"For those...innocent lives, Jiang may not even take his life, I will be afraid of danger!!"


Hear his grief.

Zhang Sanfeng's body trembled.

He felt infinite righteousness, felt Jiang Che's righteousness, and he felt guilty for his previous thoughts.

"I'm sorry... Lao Jiang..."

Jiang Che just waved his hand indifferently: "Don't say that these are useless, tell me now, where is Lancheng, where is the third forbidden place, are there really thousands of ghosts there? It's not too big to take a beating"

Zhang Sanfeng was stunned.

What are you.... just ask.

What a drool!

Chapter [-] Shanhaika

After confirming the location of Lancheng, Jiang Che stepped out of the helicopter, spread a pair of three-color wings that were nearly ten feet tall, rose up against the wind, and headed to the city alone, while the rest of the group went to the city separately. Nearby city rescue.

This time, many demons, ghosts and monsters stuck at their peaks have broken through to reach the level of gods and even the level of powerhouses. There are even countless remnants of ghosts, ordinary animals, mutated into monster corpses, and corpses into zombies... ... Coupled with the retreat of the most powerful human beings, the entire Hualong Empire, and even all parts of the world, are suffering from a great disaster.

at this time.

The strong team that sealed the rift in the Qinling Mountains is... a force that cannot be ignored.

Their mission is... Before a large number of the elites in the empire are in retreat, they can stabilize their own strength and save as many cities as possible, relieve the pressure on the local troops, and save as many people as possible before they can take action.

above the sky.

Jiang Che opened the panel and took advantage of the gaps in his journey to summarize the gains of the past few days.


Billion [functions]: draw cards, strengthen, select, merge [extraordinary beast cards]: Zhuanxu Manghuang, Chiyou Shenzang, Taifeng Shenzang, nine-tailed fox gold, ... [Items]: copper hammer, void battle Boots, Dragon Bone Armor, Soul Locking Nail, Yin-Yang Umbrella, World-Destroying Black Lotus,... [Ability]: Black Shadow, Devour, Yanshan Zhen, Yukong, Evolution Ability: 33%, Great Seal of Heaven, Crow Soul Eater Soul Power: 17, Fire Mastery, Longevity 50.

Wannian, Black Flame Realm, Chaos and Berserk, Power of Origin Devouring Dark Origin: 30 Thunder Origin: 12 Earth Origin: 11 Wind Origin: ... [Beast Soul]: Xingtian Obsidian, Kuafu Obsidian [Origin Power of Power: Gonggong Obsidian got on the helicopter just now, and Jiang Che had let the system absorb the pile of soul crystals donated by Lei Huang. The quality was terrifyingly high, and it directly brought him nearly [-] million energy.

And Jiang Che's energy also broke through the one billion mark! It directly opened the extraction authority of the next-quality exotic beast card.

The card of the next level is called the Shanhai Card.

The effect is also very simple.

A brief incarnation of a strange beast from the mountains and seas—the main body! Jiang Che's eyes gleamed with brilliance, and he did not expect that he would acquire a card of this level so quickly.

What a terrifying power to directly incarnate into the body of a mountain, sea, and exotic beast! Jiang Che didn't even dare to use this exotic beast card on the earth, he was afraid that once he appeared, the earth would collapse.

After all, a drop of water in the Mountains and Seas era can kill the most powerful people now, and once the all-powerful creatures in that era appeared, they might not be able to withstand the laws of the earth today.

However, the Shanhai card also has a lot of limitations.


There is a huge danger in extracting the Shanhai card! The system prompts.

[Please be sure to make all preparations for the extraction of Shanhai Cards] The second point.

The duration of the mountain card.

Only three breaths.

Even for a battle at the level of the upper god, the three-breath time is indeed shorter.

If it is a battle between two evenly matched upper gods, it is normal to fight for a few hundred breaths.

That is to say, although the Shanhaika is strong, it can only be used at critical moments, when unexpectedly, it will explode in an instant and attack the opponent.

"A full billion energy draws a card, but can only use three 3 breaths"

Jiang Che frowned: "This is too extravagant."

"But if it really is the body of a mountain, sea, and exotic beast, then it makes sense. After all, this kind of power must be terrifyingly powerful. Even three breaths of time are enough to kill some terrifying enemies."

He thought for a few seconds and then figured it out.

The system has always been childlike.

Since time only has three breaths.

That would further illustrate that the body and strength of the mountain and sea bosses are really terrifyingly powerful, and I am afraid they can slay all the great enemies.

"And the Shanhai card is not the apex of the exotic beast card."

Jiang Che's eyes flashed.

Ten billion alien cards.

I don't know how powerful it will be, even if the strength level remains the same, it is still the incarnation of the body of a mountain, sea, and strange beast. If you only need to increase the maintenance time by twenty breaths, it will be a qualitative change for the improvement of his combat power.

Because of the three 3 breaths, the ultimate move of some mountain and sea powerhouses cannot be brewed at all.

Therefore, although the Shanhai card stated on the surface that it controls the body of the mountain and sea exotic beasts, in fact, it can only be regarded as a castrated version. Jiang Che estimated that it would be in the true sense to obtain [-] billion exotic beast cards. Incarnate into a beast of mountains and seas.

"This time, I'll go back to Longquan Mountain, draw mountain and sea cards, settle down with good friends and relatives, bring Su Xuanxuan to the major forbidden areas, and finally go directly to the northwest crack and step into the world of ghosts."

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