Jiang Che muttered to himself, making plans for the next trip.

There are currently two upgrades to the system.

It can be completed in ten days and one month respectively. His leveling road, the earth, can no longer be satisfied. Only the world of powerful gods like the False God Realm is a better choice.

Moreover, Jiang Che also had a sense of crisis.

He needs to become stronger! Become stronger! Candle Dragon can rebuild the earth from a world of mountains and seas that was crushed into dust, and develop it into a world that is only one step away from the world of gods.

During this period of time, those... once peerless enemies will definitely not be idle.

A powerful enemy is reviving every moment.

Jiang Che understood that his time was really running out.

"As long as I get enough energy, I can do the throne of God, and if the immortal descends to the world, I will hammer him to call him Dad!"

His eyes flashed.

Now sitting on more than one billion energy, it seems a lot, but in fact it is not enough, far from enough, compared to those... peerless enemies.

Swipe! The huge feathers fluttered, the wind howled, Jiang Che's speed increased sharply, and disappeared into the sky...  

the other side.


The second largest city in Peiping, with a population of more than two million, ranks among the top ten in the empire in terms of economic development. It has advanced technology and complete facilities. There are a full twelve subway lines.

But now, this modern city has long been devastated and ravaged by demons.

Call it it.

living hell.

Chapter [-] Zhou Li

A strange layer of white mist shrouded the entire Lan City.

Everything here is turned upside down.

The dead receive their relatives, the yin gods are sacrificed, the living are put into coffins, and the weasels are banned... All kinds of terrifying disasters have occurred in every corner of the city. Reality - ghost dolls, headless girls, red dresses, dead elevators, dark cars, ghosts hitting the door... The cruelty in everyone's heart was provoked.

Not only the mutilation of ghosts, but also serial murderers appear in every corner of the city to commit crimes.


became the main theme of the city.

The new grievances will turn into ghosts again, and there will be fewer and fewer living people, and more and more harmful things.

It's almost like a complete ghost town.

The northern suburbs of the city.

An apartment building.

This kind of apartment built on the outskirts is populated by young office workers.

The commute to and from get off work every day, four or five hours, is something not everyone can bear, and only contemporary social animals can barely endure it.

Building 905.

A young talent in shorts reads the news on the computer.

"Gan! Is it so scary?"

The young man took a mouthful of instant noodles and looked at the... bloody and brutal pictures on the computer, he couldn't help shivering: "Fortunately, fortunately, Lancheng is a pure land for the time being, thanks to the twelve holy monks. what!"

"Alas, it's a pity other compatriots, I don't know if there is a high-level protection."

A sigh appeared in the young man's eyes.

Seeing his compatriots being slaughtered, he clenched his fists tightly, and his heart was full of resentment.

Not all people are psychological, perverted, and feel that the death of their own kind is a good thing.

The news in front of the young people reported the scenes of people in other cities being slaughtered and tortured by demons.

And the picture of the strong coping with the tricky situation.

There is also a video, in the picture, a lotus flower blooms behind the head, golden light, Buddha-like monks, standing on the top of the highest mountain in Lancheng, overlooking the Quartet, guarding all evils.

There are all kinds of ferocious monsters in the wild, unable to enter.

This news comes from the Lan City government, and it is highly credible. Many Lan City residents are relieved, it seems that they have been sheltered by experts.

And what no one knows is.

The Lan city government at this time.

A ghost king with a dark face, sitting on the throne of white bones, with a cold face.

In front of it, dozens of staff members who were in miserable state of death were operating the computer with stiff limbs, releasing one after another fake news.

[Lancheng is safe, don't worry, gentlemen!] [Major news, the twelve holy monks killed a ghost, countless demons escaped, you can travel safely!] [Very safe, don't worry] And another scene in the camera It does exist.

But it's different from the video.

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