The commander-in-chief had his arm bitten off by a monster. He waved his arm and shouted with all his strength. He hugged a special machine gun in both hands, and directed towards the ghosts and monsters in the mountains, erupting one after another engraved with Rune Bullets.

The commander-in-chief is not a competent person, but his commanding ability is very outstanding. He is also one of the best in the entire North China Military Region.

The last six demigods were seriously injured and dying, and the team stationed in Qinling Mountain had reached its limit.

If nothing else, I am afraid that no one will be able to return alive.

And at this time.

Just when all the ability points, the imperial soldiers, the strong family, the young people of the sect, etc., all have red eyes, and they are fighting desperately.

It was like a void in the abyss that flickered.

Immediately afterwards, more than a hundred figures with terrifying aura stepped out from it, and a strong man pulled out his blade and looked at the corpses scattered all over the mountains.


A mass of murderous intent that condensed into reality emerged from their bodies.

In an instant, all kinds of terrifying ultimate moves burst out, splendid divine light, illuminating the dark night sky, terrifying energy, descending on the mountains, those... originally brutal ghosts, evil spirits, etc., are all stunned. for a moment.

What the hell! Are there so many fierce people! In order to rescue and explore before, almost all of the strongest people who could be recruited in this area were dispatched into the strange world.

The remaining strongest combat powers are only the ten demigods just now.

As for the more than [-] people who came back this time, there are more than ten god-level gods alone, and more than thirty demigods. The addition of such a terrifying force instantly makes all the ghosts and evil spirits. , Humans are all shocked and dazed.

The [-]th chapter surpasses the strongest, sss level!

A group of empire powerhouses broke out all kinds of terrifying ultimate moves. The demons and ghosts in the mountains were torn into pieces, and human beings instantly occupied the absolute upper hand. A demigod guards it.

Now there are more than ten powerful true gods and more than thirty demigods.

The overwhelming strength has caused countless evil spirits to die.

Many people finally showed a relieved smile.

But this time.

Moo.......-!! A roar shattered the sky, and the sound wave seemed to materialize, causing countless strong human beings to vomit blood.

It's the ancient reckless bull monster! Everyone was shocked, and then they remembered that no matter what the outcome of their battle with the evil spirits in the mountains, the final decision of the battle is at the top level of combat power! "Quick, all gods. Senior, hold on to this reckless bull monster, I have already asked the Empire for help, as long as we hold on to it for an hour, we can win!"

Half of his face was torn by a... fox demon, and the blood-drenched commander shouted with all his might.

His voice was already weak and close to death.

But the steely will of the soldier kept him going.

A strong man glanced at him.

Su Ya waved and scattered a cloud of white powder, when it touched the commander, his face instantly scabbed over, his weak body generated some strength, and the commander, who was on the verge of death, instantly regained his vitality.

"Hurry up! Seniors, don't let the bull monster approach the rift, otherwise it will swallow too much spiritual energy, and we will be finished!"

The commander did not care about his own situation, and still tried his best to shout.

But to his despair, the god-level powerhouses, for some unknown reason, just shook their heads lightly, ignoring the reckless bull monster who stepped on the ground and kept shaking and approached step by step.

"Don't worry, little brother."

An old voice came: "Get ready to order someone to clean up the battlefield, the mere bull monster, it's nothing."

What this sentence made countless human powerhouses stunned.

This is an ancient monster at the power level.

This is nothing. At this time, many people have no enemies under their hands, and almost all the ghosts and evil spirits have been bombed to scum. At this time, everyone turned their heads and looked at a group of god-level powerhouses, and their faces The ferocious, approaching bull monster, intends to see what these big bosses will do with this terrifying monster.



Everyone saw a scene that they will never forget.

I saw a meteor streak across the sky, the blazing light almost blinded everyone, it was a giant peak, nearly [-] meters high, the flames were transpiring, and the high temperature was hot.

The black-red magic flame is coquettish and evil.

Facing this giant mountain.

For the first time, the reckless bull monster, who had always been expressionless, showed a cautious look.


In the roar of the sky.

The huge beak of the bull monster, like, turned into an ancient sword, smashed the void, and stabbed into the sky.

The beak armor sword and the giant peak collided.

Bang!!! A loud noise.

In an instant.

The world is quiet.

Everyone's eyes widened in astonishment.

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