

Jiang Che was studying a jade slip two fingers wide in his hand.

This is what he asked for Lei Huang before he walked.

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