Because once the existence of this level is angry, a city of one million people cannot support it for ten minutes! King.

Above, is God-level also known as level threat.

And at the god level, it is the strongest.

——Terrorist level threat! This is the top combat power in the world today, also known as national level combat power.

That is to say, the number of superpowers, in today's world pattern, absolutely determines the strength of a country! And at present, only the five major empires in the world have the strength to cultivate superpowers.

That's why, "the world"

On this big gambling table, only the five empires are eligible to sit, and the rest are just foils.

Because of this, each of the powerhouses is very important. Once there is the slightest movement, it will inevitably cause shocks in various countries. For example, the last time Bai Changsu went out of the mountain to deal with the undead demons in Longquan Mountain.

The moment he stepped out of Qilin Peak, the Eagle Sauce Empire, the Gallic Chicken Empire, the Niuniu Empire, and the Footpen Chicken and other countries all entered the second-level combat readiness state.

Because all empires are well aware of the terror of superpowers! And now, at the border of Hualong Empire, Qinling Mountain, there is a terrifying superhuman monster like the Mang Bull Demon. This is undoubtedly a huge disaster.

Zhang Sanfeng was on the scene, the only superpower.

But he absolutely couldn't move.

Because everyone knows that the strong bull demon is strong, but at most...kill all the capable people present, and then slaughter a few cities.

In the end, the strong man who came from the empire will definitely kill him.

But once something from the False God Realm came over, it would be a huge disaster for the entire Hualong Empire.

And the reason why the superpowers must guard the cracks is because only the powerhouses of this level can annihilate some small space cracks with a certain probability in the case of self-destruction.

In other words, Zhang Sanfeng guarded the rift, not with confidence in his own strength, but with his life.

Once he finds that there are monsters far beyond the level of the earth's strength that want to pass through the rift, he will sacrifice his life and explode! Therefore, at this moment, he must not move! Even if all the powerhouses of the empire all die tragically, he cannot move at all.

But if everyone died tragically, and when it was midnight, Jiang Che and the others had not returned, Zhang Sanfeng would completely seal the breach at the cost of his own life.

This is a plan and pre-record that has been prepared for a long time. All the personnel involved in this battle, even the migrant workers who built the fortifications, have been informed of this plan in advance, and those who are willing to stay are those who have long since regarded death as home.

And this time.

Facing the pressing step by step of the ancient bull monster.

The six demigods of the Hualong Empire burned their lives.

Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! A loud roar shook the sky.

The six rays of splendid brilliance caught the eyes of many people.

There was hope in everyone's eyes.

Six terrifying demigods gave their lives in one blow.

No matter how strong the evil spirit is, it shouldn't be able to withstand such an attack.

The Bull Demon just raised its huge eyelids, and then it snorted.


A bull roar ripped apart the sky.

An ancient force shot out from the bull demon's body, forming a layer of sturdy, barbed iron armor. The bull devil instantly turned into a ferocious monster, and ancient runes circulated on its outer armor. .

Terrifying forces collide.

Bang——!!! The light of the explosion annihilated everything in an instant, and countless creatures died in the brilliance.

The dust dissipated.

The scene in front of them made everyone despair.

"This is so..."

"It's too fake!"

The outer armor of the direct bull demon is still shiny, and there is not even a trace of scratches.

On the ground, there are three big pits. Three strong men with broken bodies collapsed weakly in them. The other three imperial strong men were even worse. They were directly pierced by the barbs on the outside of the bull demon's body and hung on its body. .

And until now, the Mang Bull Demon hasn't even really started.

Bang-bang! Two terrifying loud noises, the earth shook, like an eighteenth magnitude earthquake.

This is the reckless bull demon stepping forward.

Its eyes were scarlet, staring at the space rift, coveting the spiritual energy in it.

Everyone is completely desperate.

With a single step, the Reckless Bull Demon can trample dozens of ability points to death. No matter how strong or weak, the opponent's strength and brutality make people desperate and powerless.

At this moment, the mountain was completely dyed red with blood.

Zhang Sanfeng stood in the fissure of space and clenched his fists tightly. This hundreds-year-old old man could no longer control his emotions, his fingernails pierced into the palm of his hand, and a drop of blood dripped down.

Bang bang bang!! His blood contained terrifying energy, which directly caused an explosion, and the ground sank.


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